Cloud Translation V3 Client - Class InputConfig (1.18.1)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Cloud Translation V3 Client class InputConfig.

Input configuration for BatchTranslateText request.

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Cloud \ Translate \ V3




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ mime_type string

Optional. Can be "text/plain" or "text/html". For .tsv, "text/html" is used if mime_type is missing. For .html, this field must be "text/html" or empty. For .txt, this field must be "text/plain" or empty.

↳ gcs_source Google\Cloud\Translate\V3\GcsSource

Required. Google Cloud Storage location for the source input. This can be a single file (for example, gs://translation-test/input.tsv) or a wildcard (for example, gs://translation-test/*). If a file extension is .tsv, it can contain either one or two columns. The first column (optional) is the id of the text request. If the first column is missing, we use the row number (0-based) from the input file as the ID in the output file. The second column is the actual text to be translated. We recommend each row be <= 10K Unicode codepoints, otherwise an error might be returned. Note that the input tsv must be RFC 4180 compliant. You could use to check potential formatting errors in your tsv file. csvlint --delimiter='\t' your_input_file.tsv The other supported file extensions are .txt or .html, which is treated as a single large chunk of text.


Optional. Can be "text/plain" or "text/html".

For .tsv, "text/html" is used if mime_type is missing. For .html, this field must be "text/html" or empty. For .txt, this field must be "text/plain" or empty.

Type Description


Optional. Can be "text/plain" or "text/html".

For .tsv, "text/html" is used if mime_type is missing. For .html, this field must be "text/html" or empty. For .txt, this field must be "text/plain" or empty.

Name Description
var string
Type Description


Required. Google Cloud Storage location for the source input.

This can be a single file (for example, gs://translation-test/input.tsv) or a wildcard (for example, gs://translation-test/*). If a file extension is .tsv, it can contain either one or two columns. The first column (optional) is the id of the text request. If the first column is missing, we use the row number (0-based) from the input file as the ID in the output file. The second column is the actual text to be translated. We recommend each row be <= 10K Unicode codepoints, otherwise an error might be returned. Note that the input tsv must be RFC 4180 compliant. You could use to check potential formatting errors in your tsv file. csvlint --delimiter='\t' your_input_file.tsv The other supported file extensions are .txt or .html, which is treated as a single large chunk of text.

Type Description



Required. Google Cloud Storage location for the source input.

This can be a single file (for example, gs://translation-test/input.tsv) or a wildcard (for example, gs://translation-test/*). If a file extension is .tsv, it can contain either one or two columns. The first column (optional) is the id of the text request. If the first column is missing, we use the row number (0-based) from the input file as the ID in the output file. The second column is the actual text to be translated. We recommend each row be <= 10K Unicode codepoints, otherwise an error might be returned. Note that the input tsv must be RFC 4180 compliant. You could use to check potential formatting errors in your tsv file. csvlint --delimiter='\t' your_input_file.tsv The other supported file extensions are .txt or .html, which is treated as a single large chunk of text.

Name Description
var Google\Cloud\Translate\V3\GcsSource
Type Description


Type Description