Class RunQueryResponse (2.4.0)

RunQueryResponse(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

The response for Firestore.RunQuery][google.firestore.v1.Firestore.RunQuery].


transaction bytes
The transaction that was started as part of this request. Can only be set in the first response, and only if RunQueryRequest.new_transaction][google.firestore.v1.RunQueryRequest.new_transaction] was set in the request. If set, no other fields will be set in this response.
A query result, not set when reporting partial progress.
read_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
The time at which the document was read. This may be monotonically increasing; in this case, the previous documents in the result stream are guaranteed not to have changed between their read_time and this one. If the query returns no results, a response with read_time and no document will be sent, and this represents the time at which the query was run.
skipped_results int
The number of results that have been skipped due to an offset between the last response and the current response.