Class State (2.35.0)


The possible states of the processor.


Name Description
STATE_UNSPECIFIED The processor is in an unspecified state.
ENABLED The processor is enabled, i.e., has an enabled version which can currently serve processing requests and all the feature dependencies have been successfully initialized.
DISABLED The processor is disabled.
ENABLING The processor is being enabled, will become `ENABLED` if successful.
DISABLING The processor is being disabled, will become `DISABLED` if successful.
CREATING The processor is being created, will become either `ENABLED` (for successful creation) or `FAILED` (for failed ones). Once a processor is in this state, it can then be used for document processing, but the feature dependencies of the processor might not be fully created yet.
FAILED The processor failed during creation or initialization of feature dependencies. The user should delete the processor and recreate one as all the functionalities of the processor are disabled.
DELETING The processor is being deleted, will be removed if successful.