Class ReadFeatureValuesRequest (1.16.1)

ReadFeatureValuesRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request message for FeaturestoreOnlineServingService.ReadFeatureValues.


Name Description
entity_type str
Required. The resource name of the EntityType for the entity being read. Value format: ``projects/{project}/locations/{location}/featurestores/{featurestore}/entityTypes/{entityType}``. For example, for a machine learning model predicting user clicks on a website, an EntityType ID could be ``user``.
entity_id str
Required. ID for a specific entity. For example, for a machine learning model predicting user clicks on a website, an entity ID could be ``user_123``.
Required. Selector choosing Features of the target EntityType.


builtins.object > proto.message.Message > ReadFeatureValuesRequest