Gravar no Pub/Sub Lite do Spark (streaming)

Grave mensagens em um tópico do Pub/Sub Lite de um cluster Spark no modo de streaming.

Mais informações

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Exemplo de código


Para autenticar no Pub/Sub Lite, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import array, create_map, col, lit, when
from pyspark.sql.types import BinaryType, StringType
import uuid

# TODO(developer):
# project_number = 11223344556677
# location = "us-central1-a"
# topic_id = "your-topic-id"

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("write-app").getOrCreate()

# Create a RateStreamSource that generates consecutive numbers with timestamps:
# |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
# |-- value: long (nullable = true)
sdf = spark.readStream.format("rate").option("rowsPerSecond", 1).load()

# Transform the dataframe to match the required data fields and data types:
sdf = (
    sdf.withColumn("key", lit("example").cast(BinaryType()))
    .withColumn("data", col("value").cast(StringType()).cast(BinaryType()))
    .withColumnRenamed("timestamp", "event_timestamp")
    # Populate the attributes field. For example, an even value will
    # have {"key1", [b"even"]}.
            array(when(col("value") % 2 == 0, b"even").otherwise(b"odd")),

# After the transformation, the schema of the dataframe should look like:
# |-- key: binary (nullable = false)
# |-- data: binary (nullable = true)
# |-- event_timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
# |-- attributes: map (nullable = false)
# |    |-- key: string
# |    |-- value: array (valueContainsNull = false)
# |    |    |-- element: binary (containsNull = false)

query = (
    # Required. Use a unique checkpoint location for each job.
    .option("checkpointLocation", "/tmp/app" + uuid.uuid4().hex)
    .trigger(processingTime="1 second")

# Wait 60 seconds to terminate the query.

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