Google BigQuery Reservation V1 Client - Class CommitmentPlan (2.0.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google BigQuery Reservation V1 Client class CommitmentPlan.

Commitment plan defines the current committed period. Capacity commitment cannot be deleted during it's committed period.

Protobuf type


Google \ Cloud \ BigQuery \ Reservation \ V1 \ CapacityCommitment



Name Description
value mixed


Name Description
name mixed



Value: 0

Invalid plan value. Requests with this value will be rejected with error code google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT.

Generated from protobuf enum COMMITMENT_PLAN_UNSPECIFIED = 0;


Value: 3

Flex commitments have committed period of 1 minute after becoming ACTIVE.

After that, they are not in a committed period anymore and can be removed any time.

Generated from protobuf enum FLEX = 3;


Value: 7

Same as FLEX, should only be used if flat-rate commitments are still available.

Generated from protobuf enum FLEX_FLAT_RATE = 7 [deprecated = true];


Value: 5

Trial commitments have a committed period of 182 days after becoming ACTIVE. After that, they are converted to a new commitment based on the renewal_plan. Default renewal_plan for Trial commitment is Flex so that it can be deleted right after committed period ends.

Generated from protobuf enum TRIAL = 5;


Value: 2

Monthly commitments have a committed period of 30 days after becoming ACTIVE. After that, they are not in a committed period anymore and can be removed any time.

Generated from protobuf enum MONTHLY = 2;


Value: 8

Same as MONTHLY, should only be used if flat-rate commitments are still available.

Generated from protobuf enum MONTHLY_FLAT_RATE = 8 [deprecated = true];


Value: 4

Annual commitments have a committed period of 365 days after becoming ACTIVE. After that they are converted to a new commitment based on the renewal_plan.

Generated from protobuf enum ANNUAL = 4;


Value: 9

Same as ANNUAL, should only be used if flat-rate commitments are still available.

Generated from protobuf enum ANNUAL_FLAT_RATE = 9 [deprecated = true];


Value: 10

3-year commitments have a committed period of 1095(3 * 365) days after becoming ACTIVE. After that they are converted to a new commitment based on the renewal_plan.

Generated from protobuf enum THREE_YEAR = 10;


Value: 6

Should only be used for renewal_plan and is only meaningful if edition is specified to values other than EDITION_UNSPECIFIED. Otherwise CreateCapacityCommitmentRequest or UpdateCapacityCommitmentRequest will be rejected with error code google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT. If the renewal_plan is NONE, capacity commitment will be removed at the end of its commitment period.

Generated from protobuf enum NONE = 6;