Class MediaRecommendationEngineConfig (0.13.6)

    mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs

Additional config specs for a Media Recommendation engine.


Name Description
type_ str
Required. The type of engine. e.g., recommended-for-you. This field together with optimization_objective][Engine.optimization_objective] describe engine metadata to use to control engine training and serving. Currently supported values: recommended-for-you, others-you-may-like, more-like-this, most-popular-items.
optimization_objective str
The optimization objective. e.g., cvr. This field together with optimization_objective describe engine metadata to use to control engine training and serving. Currently supported values: ctr, cvr. If not specified, we choose default based on engine type. Default depends on type of recommendation: recommended-for-you => ctr others-you-may-like => ctr
Name and value of the custom threshold for cvr optimization_objective. For target_field watch-time, target_field_value must be an integer value indicating the media progress time in seconds between (0, 86400] (excludes 0, includes 86400) (e.g., 90). For target_field watch-percentage, the target_field_value must be a valid float value between (0, 1.0] (excludes 0, includes 1.0) (e.g., 0.5).
The training state that the engine is in (e.g. TRAINING or PAUSED). Since part of the cost of running the service is frequency of training - this can be used to determine when to train engine in order to control cost. If not specified: the default value for CreateEngine method is TRAINING. The default value for UpdateEngine method is to keep the state the same as before.



OptimizationObjectiveConfig(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Custom threshold for cvr optimization_objective.



The training state of the engine.