Google Cloud Dialogflow Cx V3 Client - Class ConditionBoostSpec (0.4.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Dialogflow Cx V3 Client class ConditionBoostSpec.

Boost applies to documents which match a condition.

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Cloud \ Dialogflow \ Cx \ V3 \ BoostSpec




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ condition string

Optional. An expression which specifies a boost condition. The syntax and supported fields are the same as a filter expression. Examples: * To boost documents with document ID "doc_1" or "doc_2", and color "Red" or "Blue": * (id: ANY("doc_1", "doc_2")) AND (color: ANY("Red","Blue"))

↳ boost float

Optional. Strength of the condition boost, which should be in [-1, 1]. Negative boost means demotion. Default is 0.0. Setting to 1.0 gives the document a big promotion. However, it does not necessarily mean that the boosted document will be the top result at all times, nor that other documents will be excluded. Results could still be shown even when none of them matches the condition. And results that are significantly more relevant to the search query can still trump your heavily favored but irrelevant documents. Setting to -1.0 gives the document a big demotion. However, results that are deeply relevant might still be shown. The document will have an upstream battle to get a fairly high ranking, but it is not blocked out completely. Setting to 0.0 means no boost applied. The boosting condition is ignored.


Optional. An expression which specifies a boost condition. The syntax and supported fields are the same as a filter expression.


  • To boost documents with document ID "doc_1" or "doc_2", and color "Red" or "Blue":
    • (id: ANY("doc_1", "doc_2")) AND (color: ANY("Red","Blue"))
Type Description


Optional. An expression which specifies a boost condition. The syntax and supported fields are the same as a filter expression.


  • To boost documents with document ID "doc_1" or "doc_2", and color "Red" or "Blue":
    • (id: ANY("doc_1", "doc_2")) AND (color: ANY("Red","Blue"))
Name Description
var string
Type Description


Optional. Strength of the condition boost, which should be in [-1, 1].

Negative boost means demotion. Default is 0.0. Setting to 1.0 gives the document a big promotion. However, it does not necessarily mean that the boosted document will be the top result at all times, nor that other documents will be excluded. Results could still be shown even when none of them matches the condition. And results that are significantly more relevant to the search query can still trump your heavily favored but irrelevant documents. Setting to -1.0 gives the document a big demotion. However, results that are deeply relevant might still be shown. The document will have an upstream battle to get a fairly high ranking, but it is not blocked out completely. Setting to 0.0 means no boost applied. The boosting condition is ignored.

Type Description


Optional. Strength of the condition boost, which should be in [-1, 1].

Negative boost means demotion. Default is 0.0. Setting to 1.0 gives the document a big promotion. However, it does not necessarily mean that the boosted document will be the top result at all times, nor that other documents will be excluded. Results could still be shown even when none of them matches the condition. And results that are significantly more relevant to the search query can still trump your heavily favored but irrelevant documents. Setting to -1.0 gives the document a big demotion. However, results that are deeply relevant might still be shown. The document will have an upstream battle to get a fairly high ranking, but it is not blocked out completely. Setting to 0.0 means no boost applied. The boosting condition is ignored.

Name Description
var float
Type Description