Class Container (0.17.9)

Container(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Container runnable.


image_uri str
The URI to pull the container image from.
commands MutableSequence[str]
Overrides the CMD specified in the container. If there is an ENTRYPOINT (either in the container image or with the entrypoint field below) then commands are appended as arguments to the ENTRYPOINT.
entrypoint str
Overrides the ENTRYPOINT specified in the container.
volumes MutableSequence[str]
Volumes to mount (bind mount) from the host machine files or directories into the container, formatted to match docker run's --volume option, e.g. /foo:/bar, or /foo:/bar:ro If the TaskSpec.Volumes field is specified but this field is not, Batch will mount each volume from the host machine to the container with the same mount path by default. In this case, the default mount option for containers will be read-only (ro) for existing persistent disks and read-write (rw) for other volume types, regardless of the original mount options specified in TaskSpec.Volumes. If you need different mount settings, you can explicitly configure them in this field.
options str
Arbitrary additional options to include in the "docker run" command when running this container, e.g. "--network host".
block_external_network bool
If set to true, external network access to and from container will be blocked, containers that are with block_external_network as true can still communicate with each other, network cannot be specified in the container.options field.
username str
Optional username for logging in to a docker registry. If username matches projects/*/secrets/*/versions/* then Batch will read the username from the Secret Manager.
password str
Optional password for logging in to a docker registry. If password matches projects/*/secrets/*/versions/* then Batch will read the password from the Secret Manager;
enable_image_streaming bool
Optional. If set to true, this container runnable uses Image streaming. Use Image streaming to allow the runnable to initialize without waiting for the entire container image to download, which can significantly reduce startup time for large container images. When enableImageStreaming is set to true, the container runtime is containerd __ instead of Docker. Additionally, this container runnable only supports the following container subfields: imageUri, commands[], entrypoint, and volumes[]; any other container subfields are ignored. For more information about the requirements and limitations for using Image streaming with Batch, see the ``image-streaming` sample on GitHub