Class OrganizationImpact (0.1.5)

OrganizationImpact(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Represents impact to assets at organizational level. It is a read-only view and does not allow any modifications.


Name Description
name str
Output only. Identifier. Unique name of the organization impact in this scope including organization and location using the form organizations/{organization_id}/locations/{location}/organizationImpacts/{organization_impact_id}. organization_id - ID (number) of the organization that contains the event. To get your organization_id, see `Getting your organization resource ID
events MutableSequence[str]
Output only. A list of event names impacting the asset.
Output only. Google Cloud asset possibly impacted by the specified events.
update_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Output only. The time when the affected project was last modified.