Class ConfidenceMetricsEntry (1.10.4)

ConfidenceMetricsEntry(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)


Name Description
confidence_threshold float
Threshold used for this entry. For classification tasks, this is a classification threshold: a predicted label is categorized as positive or negative (in the context of this point on the PR curve) based on whether the label's score meets this threshold. For image object detection (bounding box) tasks, this is the [intersection-over-union (IOU)](/vision/automl/object-detection/docs/evaluate#intersection-over-union) threshold for the context of this point on the PR curve.
recall float
Recall value.
precision float
Precision value.
f1_score float
Harmonic mean of recall and precision.
recall_at1 float
Recall value for entries with label that has highest score.
precision_at1 float
Precision value for entries with label that has highest score.
f1_score_at1 float
The harmonic mean of recall_at1 and precision_at1.
recall_at5 float
Recall value for entries with label that has highest 5 scores.
precision_at5 float
Precision value for entries with label that has highest 5 scores.
f1_score_at5 float
The harmonic mean of recall_at5 and precision_at5.