Cloud Translation V3 Client - Class GlossaryInputConfig (1.12.12)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Cloud Translation V3 Client class GlossaryInputConfig.

Input configuration for glossaries.

Generated from protobuf message




data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ gcs_source Google\Cloud\Translate\V3\GcsSource

Required. Google Cloud Storage location of glossary data. File format is determined based on the filename extension. API returns [google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT] for unsupported URI-s and file formats. Wildcards are not allowed. This must be a single file in one of the following formats: For unidirectional glossaries: - TSV/CSV (.tsv/.csv): 2 column file, tab- or comma-separated. The first column is source text. The second column is target text. The file must not contain headers. That is, the first row is data, not column names. - TMX (.tmx): TMX file with parallel data defining source/target term pairs. For equivalent term sets glossaries: - CSV (.csv): Multi-column CSV file defining equivalent glossary terms in multiple languages. See documentation for more information - glossaries.


Required. Google Cloud Storage location of glossary data.

File format is determined based on the filename extension. API returns [google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT] for unsupported URI-s and file formats. Wildcards are not allowed. This must be a single file in one of the following formats: For unidirectional glossaries:

  • TSV/CSV (.tsv/.csv): 2 column file, tab- or comma-separated. The first column is source text. The second column is target text. The file must not contain headers. That is, the first row is data, not column names.
  • TMX (.tmx): TMX file with parallel data defining source/target term pairs. For equivalent term sets glossaries:
  • CSV (.csv): Multi-column CSV file defining equivalent glossary terms in multiple languages. See documentation for more information - glossaries.



Required. Google Cloud Storage location of glossary data.

File format is determined based on the filename extension. API returns [google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT] for unsupported URI-s and file formats. Wildcards are not allowed. This must be a single file in one of the following formats: For unidirectional glossaries:

  • TSV/CSV (.tsv/.csv): 2 column file, tab- or comma-separated. The first column is source text. The second column is target text. The file must not contain headers. That is, the first row is data, not column names.
  • TMX (.tmx): TMX file with parallel data defining source/target term pairs. For equivalent term sets glossaries:
  • CSV (.csv): Multi-column CSV file defining equivalent glossary terms in multiple languages. See documentation for more information - glossaries.
var Google\Cloud\Translate\V3\GcsSource

