Class Entity (0.1.0)

Entity(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A phrase in the text that is a known entity type, such as a person, an organization, or location.


text_anchor .document.Document.TextAnchor
Provenance of the entity. Text anchor indexing into the Document.text.
type str
Entity type from a schema e.g. Address.
mention_text str
Text value in the document e.g. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy.
mention_id str
Deprecated. Use id field instead.
confidence float
Optional. Confidence of detected Schema entity. Range [0, 1].
page_anchor .document.Document.PageAnchor
Optional. Represents the provenance of this entity wrt. the location on the page where it was found.
id str
Optional. Canonical id. This will be a unique value in the entity list for this document.
bounding_poly_for_demo_frontend .geometry.BoundingPoly
Optional. Temporary field to store the bounding poly for short-term POCs. Used by the frontend only. Do not use before you talk to ybo@ and lukasr@.




Delete the value on the given field.

This is generally equivalent to setting a falsy value.



Return True if the messages are equal, False otherwise.



Return True if the messages are unequal, False otherwise.


__setattr__(key, value)

Set the value on the given field.

For well-known protocol buffer types which are marshalled, either the protocol buffer object or the Python equivalent is accepted.