Class AuthorizedCertificate (1.3.3)

AuthorizedCertificate(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

An SSL certificate that a user has been authorized to administer. A user is authorized to administer any certificate that applies to one of their authorized domains.


name str
Full path to the AuthorizedCertificate resource in the API. Example: apps/myapp/authorizedCertificates/12345. @OutputOnly
id str
Relative name of the certificate. This is a unique value autogenerated on AuthorizedCertificate resource creation. Example: 12345. @OutputOnly
display_name str
The user-specified display name of the certificate. This is not guaranteed to be unique. Example: My Certificate.
domain_names Sequence[str]
Topmost applicable domains of this certificate. This certificate applies to these domains and their subdomains. Example: @OutputOnly
expire_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
The time when this certificate expires. To update the renewal time on this certificate, upload an SSL certificate with a different expiration time using ``AuthorizedCertificates.UpdateAuthorizedCertificate <>__. @OutputOnly
The SSL certificate serving the AuthorizedCertificate resource. This must be obtained independently from a certificate authority.
Only applicable if this certificate is managed by App Engine. Managed certificates are tied to the lifecycle of a DomainMapping and cannot be updated or deleted via the AuthorizedCertificates API. If this certificate is manually administered by the user, this field will be empty. @OutputOnly
visible_domain_mappings Sequence[str]
The full paths to user visible Domain Mapping resources that have this certificate mapped. Example: apps/myapp/domainMappings/ This may not represent the full list of mapped domain mappings if the user does not have VIEWER permissions on all of the applications that have this certificate mapped. See domain_mappings_count for a complete count. Only returned by GET or LIST requests when specifically requested by the view=FULL_CERTIFICATE option. @OutputOnly
domain_mappings_count int
Aggregate count of the domain mappings with this certificate mapped. This count includes domain mappings on applications for which the user does not have VIEWER permissions. Only returned by GET or LIST requests when specifically requested by the view=FULL_CERTIFICATE option. @OutputOnly