Data Loss Prevention V2 Client - Class CharacterMaskConfig (2.1.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Data Loss Prevention V2 Client class CharacterMaskConfig.

Partially mask a string by replacing a given number of characters with a fixed character. Masking can start from the beginning or end of the string.

This can be used on data of any type (numbers, longs, and so on) and when de-identifying structured data we'll attempt to preserve the original data's type. (This allows you to take a long like 123 and modify it to a string like **3.

Generated from protobuf message google.privacy.dlp.v2.CharacterMaskConfig


Google \ Cloud \ Dlp \ V2




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ masking_character string

Character to use to mask the sensitive values—for example, * for an alphabetic string such as a name, or 0 for a numeric string such as ZIP code or credit card number. This string must have a length of 1. If not supplied, this value defaults to * for strings, and 0 for digits.

↳ number_to_mask int

Number of characters to mask. If not set, all matching chars will be masked. Skipped characters do not count towards this tally. If number_to_mask is negative, this denotes inverse masking. Cloud DLP masks all but a number of characters. For example, suppose you have the following values: - masking_character is * - number_to_mask is -4 - reverse_order is false - CharsToIgnore includes - - Input string is 1234-5678-9012-3456 The resulting de-identified string is ****-****-****-3456. Cloud DLP masks all but the last four characters. If reverse_order is true, all but the first four characters are masked as 1234-****-****-****.

↳ reverse_order bool

Mask characters in reverse order. For example, if masking_character is 0, number_to_mask is 14, and reverse_order is false, then the input string 1234-5678-9012-3456 is masked as 00000000000000-3456. If masking_character is *, number_to_mask is 3, and reverse_order is true, then the string 12345 is masked as 12***.

↳ characters_to_ignore array<Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CharsToIgnore>

When masking a string, items in this list will be skipped when replacing characters. For example, if the input string is 555-555-5555 and you instruct Cloud DLP to skip - and mask 5 characters with *, Cloud DLP returns ***-**5-5555.


Character to use to mask the sensitive values—for example, * for an alphabetic string such as a name, or 0 for a numeric string such as ZIP code or credit card number. This string must have a length of 1. If not supplied, this value defaults to * for strings, and 0 for digits.

Type Description


Character to use to mask the sensitive values—for example, * for an alphabetic string such as a name, or 0 for a numeric string such as ZIP code or credit card number. This string must have a length of 1. If not supplied, this value defaults to * for strings, and 0 for digits.

Name Description
var string
Type Description


Number of characters to mask. If not set, all matching chars will be masked. Skipped characters do not count towards this tally.

If number_to_mask is negative, this denotes inverse masking. Cloud DLP masks all but a number of characters. For example, suppose you have the following values:

  • masking_character is *
  • number_to_mask is -4
  • reverse_order is false
  • CharsToIgnore includes -
  • Input string is 1234-5678-9012-3456 The resulting de-identified string is ****-****-****-3456. Cloud DLP masks all but the last four characters. If reverse_order is true, all but the first four characters are masked as 1234-****-****-****.
Type Description


Number of characters to mask. If not set, all matching chars will be masked. Skipped characters do not count towards this tally.

If number_to_mask is negative, this denotes inverse masking. Cloud DLP masks all but a number of characters. For example, suppose you have the following values:

  • masking_character is *
  • number_to_mask is -4
  • reverse_order is false
  • CharsToIgnore includes -
  • Input string is 1234-5678-9012-3456 The resulting de-identified string is ****-****-****-3456. Cloud DLP masks all but the last four characters. If reverse_order is true, all but the first four characters are masked as 1234-****-****-****.
Name Description
var int
Type Description


Mask characters in reverse order. For example, if masking_character is 0, number_to_mask is 14, and reverse_order is false, then the input string 1234-5678-9012-3456 is masked as 00000000000000-3456.

If masking_character is *, number_to_mask is 3, and reverse_order is true, then the string 12345 is masked as 12***.

Type Description


Mask characters in reverse order. For example, if masking_character is 0, number_to_mask is 14, and reverse_order is false, then the input string 1234-5678-9012-3456 is masked as 00000000000000-3456.

If masking_character is *, number_to_mask is 3, and reverse_order is true, then the string 12345 is masked as 12***.

Name Description
var bool
Type Description


When masking a string, items in this list will be skipped when replacing characters. For example, if the input string is 555-555-5555 and you instruct Cloud DLP to skip - and mask 5 characters with *, Cloud DLP returns ***-**5-5555.

Type Description


When masking a string, items in this list will be skipped when replacing characters. For example, if the input string is 555-555-5555 and you instruct Cloud DLP to skip - and mask 5 characters with *, Cloud DLP returns ***-**5-5555.

Name Description
var array<Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CharsToIgnore>
Type Description