API documentation for essential_contacts_v1.types
Request message for the ComputeContacts method. .. attribute:: parent
Required. The name of the resource to compute contacts for. Format: organizations/{organization_id}, folders/{folder_id} or projects/{project_id}
:type: str
Response message for the ComputeContacts method. .. attribute:: contacts
All contacts for the resource that are subscribed to the specified notification categories, including contacts inherited from any parent resources.
:type: Sequence[google.cloud.essential_contacts_v1.types.Contact]
A contact that will receive notifications from Google Cloud. .. attribute:: name
The identifier for the contact. Format: {resource_type}/{resource_id}/contacts/{contact_id}
:type: str
Request message for the CreateContact method. .. attribute:: parent
Required. The resource to save this contact for. Format: organizations/{organization_id}, folders/{folder_id} or projects/{project_id}
:type: str
Request message for the DeleteContact method. .. attribute:: name
Required. The name of the contact to delete. Format: organizations/{organization_id}/contacts/{contact_id}, folders/{folder_id}/contacts/{contact_id} or projects/{project_id}/contacts/{contact_id}
:type: str
Request message for the GetContact method. .. attribute:: name
Required. The name of the contact to retrieve. Format: organizations/{organization_id}/contacts/{contact_id}, folders/{folder_id}/contacts/{contact_id} or projects/{project_id}/contacts/{contact_id}
:type: str
Request message for the ListContacts method. .. attribute:: parent
Required. The parent resource name. Format: organizations/{organization_id}, folders/{folder_id} or projects/{project_id}
:type: str
Response message for the ListContacts method. .. attribute:: contacts
The contacts for the specified resource.
:type: Sequence[google.cloud.essential_contacts_v1.types.Contact]
Request message for the SendTestMessage method. .. attribute:: contacts
Required. The list of names of the contacts to send a test message to. Format: organizations/{organization_id}/contacts/{contact_id}, folders/{folder_id}/contacts/{contact_id} or projects/{project_id}/contacts/{contact_id}
:type: Sequence[str]
Request message for the UpdateContact method. .. attribute:: contact
Required. The contact resource to replace the existing saved contact. Note: the email address of the contact cannot be modified.