Data Loss Prevention V2 Client - Class CloudStorageRegexFileSet (2.0.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Data Loss Prevention V2 Client class CloudStorageRegexFileSet.

Message representing a set of files in a Cloud Storage bucket. Regular expressions are used to allow fine-grained control over which files in the bucket to include.

Included files are those that match at least one item in include_regex and do not match any items in exclude_regex. Note that a file that matches items from both lists will not be included. For a match to occur, the entire file path (i.e., everything in the url after the bucket name) must match the regular expression. For example, given the input {bucket_name: "mybucket", include_regex: ["directory1/.*"], exclude_regex: ["directory1/excluded.*"]}:

  • gs://mybucket/directory1/myfile will be included
  • gs://mybucket/directory1/directory2/myfile will be included (.* matches across /)
  • gs://mybucket/directory0/directory1/myfile will not be included (the full path doesn't match any items in include_regex)
  • gs://mybucket/directory1/excludedfile will not be included (the path matches an item in exclude_regex) If include_regex is left empty, it will match all files by default (this is equivalent to setting include_regex: [".*"]). Some other common use cases:
  • {bucket_name: "mybucket", exclude_regex: [".*\.pdf"]} will include all files in mybucket except for .pdf files
  • {bucket_name: "mybucket", include_regex: ["directory/[^/]+"]} will include all files directly under gs://mybucket/directory/, without matching across /

Generated from protobuf message google.privacy.dlp.v2.CloudStorageRegexFileSet


Google \ Cloud \ Dlp \ V2




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ bucket_name string

The name of a Cloud Storage bucket. Required.

↳ include_regex array

A list of regular expressions matching file paths to include. All files in the bucket that match at least one of these regular expressions will be included in the set of files, except for those that also match an item in exclude_regex. Leaving this field empty will match all files by default (this is equivalent to including .* in the list). Regular expressions use RE2 syntax; a guide can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.

↳ exclude_regex array

A list of regular expressions matching file paths to exclude. All files in the bucket that match at least one of these regular expressions will be excluded from the scan. Regular expressions use RE2 syntax; a guide can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.


The name of a Cloud Storage bucket. Required.

Type Description


The name of a Cloud Storage bucket. Required.

Name Description
var string
Type Description


A list of regular expressions matching file paths to include. All files in the bucket that match at least one of these regular expressions will be included in the set of files, except for those that also match an item in exclude_regex. Leaving this field empty will match all files by default (this is equivalent to including .* in the list).

Regular expressions use RE2 syntax; a guide can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.

Type Description


A list of regular expressions matching file paths to include. All files in the bucket that match at least one of these regular expressions will be included in the set of files, except for those that also match an item in exclude_regex. Leaving this field empty will match all files by default (this is equivalent to including .* in the list).

Regular expressions use RE2 syntax; a guide can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.

Name Description
var string[]
Type Description


A list of regular expressions matching file paths to exclude. All files in the bucket that match at least one of these regular expressions will be excluded from the scan.

Regular expressions use RE2 syntax; a guide can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.

Type Description


A list of regular expressions matching file paths to exclude. All files in the bucket that match at least one of these regular expressions will be excluded from the scan.

Regular expressions use RE2 syntax; a guide can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.

Name Description
var string[]
Type Description