Class ListDlpJobsRequest (3.0.1)

ListDlpJobsRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

The request message for listing DLP jobs.


parent str
Required. Parent resource name. The format of this value varies depending on whether you have `specified a processing location
filter str
Allows filtering. Supported syntax: - Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. - Restrictions can be combined by AND or OR logical operators. A sequence of restrictions implicitly uses AND. - A restriction has the form of {field} {operator} {value}. - Supported fields/values for inspect jobs: - state - PENDING|RUNNING|CANCELED|FINISHED|FAILED - inspected_storage - DATASTORE|CLOUD_STORAGE|BIGQUERY - trigger_name - The resource name of the trigger that created job. - 'end_time\` - Corresponds to time the job finished. - 'start_time\` - Corresponds to time the job finished. - Supported fields for risk analysis jobs: - state - RUNNING|CANCELED|FINISHED|FAILED - 'end_time\` - Corresponds to time the job finished. - 'start_time\` - Corresponds to time the job finished. - The operator must be = or !=. Examples: - inspected_storage = cloud_storage AND state = done - inspected_storage = cloud_storage OR inspected_storage = bigquery - inspected_storage = cloud_storage AND (state = done OR state = canceled) - end_time > "2017-12-12T00:00:00+00:00" The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.
page_size int
The standard list page size.
page_token str
The standard list page token.
type_ .dlp.DlpJobType
The type of job. Defaults to DlpJobType.INSPECT
order_by str
Comma separated list of fields to order by, followed by asc or desc postfix. This list is case-insensitive, default sorting order is ascending, redundant space characters are insignificant. Example: name asc, end_time asc, create_time desc Supported fields are: - create_time: corresponds to time the job was created. - end_time: corresponds to time the job ended. - name: corresponds to job's name. - state: corresponds to state
location_id str
Deprecated. This field has no effect.