Class UpdateEnvironmentRequest (1.4.3)

UpdateEnvironmentRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Update an environment.


name str
The relative resource name of the environment to update, in the form: "projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/environments/{environmentId}".
A patch environment. Fields specified by the ``updateMask`` will be copied from the patch environment into the environment under update.
update_mask google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask
Required. A comma-separated list of paths, relative to ``Environment``, of fields to update. For example, to set the version of scikit-learn to install in the environment to 0.19.0 and to remove an existing installation of argparse, the ``updateMask`` parameter would include the following two ``paths`` values: "config.softwareConfig.pypiPackages.scikit-learn" and "config.softwareConfig.pypiPackages.argparse". The included patch environment would specify the scikit-learn version as follows: :: { "config":{ "softwareConfig":{ "pypiPackages":{ "scikit-learn":"==0.19.0" } } } } Note that in the above example, any existing PyPI packages other than scikit-learn and argparse will be unaffected. Only one update type may be included in a single request's ``updateMask``. For example, one cannot update both the PyPI packages and labels in the same request. However, it is possible to update multiple members of a map field simultaneously in the same request. For example, to set the labels "label1" and "label2" while clearing "label3" (assuming it already exists), one can provide the paths "labels.label1", "labels.label2", and "labels.label3" and populate the patch environment as follows: :: { "labels":{ "label1":"new-label1-value" "label2":"new-label2-value" } } Note that in the above example, any existing labels that are not included in the ``updateMask`` will be unaffected. It is also possible to replace an entire map field by providing the map field's path in the ``updateMask``. The new value of the field will be that which is provided in the patch environment. For example, to delete all pre-existing user-specified PyPI packages and install botocore at version 1.7.14, the ``updateMask`` would contain the path "config.softwareConfig.pypiPackages", and the patch environment would be the following: :: { "config":{ "softwareConfig":{ "pypiPackages":{ "botocore":"==1.7.14" } } } } **Note:** Only the following fields can be updated: - ``config.softwareConfig.pypiPackages`` - Replace all custom custom PyPI packages. If a replacement package map is not included in ``environment``, all custom PyPI packages are cleared. It is an error to provide both this mask and a mask specifying an individual package. - ``config.softwareConfig.pypiPackages.``\ packagename - Update the custom PyPI package *packagename*, preserving other packages. To delete the package, include it in ``updateMask``, and omit the mapping for it in ``environment.config.softwareConfig.pypiPackages``. It is an error to provide both a mask of this form and the ``config.softwareConfig.pypiPackages`` mask. - ``labels`` - Replace all environment labels. If a replacement labels map is not included in ``environment``, all labels are cleared. It is an error to provide both this mask and a mask specifying one or more individual labels. - ``labels.``\ labelName - Set the label named *labelName*, while preserving other labels. To delete the label, include it in ``updateMask`` and omit its mapping in ``environment.labels``. It is an error to provide both a mask of this form and the ``labels`` mask. - ``config.nodeCount`` - Horizontally scale the number of nodes in the environment. An integer greater than or equal to 3 must be provided in the ``config.nodeCount`` field. \* ``config.webServerNetworkAccessControl`` - Replace the environment's current WebServerNetworkAccessControl. - ``config.softwareConfig.airflowConfigOverrides`` - Replace all Apache Airflow config overrides. If a replacement config overrides map is not included in ``environment``, all config overrides are cleared. It is an error to provide both this mask and a mask specifying one or more individual config overrides. - ``config.softwareConfig.airflowConfigOverrides.``\ section-name - Override the Apache Airflow config property *name* in the section named *section*, preserving other properties. To delete the property override, include it in ``updateMask`` and omit its mapping in ``environment.config.softwareConfig.airflowConfigOverrides``. It is an error to provide both a mask of this form and the ``config.softwareConfig.airflowConfigOverrides`` mask. - ``config.softwareConfig.envVariables`` - Replace all environment variables. If a replacement environment variable map is not included in ``environment``, all custom environment variables are cleared. It is an error to provide both this mask and a mask specifying one or more individual environment variables. - ``config.softwareConfig.imageVersion`` - Upgrade the version of the environment in-place. Refer to ``SoftwareConfig.image_version`` for information on how to format the new image version. Additionally, the new image version cannot effect a version downgrade and must match the current image version's Composer major version and Airflow major and minor versions. Consult the `Cloud Composer Version List


builtins.object > proto.message.Message > UpdateEnvironmentRequest