Class Mode (1.49.0)


Function calling mode.

Values: MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Unspecified function calling mode. This value should not be used. AUTO (1): Default model behavior, model decides to predict either a function call or a natural language repspose. ANY (2): Model is constrained to always predicting a function call only. If "allowed_function_names" are set, the predicted function call will be limited to any one of "allowed_function_names", else the predicted function call will be any one of the provided "function_declarations". NONE (3): Model will not predict any function call. Model behavior is same as when not passing any function declarations.




Function calling mode.

Values: MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Unspecified function calling mode. This value should not be used. AUTO (1): Default model behavior, model decides to predict either a function call or a natural language repspose. ANY (2): Model is constrained to always predicting a function call only. If "allowed_function_names" are set, the predicted function call will be limited to any one of "allowed_function_names", else the predicted function call will be any one of the provided "function_declarations". NONE (3): Model will not predict any function call. Model behavior is same as when not passing any function declarations.