Class CommitmentPlan (1.10.0)


Commitment plan defines the current committed period. Capacity commitment cannot be deleted during it's committed period.

Values: COMMITMENT_PLAN_UNSPECIFIED (0): Invalid plan value. Requests with this value will be rejected with error code google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT. FLEX (3): Flex commitments have committed period of 1 minute after becoming ACTIVE. After that, they are not in a committed period anymore and can be removed any time. TRIAL (5): Trial commitments have a committed period of 182 days after becoming ACTIVE. After that, they are converted to a new commitment based on the renewal_plan. Default renewal_plan for Trial commitment is Flex so that it can be deleted right after committed period ends. MONTHLY (2): Monthly commitments have a committed period of 30 days after becoming ACTIVE. After that, they are not in a committed period anymore and can be removed any time. ANNUAL (4): Annual commitments have a committed period of 365 days after becoming ACTIVE. After that they are converted to a new commitment based on the renewal_plan.