Class Likelihood (3.24.0)


Coarse-grained confidence level of how well a particular finding satisfies the criteria to match a particular infoType.

Likelihood is calculated based on the number of signals a finding has that implies that the finding matches the infoType. For example, a string that has an '@' and a '.com' is more likely to be a match for an email address than a string that only has an '@'.

In general, the highest likelihood level has the strongest signals that indicate a match. That is, a finding with a high likelihood has a low chance of being a false positive.

For more information about each likelihood level and how likelihood works, see Match likelihood <>__.


Name Description
VERY_UNLIKELY Highest chance of a false positive.
UNLIKELY High chance of a false positive.
POSSIBLE Some matching signals. The default value.
LIKELY Low chance of a false positive.
VERY_LIKELY Confidence level is high. Lowest chance of a false positive.