Class NetworkConfig (3.30.0)

NetworkConfig(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Defines the network configuration for the pool.


Name Description
peered_network str
Required. Immutable. The network definition that the workers are peered to. If this section is left empty, the workers will be peered to WorkerPool.project_id on the service producer network. Must be in the format projects/{project}/global/networks/{network}, where {project} is a project number, such as 12345, and {network} is the name of a VPC network in the project. See `Understanding network configuration options
Option to configure network egress for the workers.
peered_network_ip_range str
Immutable. Subnet IP range within the peered network. This is specified in CIDR notation with a slash and the subnet prefix size. You can optionally specify an IP address before the subnet prefix value. e.g. would specify an IP range starting at with a prefix size of 29 bits. /16 would specify a prefix size of 16 bits, with an automatically determined IP within the peered VPC. If unspecified, a value of /24 will be used.




Defines the egress option for the pool.