Class Cell (2.23.1)

    value: bytes,
    row_key: bytes,
    family: str,
    qualifier: bytes | str,
    timestamp_micros: int,
    labels: typing.Optional[list[str]] = None,

Model class for cell data

Does not represent all data contained in the cell, only data returned by a query. Expected to be read-only to users, and written by backend



    value: bytes,
    row_key: bytes,
    family: str,
    qualifier: bytes | str,
    timestamp_micros: int,
    labels: typing.Optional[list[str]] = None,

Cell constructor

Cell objects are not intended to be constructed by users. They are returned by the Bigtable backend.


__eq__(other) -> bool

Implements == operator



Implements hash() function to fingerprint cell


__int__() -> int

Allows casting cell to int Interprets value as a 64-bit big-endian signed integer, as expected by ReadModifyWrite increment rule


__lt__(other) -> bool

Implements < operator


__ne__(other) -> bool

Implements != operator



Returns a string representation of the cell


__str__() -> str

Allows casting cell to str Prints encoded byte string, same as printing value directly.