Class TaggedField (3.0.1)

TaggedField(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A column with a semantic tag attached.


field .storage.FieldId
Required. Identifies the column.
info_type .storage.InfoType
A column can be tagged with a InfoType to use the relevant public dataset as a statistical model of population, if available. We currently support US ZIP codes, region codes, ages and genders. To programmatically obtain the list of supported InfoTypes, use ListInfoTypes with the supported_by=RISK_ANALYSIS filter.
custom_tag str
A column can be tagged with a custom tag. In this case, the user must indicate an auxiliary table that contains statistical information on the possible values of this column (below).
inferred .empty.Empty
If no semantic tag is indicated, we infer the statistical model from the distribution of values in the input data