Class PublicBlueprint (0.1.1)

PublicBlueprint(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A Blueprint contains a collection of kubernetes resources in the form of YAML files. The file contents of a blueprint are collectively known as package. Public blueprint is a TNA provided blueprint that in present in TNA's public catalog. A user can copy the public blueprint to their private catalog for further modifications.


name str
Name of the public blueprint.
display_name str
The display name of the public blueprint.
description str
The description of the public blueprint.
DeploymentLevel of a blueprint signifies where the blueprint will be applied. e.g. [HYDRATION, DEPLOYMENT]
source_provider str
Source provider is the author of a public blueprint. e.g. Google, vendors




DeploymentLevel of a blueprint signifies where the blueprint will be applied.

Values: DEPLOYMENT_LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED (0): Default unspecified deployment level. HYDRATION (1): Blueprints at HYDRATION level cannot be used to create a Deployment (A user cannot manually initate deployment of these blueprints on orchestration or workload cluster). These blueprints stay in a user's private catalog and are configured and deployed by TNA automation. DEPLOYMENT (2): Blueprints at DEPLOYMENT level can be a) Modified in private catalog. b) Used to create a deployment on orchestration cluster by the user, once approved.