Google Apps Chat V1 Client - Class UpdateSpaceReadStateRequest (0.4.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Apps Chat V1 Client class UpdateSpaceReadStateRequest.

Request message for UpdateSpaceReadState API.

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Apps \ Chat \ V1




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ space_read_state Google\Apps\Chat\V1\SpaceReadState

Required. The space read state and fields to update. Only supports updating read state for the calling user. To refer to the calling user, set one of the following: - The me alias. For example, users/me/spaces/{space}/spaceReadState. - Their Workspace email address. For example, users/{space}/spaceReadState. - Their user id. For example, users/123456789/spaces/{space}/spaceReadState. Format: users/{user}/spaces/{space}/spaceReadState

↳ update_mask Google\Protobuf\FieldMask

Required. The field paths to update. Currently supported field paths: - last_read_time When the last_read_time is before the latest message create time, the space appears as unread in the UI. To mark the space as read, set last_read_time to any value later (larger) than the latest message create time. The last_read_time is coerced to match the latest message create time. Note that the space read state only affects the read state of messages that are visible in the space's top-level conversation. Replies in threads are unaffected by this timestamp, and instead rely on the thread read state.


Required. The space read state and fields to update.

Only supports updating read state for the calling user. To refer to the calling user, set one of the following:

  • The me alias. For example, users/me/spaces/{space}/spaceReadState.
  • Their Workspace email address. For example, users/{space}/spaceReadState.
  • Their user id. For example, users/123456789/spaces/{space}/spaceReadState. Format: users/{user}/spaces/{space}/spaceReadState
Type Description




Required. The space read state and fields to update.

Only supports updating read state for the calling user. To refer to the calling user, set one of the following:

  • The me alias. For example, users/me/spaces/{space}/spaceReadState.
  • Their Workspace email address. For example, users/{space}/spaceReadState.
  • Their user id. For example, users/123456789/spaces/{space}/spaceReadState. Format: users/{user}/spaces/{space}/spaceReadState
Name Description
var Google\Apps\Chat\V1\SpaceReadState
Type Description


Required. The field paths to update. Currently supported field paths:

  • last_read_time When the last_read_time is before the latest message create time, the space appears as unread in the UI.

To mark the space as read, set last_read_time to any value later (larger) than the latest message create time. The last_read_time is coerced to match the latest message create time. Note that the space read state only affects the read state of messages that are visible in the space's top-level conversation. Replies in threads are unaffected by this timestamp, and instead rely on the thread read state.

Type Description




Required. The field paths to update. Currently supported field paths:

  • last_read_time When the last_read_time is before the latest message create time, the space appears as unread in the UI.

To mark the space as read, set last_read_time to any value later (larger) than the latest message create time. The last_read_time is coerced to match the latest message create time. Note that the space read state only affects the read state of messages that are visible in the space's top-level conversation. Replies in threads are unaffected by this timestamp, and instead rely on the thread read state.

Name Description
var Google\Protobuf\FieldMask
Type Description


Name Description
spaceReadState Google\Apps\Chat\V1\SpaceReadState

Required. The space read state and fields to update.

Only supports updating read state for the calling user.

To refer to the calling user, set one of the following:

  • The me alias. For example, users/me/spaces/{space}/spaceReadState.

  • Their Workspace email address. For example, users/{space}/spaceReadState.

  • Their user id. For example, users/123456789/spaces/{space}/spaceReadState.

Format: users/{user}/spaces/{space}/spaceReadState

updateMask Google\Protobuf\FieldMask

Required. The field paths to update. Currently supported field paths:

  • last_read_time

When the last_read_time is before the latest message create time, the space appears as unread in the UI.

To mark the space as read, set last_read_time to any value later (larger) than the latest message create time. The last_read_time is coerced to match the latest message create time. Note that the space read state only affects the read state of messages that are visible in the space's top-level conversation. Replies in threads are unaffected by this timestamp, and instead rely on the thread read state.

Type Description