Class LoadSnapshotRequest (1.14.0)

LoadSnapshotRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request to load a snapshot into a Cloud Composer environment.


Name Description
environment str
The resource name of the target environment in the form: "projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/environments/{environmentId}".
snapshot_path str
A Cloud Storage path to a snapshot to load, e.g.: "gs://my-bucket/snapshots/project_location_environment_timestamp".
skip_pypi_packages_installation bool
Whether or not to skip installing Pypi packages when loading the environment's state.
skip_environment_variables_setting bool
Whether or not to skip setting environment variables when loading the environment's state.
skip_airflow_overrides_setting bool
Whether or not to skip setting Airflow overrides when loading the environment's state.
skip_gcs_data_copying bool
Whether or not to skip copying Cloud Storage data when loading the environment's state.