Class ListEntriesRequest (1.13.0)

ListEntriesRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)


Name Description
parent str
Required. The resource name of the parent Entry Group: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/entryGroups/{entry_group}.
page_token str
Optional. The pagination token returned by a previous request.
filter str
Optional. A filter on the entries to return. Filters are case-sensitive. The request can be filtered by the following fields: entry_type, display_name. The comparison operators are =, !=, <,>, <=,>= (strings are compared according to lexical order) The logical operators AND, OR, NOT can be used in the filter. Example filter expressions: "display_name=AnExampleDisplayName" "entry_type=projects/example-project/locations/global/entryTypes/example-entry_type" "entry_type=projects/a\* OR "entry_type=projects/k*" "NOT display_name=AnotherExampleDisplayName".