Google Analytics Admin V1alpha Client - Class DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLink (0.23.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Analytics Admin V1alpha Client class DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLink.

A link between a GA4 property and a Display & Video 360 advertiser.

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Analytics \ Admin \ V1alpha



Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ name string

Output only. The resource name for this DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLink resource. Format: properties/{propertyId}/displayVideo360AdvertiserLinks/{linkId} Note: linkId is not the Display & Video 360 Advertiser ID

↳ advertiser_id string

Immutable. The Display & Video 360 Advertiser's advertiser ID.

↳ advertiser_display_name string

Output only. The display name of the Display & Video 360 Advertiser.

↳ ads_personalization_enabled Google\Protobuf\BoolValue

Enables personalized advertising features with this integration. If this field is not set on create/update, it will be defaulted to true.

↳ campaign_data_sharing_enabled Google\Protobuf\BoolValue

Immutable. Enables the import of campaign data from Display & Video 360 into the GA4 property. After link creation, this can only be updated from the Display & Video 360 product. If this field is not set on create, it will be defaulted to true.

↳ cost_data_sharing_enabled Google\Protobuf\BoolValue

Immutable. Enables the import of cost data from Display & Video 360 into the GA4 property. This can only be enabled if campaign_data_sharing_enabled is enabled. After link creation, this can only be updated from the Display & Video 360 product. If this field is not set on create, it will be defaulted to true.

Output only. The resource name for this DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLink resource. Format: properties/{propertyId}/displayVideo360AdvertiserLinks/{linkId} Note: linkId is not the Display & Video 360 Advertiser ID

Type Description

Output only. The resource name for this DisplayVideo360AdvertiserLink resource. Format: properties/{propertyId}/displayVideo360AdvertiserLinks/{linkId} Note: linkId is not the Display & Video 360 Advertiser ID

Name Description
var string
Type Description

Immutable. The Display & Video 360 Advertiser's advertiser ID.

Type Description

Immutable. The Display & Video 360 Advertiser's advertiser ID.

Name Description
var string
Type Description

Output only. The display name of the Display & Video 360 Advertiser.

Type Description

Output only. The display name of the Display & Video 360 Advertiser.

Name Description
var string
Type Description

Enables personalized advertising features with this integration.

If this field is not set on create/update, it will be defaulted to true.

Type Description

Returns the unboxed value from getAdsPersonalizationEnabled()

Enables personalized advertising features with this integration. If this field is not set on create/update, it will be defaulted to true.

Type Description

Enables personalized advertising features with this integration.

If this field is not set on create/update, it will be defaulted to true.

Name Description
var Google\Protobuf\BoolValue
Type Description

Sets the field by wrapping a primitive type in a Google\Protobuf\BoolValue object.

Enables personalized advertising features with this integration. If this field is not set on create/update, it will be defaulted to true.

Name Description
var bool|null
Type Description

Immutable. Enables the import of campaign data from Display & Video 360 into the GA4 property. After link creation, this can only be updated from the Display & Video 360 product. If this field is not set on create, it will be defaulted to true.

Type Description

Returns the unboxed value from getCampaignDataSharingEnabled()

Immutable. Enables the import of campaign data from Display & Video 360 into the GA4 property. After link creation, this can only be updated from the Display & Video 360 product. If this field is not set on create, it will be defaulted to true.

Type Description

Immutable. Enables the import of campaign data from Display & Video 360 into the GA4 property. After link creation, this can only be updated from the Display & Video 360 product. If this field is not set on create, it will be defaulted to true.

Name Description
var Google\Protobuf\BoolValue
Type Description

Sets the field by wrapping a primitive type in a Google\Protobuf\BoolValue object.

Immutable. Enables the import of campaign data from Display & Video 360 into the GA4 property. After link creation, this can only be updated from the Display & Video 360 product. If this field is not set on create, it will be defaulted to true.

Name Description
var bool|null
Type Description

Immutable. Enables the import of cost data from Display & Video 360 into the GA4 property. This can only be enabled if campaign_data_sharing_enabled is enabled. After link creation, this can only be updated from the Display & Video 360 product. If this field is not set on create, it will be defaulted to true.

Type Description

Returns the unboxed value from getCostDataSharingEnabled()

Immutable. Enables the import of cost data from Display & Video 360 into the GA4 property. This can only be enabled if campaign_data_sharing_enabled is enabled. After link creation, this can only be updated from the Display & Video 360 product. If this field is not set on create, it will be defaulted to true.

Type Description

Immutable. Enables the import of cost data from Display & Video 360 into the GA4 property. This can only be enabled if campaign_data_sharing_enabled is enabled. After link creation, this can only be updated from the Display & Video 360 product. If this field is not set on create, it will be defaulted to true.

Name Description
var Google\Protobuf\BoolValue
Type Description

Sets the field by wrapping a primitive type in a Google\Protobuf\BoolValue object.

Immutable. Enables the import of cost data from Display & Video 360 into the GA4 property. This can only be enabled if campaign_data_sharing_enabled is enabled. After link creation, this can only be updated from the Display & Video 360 product. If this field is not set on create, it will be defaulted to true.

Name Description
var bool|null
Type Description