Class Type (1.10.1)


Type of access justification.

Values: TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Default value for proto, shouldn't be used. CUSTOMER_INITIATED_SUPPORT (1): Customer made a request or raised an issue that required the principal to access customer data. detail is of the form ("#####" is the issue ID):

    -  "Feedback Report: #####"
    -  "Case Number: #####"
    -  "Case ID: #####"
    -  "E-PIN Reference: #####"
    -  "Google-#####"
    -  "T-#####".
    The principal accessed customer data in order
    to diagnose or resolve a suspected issue in
    services. Often this access is used to confirm
    that customers are not affected by a suspected
    service issue or to remediate a reversible
    system issue.
    Google initiated service for security, fraud,
    abuse, or compliance purposes.
    The principal was compelled to access
    customer data in order to respond to a legal
    third party data request or process, including
    legal processes from customers themselves.
    The principal accessed customer data in order
    to diagnose or resolve a suspected issue in
    services or a known outage.