Class Instance (1.5.0)

Instance(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

An Instance resource is the computing unit that App Engine uses to automatically scale an application.


name str
Output only. Full path to the Instance resource in the API. Example: ``apps/myapp/services/default/versions/v1/instances/instance-1``.
id str
Output only. Relative name of the instance within the version. Example: ``instance-1``.
app_engine_release str
Output only. App Engine release this instance is running on.
Output only. Availability of the instance.
vm_name str
Output only. Name of the virtual machine where this instance lives. Only applicable for instances in App Engine flexible environment.
vm_zone_name str
Output only. Zone where the virtual machine is located. Only applicable for instances in App Engine flexible environment.
vm_id str
Output only. Virtual machine ID of this instance. Only applicable for instances in App Engine flexible environment.
start_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Output only. Time that this instance was started. @OutputOnly
requests int
Output only. Number of requests since this instance was started.
errors int
Output only. Number of errors since this instance was started.
qps float
Output only. Average queries per second (QPS) over the last minute.
average_latency int
Output only. Average latency (ms) over the last minute.
memory_usage int
Output only. Total memory in use (bytes).
vm_status str
Output only. Status of the virtual machine where this instance lives. Only applicable for instances in App Engine flexible environment.
vm_debug_enabled bool
Output only. Whether this instance is in debug mode. Only applicable for instances in App Engine flexible environment.
vm_ip str
Output only. The IP address of this instance. Only applicable for instances in App Engine flexible environment.
Output only. The liveness health check of this instance. Only applicable for instances in App Engine flexible environment.


builtins.object > proto.message.Message > Instance




Availability of the instance.


Liveness(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Wrapper for LivenessState enum.