Class InputAudioConfig (0.7.2)

Instructs the speech recognizer how to process the audio content.

Required. Sample rate (in Hertz) of the audio content sent in the query. Refer to Cloud Speech API documentation <>__ for more details.

Optional. A list of strings containing words and phrases that the speech recognizer should recognize with higher likelihood. See the Cloud Speech documentation < hints>__ for more details.

Optional. If false (default), recognition does not cease until the client closes the stream. If true, the recognizer will detect a single spoken utterance in input audio. Recognition ceases when it detects the audio's voice has stopped or paused. In this case, once a detected intent is received, the client should close the stream and start a new request with a new stream as needed. Note: This setting is relevant only for streaming methods. Note: When specified, InputAudioConfig.single_utterance takes precedence over StreamingDetectIntentRequest.single_utterance.