Class ImportFeatureValuesOperationMetadata (1.35.0)

    mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs

Details of operations that perform import Feature values.


Name Description
Operation metadata for Featurestore import Feature values.
imported_entity_count int
Number of entities that have been imported by the operation.
imported_feature_value_count int
Number of Feature values that have been imported by the operation.
source_uris MutableSequence[str]
The source URI from where Feature values are imported.
invalid_row_count int
The number of rows in input source that weren't imported due to either - Not having any featureValues. - Having a null entityId. - Having a null timestamp. - Not being parsable (applicable for CSV sources).
timestamp_outside_retention_rows_count int
The number rows that weren't ingested due to having timestamps outside the retention boundary.
blocking_operation_ids MutableSequence[int]
List of ImportFeatureValues operations running under a single EntityType that are blocking this operation.