Class State (1.10.1)


Valid states of a Rollout.

Values: STATE_UNSPECIFIED (0): The Rollout has an unspecified state. SUCCEEDED (1): The Rollout has completed successfully. FAILED (2): The Rollout has failed. IN_PROGRESS (3): The Rollout is being deployed. PENDING_APPROVAL (4): The Rollout needs approval. APPROVAL_REJECTED (5): An approver rejected the Rollout. PENDING (6): The Rollout is waiting for an earlier Rollout(s) to complete on this Target. PENDING_RELEASE (7): The Rollout is waiting for the Release to be fully rendered. CANCELLING (8): The Rollout is in the process of being cancelled. CANCELLED (9): The Rollout has been cancelled. HALTED (10): The Rollout is halted.