Network Connectivity Center lets you use a third-party network virtual appliance to establish connectivity between an external site and your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network resources. To establish connectivity in this way, you use the Router appliance feature.
Router appliance is one of several supported spoke types for Network Connectivity Center. For information about Network Connectivity Center, see the Network Connectivity Center overview. For more information about Router appliance, see the Router appliance overview.
Sample configuration
In the following topology, an external site connects to two VPC networks by using a Router appliance spoke.
The VM that hosts the router appliance instance has an interface in each VPC network. The router appliance instance maintains Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) sessions with the Cloud Routers in both of these networks.
Each Cloud Router has two interfaces. The router appliance interface in each network peers with both interfaces of the appropriate Cloud Router, for a total of four peering sessions.
Required tasks
To set up the sample configuration, make sure you meet the prerequisites for doing this procedure, and then complete the required tasks:
Create the Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) that acts as a router appliance instance. You can create the VM by using a supported partner solution or your own custom image.
Ensure that the router appliance instance is accessible to BGP traffic through TCP port 179. To make it accessible, you might need to create firewall rules.
Create two spokes, one in each VPC network. Each spoke uses the same router appliance instance as its backing resource.
Set up two Cloud Routers, one in each VPC network. For each Cloud Router, this task includes the following sub-tasks:
Create a Cloud Router in the same region as the router appliance instance.
Create two interfaces on each Cloud Router.
Configure BGP peering on each Cloud Router.
Configure BGP peering on the router appliance instance.
The way that you complete these tasks can vary significantly. For example, if you create a router appliance instance by using a partner solution, some of the later tasks might be automated for you.
Before you begin
Before you get started, review the following sections.
Create or select a project
To make it easier to configure Network Connectivity Center, start by identifying a valid project.
- Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.
Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.
- Install the Google Cloud CLI.
If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.
To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:
gcloud init
In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.
Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.
- Install the Google Cloud CLI.
If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.
To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:
gcloud init
If you are using the Google Cloud CLI, set your project ID by using the
gcloud config set
command.gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
with your unique project ID.The gcloud CLI instructions on this page assume that you have set your project ID.
To confirm that you set the project ID correctly, use the
gcloud config list
command.gcloud config list --format='text(core.project)'
Enable the Network Connectivity API
Before you can perform any tasks using Network Connectivity Center, you must enable the Network Connectivity API.
To enable the Network Connectivity API:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Network Connectivity Center page.
Click Enable.
Alternatively, you can enable the API by using the Google Cloud console API Library, as described in Enabling APIs.
Get access
To work with Network Connectivity Center, you need the permissions described in Roles and permissions.
When you configure Network Connectivity Center, you also work with Google Cloud resources such as VPC networks, subnets, and firewall rules. For more information about the permissions you need to work with these resources, see the Compute Engine access control documentation.
IP addresses and router appliance instances
To set up a router appliance instance, you must establish peering between the instance and the Cloud Router. To set up peering, the VM must use an RFC 1918 internal IP address. You cannot peer these two resources if the VM uses a different type of address. Also, both IP addresses must be in the same region.
For information about how to view a VM's IP addresses, see the following documents:
For definitions and detailed information about IP address types, see IP addresses.
Reserve a static internal IP address (recommended)
We recommend that you give your router appliance instance a static internal IP address so that the address doesn't change during reboot. If the address changes, BGP peering fails.
You have several options for assigning a reserved IP address. You can reserve the IP address in advance. Alternatively, you can reserve the IP address when you create the VM. If you mistakenly give the VM an ephemeral address, you can later convert the address into a static address. For more information about static IP addresses, see Reserving static IP addresses.
IP addresses for BGP peering
A router appliance instance uses its internal IP address to
peer with the Cloud Router. The instance does not use a link-local
address (such as 169.254.x.x
) for BGP peering.
Similarly, the Cloud Router uses two RFC 1918 internal IP addresses to peer with the router appliance instance, one address for each interface. These IP addresses can be manually or automatically assigned from the subnet that contains both the router appliance instance interface and the Cloud Router interface.
Create VPC resources
The following sections describe how to create VPC networks and subnets.
Create two VPC networks
If you haven't already, create two VPC networks. Set
each network's
dynamic routing mode to global
For more information about creating VPC networks, see Creating networks.
To create a custom VPC network using the Google Cloud console,
Creating a custom mode network.
Make sure to set Dynamic routing mode to Global. If you want to
follow the naming conventions used in the sample configuration, call your
networks network-a
and network-b
To create a custom VPC network, use the
gcloud compute networks create
gcloud compute networks create NAME \ --subnet-mode custom \ --bgp-routing-mode global
Replace NAME
with the name of the VPC
network—for example, network-a
or network-b
To create a custom VPC network by using the Compute Engine API, see Using VPC.
Create a subnet
Create one subnet in network-a
and one subnet in network-b
To add a subnet using the Google Cloud console, see Adding subnets.
If you want to follow the naming conventions used in the sample
configuration, use the following values for the subnet in network-a
- Name:
- Region:
- Range:
Use the following values for the subnet in network-b
- Name:
- Region:
- Range:
To create a VPC subnet, use the
gcloud compute networks subnets create
gcloud compute networks subnets create NAME \ --network=NETWORK \ --region=REGION \ --range=RANGE
Replace the following:
: the name of the subnet that contains the router appliance VM—for example,subnet-a
: the network that contains the subnet—for example,network-a
: the region that contains the subnet—for example,us-central1
: the IP range of the subnet in CIDR notation—for example,
To create a VPC subnet by using the Compute Engine API, see Using VPC.
Create the router appliance VM
Create the Compute Engine VM that acts as a router appliance instance. The
VM is represented in the sample topology as router-app-a
. It has two
interfaces, one in network-a
and one in network-b
When you create the VM, you must select a network virtual appliance image. This image can be any of the following:
A solution provided by a supported Network Connectivity Center partner
A custom image, such as an image that you created
For more information about specifying images, see the following resources:
For detailed information about creating a VM, see Creating and starting a VM instance.
The examples in this section assume that you have reserved IP addresses for the router appliance instance. For more information, see IP addresses for Router appliance.
To create the VM used in the example configuration, see Creating and starting a VM instance. When you create the VM, make the following choices:
If you want to follow the naming conventions used in the sample configuration, use the following values:
- Name:
- Region:
- Zone:
- Name:
To select an image, go the Boot disk area of the page, click Change, and navigate to the appropriate image for the VM.
Expand Advanced options, and then expand Networking. Use the following values:
- Under IP forwarding, select Enable.
- Under Network interfaces, create two interfaces—one in
and one innetwork-b
. To create each interface, select the appropriate network, and then click Add a Network Interface. Fill in the following fields:- Select the Subnet where you want to locate the router
appliance instance—for example,
. - Under Primary internal IP, select the reserved RFC 1918
internal IP address that you want to use—for example,
. - Under Network Service Tier, select Premium; this choice maximizes the extent to which traffic uses Google's network.
- Select the Subnet where you want to locate the router
appliance instance—for example,
To create the two router appliance VMs used in the example
configuration, use the
gcloud compute instances create
Run the command twice—once for each router appliance instance. Replace INSTANCE_NAME with the name of the VM that acts as a router appliance instance.
In the following example, you assign the static internal IP address and static external IP address that you reserved earlier to the VM. You also specify the project that contains a vendor-provided image for the VM along with the name of the image.
gcloud compute instances create INSTANCE_NAME \ --project=PROJECT \ --zone=ZONE \ --machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE \ --network-tier=NETWORK_TIER \ --network-interface=[subnet=SUBNET,private-network-ip=INTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS] \ --can-ip-forward \ --image-project=IMAGE_PROJECT \ --image=IMAGE
Replace the following:
: the name of the VM acting as a router appliance instance—for example,router-app-a
: the name of the project that contains the router appliance VMs—for example,my-project
: the Google Cloud zone that the VM is located in—for example,us-west1-a
: the machine type resource to use for the VM—for example,n1-standard-2
: when creating the router appliance VMs, set the network tier topremium
; this choice maximizes the extent to which traffic uses Google's networkSUBNET
: the subnet assigned to the primary network interface for the VM—for example,subnet-a-1
: the RFC 1918 internal IP address that is assigned to the VM interface that connects to the Cloud Router—for example,
: the name of the project that contains the image specified in theimage
field—for example,debian-cloud
: the name of the image to install—for example,debian-10-buster-v20210217
To create the two router appliance VMs used in the example
configuration, use the
For additional creation methods, see Creating and starting a VM instance.
POST { "machineType": "zones/ZONE/machineTypes/MACHINE_TYPE", "name": "INSTANCE_NAME", "canIpForward": "true", "networkInterfaces": [{ "subnetwork": "regions/REGION/subnetworks/SUBNET", "networkIP": "INTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS", "accessConfigs": [{ "networkTier": "NETWORK_TIER, }] }], "disks": [{ "initializeParams": { "sourceImage": "projects/IMAGE_PROJECT/global/images/IMAGE" }, "boot": true }] }
Replace the following:
: the name of the project that contains the router appliance VMs—for example,my-project
: the Google Cloud zone that the VM is located in—for example,us-west1-a
: the machine type resource to use for the VM—for example,zones/us-west1-a/machineTypes/n1-standard-2
: the name of the VM—for example,router-app-a
: the region that contains the VM—for example,us-west1
: the subnet assigned to the primary network interface for the VM—for example,regions/us-west1/subnetworks/subnet-a-1
: the RFC 1918 internal IP address that is assigned to the VM; configure the address for the VM interface that connects to the Cloud Router—for example,
: when creating the router appliance VMs, set the network tier topremium
; this choice maximizes the extent to which traffic uses Google's networkIMAGE_PROJECT
: the name of the project that contains the image that you specify when creating the VM—for example,debian-cloud
: the name of the image to use when creating the VM—for example,debian-10-buster-v20210217
Create a firewall rule to allow BGP
Create two firewall rules, one in network-a
and network-b
. Each rule
should allow BGP traffic on TCP port 179
For more information about firewall commands, see Using firewall rules.
To create a VPC firewall rule using the Google Cloud console, see Creating firewall rules.
To create a VPC firewall rule by using the Google Cloud CLI, see Creating firewall rules.
To create a VPC firewall rule by using the Compute Engine API, see Creating firewall rules.
Create Network Connectivity Center resources
Before you can use a router appliance VM, you must create the required Network Connectivity Center resources.
Create a hub
Before you can create Network Connectivity Center spokes, you must create a hub.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Network Connectivity Center page.
In the project menu, select a project.
Enter a Hub name.
Enter an optional Description.
Verify the Project ID. If the project ID is incorrect, select a different project by using the menu at the top of the screen.
Click Continue.
The console displays a form that lets you create a spoke. To fill it out now, use the steps described in Create a Router appliance spoke.
Click Done.
To create a hub, use the
gcloud network-connectivity hubs create
gcloud network-connectivity hubs create HUB_NAME \ --description="DESCRIPTION" \ --labels="KEY"="VALUE"
Replace the following values:
: the name of the new hubDESCRIPTION
: optional text that describes the hubKEY
: the key in the key-value pair for the optional label textVALUE
: the value in the key-value pair for the optional label text
To create a hub, use the
POST { "name":"HUB_NAME", "description":"DESCRIPTION", "labels": { "KEY": "VALUE" } }
Replace the following values:
: the project ID of the project that contains the new hubHUB_NAME
: the name of the new hubDESCRIPTION
: optional text that describes the hubKEY
: the key in the key-value pair for the optional label textVALUE
: the value in the key-value pair for the optional label text
Create two Router appliance spokes
Create two Router appliance spokes. Both spokes use the same backing
resource: the router appliance instance that you just created. One spoke
uses the interface in network-a
and the other uses the interface in network-
Creating a spoke is required for enabling BGP peering between the router appliance instance and the Cloud Router, which you create in the next step.
For more information about how to create a spoke, see Work with hubs and spokes.
Enter basic spoke details
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Network Connectivity Center page.
In the project menu, select a project.
Click the Spokes tab.
Click Add spokes.
In the New spoke form, set the Spoke type to Router appliance.
Enter a Spoke name—for example,
Optionally, enter a Description.
Select the Region field for the new spoke.
Under Site-to-site data transfer, select Off.
In the VPC network drop-down list, select a network.
Enter router appliance details
- Under Attach instance(s) to the spoke, use the drop-down
list to select a router appliance—for example,
. - To add more router appliance instances to this spoke, click Add instance and repeat the preceding step.
- When you are finished, click Done and continue to Save your spoke.
Save your spokes
- To add the second spokes, click Add spoke and begin the process again, starting with entering a Spoke name.
- When you are finished adding spokes, click Create. The Network Connectivity Center page updates to show details about the spokes that you created.
To create the Router appliance spokes, use the
gcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-router-appliances create
Run the command twice—once for each spoke.
gcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-router-appliances create NAME \ --hub="HUB_URI" \ --description="DESCRIPTION" \ --router-appliance=instance="ROUTER_APPLIANCE_URI",ip=IP_ADDRESS \ --region=REGION \ --labels="KEY"="VALUE"
Replace the following values:
: the name of the spoke—for example,spoke-a
: the URI of the hub that you are attaching the spoke toDESCRIPTION
: optional text that describes the spokeROUTER_APPLIANCE_URI
: the URI of the router appliance instance—for example,
: the internal IP address of the router appliance instance, in the appropriate VPCnetwork—for example,
: the Google Cloud region where you want to locate the spoke—for example,us-central1
: the key in the key-value pair for the optional label textVALUE
: the value in the key-value pair for the optional label textFor example, the following command creates a router appliance spoke that uses
as its underlying resources. This command references the router appliance instance by using itsnetwork-a
interface:gcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-router-appliances create spoke-a \ --hub=my-hub \ --description="Test spoke 1" \ --router-appliance=instance="",ip= \ --region=us-central1 \
For example, the following command creates a router appliance spoke that uses
as its underlying resources. This command references the router appliance instance by using itsnetwork-b
interface:gcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-router-appliances create spoke-b \ --hub=my-hub \ --description="Test spoke 1" \ --router-appliance=instance="",ip=\ --region=us-central1 \
To create a Router appliance spoke, use the
For each router appliance instance that you want to associate with
the spoke, add an instance
by using the linkedRouterApplianceInstances.instances
POST { "hub": "HUB_URI", "labels": {"KEY": "VALUE"}, "linkedRouterApplianceInstances": { "instances": [ { "virtualMachine": "ROUTER_APPLIANCE_URI", "ipAddress": INTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS, }, ], "siteToSiteDataTransfer": BOOLEAN } }
Replace the following values:
: the project ID of your projectREGION
: the Google Cloud region where you want to locate the spoke—for example,us-west1
: the name you want to give the spokeHUB_URI
: the URI of the hub that you are attaching the spoke to—for example,
: the key in the key-value pair for the optional label textVALUE
: the value in the key-value pair for the optional label textROUTER_APPLIANCE_URI
: the URI of the router appliance instance—for example,
: the internal IP address of the router appliance instance for the appropriateVPC network—for example,
: a value that determines whether site-to-site data transfer is enabled for this spoke; for this use case, set the option tofalse
For example, to create a spoke that uses
for the interface innetwork-a
, the body of your request should be structured as follows:{ "hub": "", "labels": { "environment" : "test" }, "linkedRouterApplianceInstances": { "instances": [ { "virtualMachine": "", "ipAddress": "", }, ], "siteToSiteDataTransfer": false } }
To create a spoke that uses
for the interface innetwork-b
, the body of your request should be structured as follows:{ "hub": "", "labels": { "environment" : "test" }, "linkedRouterApplianceInstances": { "instances": [ { "virtualMachine": "", "ipAddress": "", }, ], "siteToSiteDataTransfer": false } }
Set up Cloud Routers
Router appliance uses Cloud Routers to exchange routes with VPC networks. For this reason, you must create a Cloud Router in each VPC network and complete a few other setup tasks.
Create the Cloud Routers
If you are using the same values as the sample topology, create two
Cloud Routers, one in network-a
and one in network-b
. Both
Cloud Routers should be in us-central1
For more information, see Creating Cloud Routers.
To create a Cloud Router in the Google Cloud console, use one of the following approaches:
Use the Cloud Router page, as described in Create a Cloud Router.
Use the Network Connectivity Center page. The advantage of this approach is that it lets you create the router, the interfaces, and the BGP sessions at the same time. For more information about completing all of these steps together, see Configuring BGP peering on the Cloud Router.
To create a Cloud Router, use the
gcloud compute routers create
gcloud compute routers create NAME \ --region=REGION \ --network=NETWORK \ --asn=ASN \ --project=PROJECT_ID
Replace the following:
: the name of the Cloud Router—for example,cloud-router-a
: the region that contains the Cloud Router—for example,us-central1
: the VPC network that contains the Cloud Router—for example,network-a
: the autonomous system number (ASN) for the Cloud Router—this ASN must be a 16-bit or 32-bit private ASN as defined in RFC 6996—for example,65000
: the project ID for the Cloud Router—for example,my-project
To create a Cloud Router, use the
POST { "name": "NAME", "network": "NETWORK", "bgp": { "asn": ASN } }
Replace the following:
: the project ID for the Cloud Router—for example,my-project
: the region that contains the Cloud Router—for example,us-central1
: the name of the Cloud Router—for example,cloud-router-a
: the URI of the VPC network that contains the Cloud Router—for example,/global/networks/network-a
: the autonomous system number (ASN) for the Cloud Router—this ASN must be a 16-bit or 32-bit private ASN as defined in RFC 6996—for example,65000
Create two interfaces on each Cloud Router
To establish redundancy, create two interfaces on each Cloud Router. On each Cloud Router, the two interfaces must be associated with the same subnet as the corresponding router appliance interface. If you're using the values from the sample topology, do the following:
- For
, create two interfaces insubnet-a
. - For
, create two interfaces insubnet-b
Each Cloud Router interface uses a regional internal IP address. If you explicitly specify the internal IP address for the interface, the IP address must belong to the primary IP address range of the subnet. It cannot already be in use by another resource, such as a VM or another Cloud Router interface.
There are no Google Cloud console instructions for this step. If you're using the Google Cloud console, when you complete the next task (Creating BGP peering on each Cloud Router), the interfaces are created automatically.
To create redundant interfaces on your Cloud Routers, use the
gcloud compute routers add-interface
Complete the following steps twice—once for cloud-router-a
again for cloud-router-b
For each Cloud Router, create the first interface:
gcloud compute routers add-interface ROUTER_NAME \ --interface-name=FIRST_INTERFACE_NAME \ --ip-address=FIRST_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS \ --subnetwork=SUBNET \ --region=REGION \ --project=PROJECT_ID
Replace the following:
: the name of the Cloud Router to update—for example,cloud-router-a
: the name of the interface—for example,interface-1
: the RFC 1918 internal IP address to use for the first interface; if you don't specify a value, Google tries to find a free address in the primary IP address range of the subnetSUBNET
: the subnet that contains the Cloud Router interface and the corresponding router appliance instance interfaceREGION
: the Google Cloud region where the Cloud Router is—for example,us-central1
: the project ID for the Cloud Router—for example,my-project
For each Cloud Router, create the second interface:
gcloud compute routers add-interface ROUTER_NAME \ --interface-name=SECOND_INTERFACE_NAME \ --ip-address=SECOND_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS \ --subnetwork=SUBNET \ --redundant-interface=FIRST_INTERFACE_NAME \ --region=REGION \ --project=PROJECT_ID
Replace the following:
: the name of the Cloud Router to update—for example,cloud-router-a
: the name of the interface—for example,interface-2
: the RFC 1918 internal IP address to use for the second interface; if you don't specify a value, Google tries to find a free address in the primary IP address range of the subnetSUBNET
: the subnet that contains the two Cloud Router interfaces and the corresponding router appliance instance interfaceFIRST_INTERFACE_NAME
: the name of the interface that you created in Step 1REGION
: the Google Cloud region where the Cloud Router is—for example,us-central1
: the project ID for the Cloud Router—for example,my-project
Sample commands for
The following command creates the first interface on
:gcloud compute routers add-interface cloud-router-a \ --interface-name=interface-1 \ --ip-address= \ --subnetwork=subnet-a \ --region=us-central1 \ --project=my-project
The following command creates the second interface on
:gcloud compute routers add-interface cloud-router-a \ --interface-name=interface-2 \ --ip-address= \ --subnetwork=subnet-a \ --redundant-interface=interface-1 \ --region=us-central1 \ --project=my-project
Sample commands for
The following command creates the first interface on
:gcloud compute routers add-interface cloud-router-b \ --interface-name=interface-1 \ --ip-address= \ --subnetwork=subnet-b \ --region=us-central1 \ --project=my-project
The following command creates the second interface on
:gcloud compute routers add-interface cloud-router-b \ --interface-name=interface-2 \ --ip-address= \ --subnetwork=subnet-b \ --redundant-interface=interface-1 \ --region=us-central1 \ --project=my-project
To create redundant interfaces on your Cloud Routers,
use the
Use the following request twice—once for cloud-router-a
again for cloud-router-b
"PATCH https":// { "region":"REGION", "interfaces":[ { "name":"FIRST_INTERFACE_NAME", "privateIpAddress:"FIRST_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS", "subnetwork": "" }, { "name":"SECOND_INTERFACE_NAME", "privateIpAddress:"SECOND_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS", "subnetwork": "", "redundantInterface": "FIRST_INTERFACE_NAME" } ] }
Replace the following:
: the project ID for the Cloud Router—for example,my-project
: the Google Cloud region where the Cloud Router is—for example,us-central1
: the name of the Cloud Router to update—for example,cloud-router-a
: the VPC network that contains the Cloud Router—for example,network-a
: the name of the first interface—for example,interface-1
: the RFC 1918 internal IP address to use for the first interface; if you don't specify a value, Google tries to find a free address in the primary IP address range of the subnetSUBNET
: the subnet that contains the two Cloud Router interfaces and the corresponding router appliance instance interfaceSECOND_INTERFACE_NAME
: the name of the second interface—for example,interface-2
: the RFC 1918 internal IP address to use for the second interface; if you don't specify a value, Google tries to find a free address in the primary IP address range of the subnetSample commands for
The following command creates two interfaces on
:"PATCH https":// { "region":"us-central1", "interfaces":[ { "name":"router-appliance-interface-0", "privateIpAddress:"", "subnetwork": "" }, { "name":"router-appliance-interface-1", "privateIpAddress:"", "subnetwork": "", "redundantInterface": "router-appliance-interface-0" } ] }
Sample command for
The following command creates two interfaces on
:"PATCH https":// { "region":"us-central1", "interfaces":[ { "name":"router-appliance-interface-0", "privateIpAddress:"", "subnetwork": "" }, { "name":"router-appliance-interface-1", "privateIpAddress:"", "subnetwork": "", "redundantInterface": "router-appliance-interface-0" } ] }
Configure BGP peering on each Cloud Router
For each interface on the router appliance instance, you must create two BGP peering sessions—one for each Cloud Router interface. If you are using the values from the sample topology, do the following:
Create two peering sessions between
and thenetwork-a
interface ofrouter-app-a
.Create two peering sessions between
and thenetwork-b
interface ofrouter-app-a
Complete the following steps twice—once for spoke-a
again for spoke-b
- Go to the Network Connectivity Center page. Go to Network Connectivity Center
- In the project menu, select a project.
- Click the Spokes tab.
- In the Spoke name column, select a spoke to view the
Spoke details page. For example, select
In the Name column, locate
. Click the expand icon to display the Configure BGP session links. Click either of these links. In response, the system displays the Configure Cloud Router and BGP sessions panel.
In the Cloud Router section, do one of the following:
- To select an existing Cloud Router, click Use existing. Use the Cloud Router field to identify the appropriate resource, and then click Select and continue.
- To create a Cloud Router on the Network Connectivity Center page, click Create new, and follow the prompts to create the Cloud Router. Then click Create and continue.
- Under BGP Sessions, set up the two BGP sessions. Complete the
following steps twice, once for each session:
- Click Edit BGP session.
- Fill in the form by entering a Name, a Peer ASN, and an Advertised route priority (MED). Click Save and continue.
- Click Create.
To create BGP peers on your Cloud Routers, use the
gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer
Complete the following steps twice—once for cloud-router-a
again for cloud-router-b
Create the first BGP peer:
gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer NAME \ --peer-name=PEER_NAME \ --interface=INTERFACE \ --peer-ip-address=PEER_IP_ADDRESS \ --peer-asn=PEER_ASN \ --instance=ROUTER_APPLIANCE \ --instance-zone=ROUTER_APPLIANCE_ZONE \ --region=REGION
Create the second BGP peer:
gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer NAME \ --peer-name=PEER_NAME \ --interface=INTERFACE \ --peer-ip-address=PEER_IP_ADDRESS \ --peer-asn=PEER_ASN \ --instance=ROUTER_APPLIANCE \ --instance-zone=ROUTER_APPLIANCE_ZONE \ --region=REGION
Replace the following:
: the name of the Cloud Router to update—for example,cloud-router-a
: the name of the BGP peering session to establish with the router appliance instanceINTERFACE
: the name of the interface for this BGP peerPEER_IP_ADDRESS
: the internal IP address of the peer router (the router appliance instance)—for example,
: the BGP autonomous system number (ASN) for this BGP peer—this ASN must be a 16-bit or 32-bit private ASN as defined in RFC 6996ROUTER_APPLIANCE
: the name of the VM acting as the router appliance instance—for example,router-app-a
: the zone where the VM acting as the router appliance instance is located—for example,us-central1-a
: the region where the VM acting as the router appliance instance is located—for example,us-central1
Sample commands for
Use the follow commands to create the BGP peers for
:gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer cloud-router-a \ --peer-name=router-appliance-bgp-peer-router-app-a-0 \ --interface=router-appliance-interface-0 \ --peer-ip-address= \ --peer-asn=65001 \ --instance=router-app-a \ --instance-zone=us-central1-a \ --region=us-central1
gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer cloud-router-a \ --peer-name=router-appliance-bgp-peer-router-app-a-1 \ --interface=router-appliance-interface-1 \ --peer-ip-address= \ --peer-asn=65001 \ --instance=router-app-a \ --instance-zone=us-central1-a \ --region=us-central1
Sample commands for
Use the follow commands to create the BGP peers for
:gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer cloud-router-b \ --peer-name=router-appliance-bgp-peer-router-app-a-0 \ --interface=router-appliance-interface-0 \ --peer-ip-address= \ --peer-asn=65001 \ --instance=router-app-a \ --instance-zone=us-central1-a \ --region=us-central1
gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer cloud-router-b \ --peer-name=router-appliance-bgp-peer-router-app-a-1 \ --interface=router-appliance-interface-1 \ --peer-ip-address= \ --peer-asn=65001 \ --instance=router-app-a \ --instance-zone=us-central1-a \ --region=us-central1
To create BGP peers on a Cloud Router, use the
Use this method twice—once for cloud-router-a
and again for
PATCH { "bgpPeers": [ { "name": "PEER_NAME", "interfaceName": "INTERFACE_NAME", "ipAddress": "IP_ADDRESS", "peerIpAddress": "PEER_IP_ADDRESS", "routerApplianceInstance": "", "peerAsn": PEER_ASN, } { "name": "PEER_NAME", "interfaceName": "INTERFACE_NAME", "ipAddress": "IP_ADDRESS", "peerIpAddress": "PEER_IP_ADDRESS", "routerApplianceInstance": "", "peerAsn": PEER_ASN } ] }
Replace the following:
: the project ID for the Cloud RouterREGION
: the region where the VM acting as the router appliance instance is locatedNAME
: the name of the Cloud Router to updatePEER_NAME
: the name of the BGP peering session to establish with the router appliance instanceINTERFACE_NAME
: the name of the Cloud Router interface to add the peer toIP_ADDRESS
: the RFC 1918 internal IP address of the Cloud Router to use for the peering sessionPEER_IP_ADDRESS
: the internal IP address of the VM acting as a router appliance instance;—for example,
: the name in URL format for the VM acting as the router appliance instanceROUTER_APPLIANCE_ZONE
: the zone where the VM acting as the router appliance instance is locatedPEER_ASN
: the BGP autonomous system number (ASN) for this BGP peer—this ASN must be a 16-bit or 32-bit private ASN as defined in RFC 6996Sample commands for
PATCH { "bgpPeers": [ { "name": "router-appliance-bgp-peer-router-app-a-0", "interfaceName": "router-appliance-interface-0", "ipAddress": "", "peerIpAddress": "", "routerApplianceInstance": "", "peerAsn": 65001, } { "name": "router-appliance-bgp-peer-router-app-a-1", "interfaceName": "router-appliance-interface-1", "ipAddress": "", "peerIpAddress": "", "routerApplianceInstance": "", "peerAsn": 65001 } ] }
Sample commands for
PATCH { "bgpPeers": [ { "name": "router-appliance-bgp-peer-router-app-a-0", "interfaceName": "router-appliance-interface-0", "ipAddress": "", "peerIpAddress": "", "routerApplianceInstance": "", "peerAsn": 65001, } { "name": "router-appliance-bgp-peer-router-app-a-1", "interfaceName": "router-appliance-interface-1", "ipAddress": ", "peerIpAddress": "", "routerApplianceInstance": "", "peerAsn": 65001 } ] }
Configure BGP on the router appliance instance
Configure your router appliance instance for BGP connectivity to the two Cloud Routers. To do this, refer to the vendor documentation for your router appliance image.
What's next
- To delete a router appliance instance, see Delete router appliance instances.
- To view a list of partners whose solutions are integrated with Network Connectivity Center, see Network Connectivity Center partners.
- To learn about resources that you can add to spokes, see Spokes.
- To view Router appliance monitoring and logging information, see Viewing logs and metrics.
- To find solutions for Router appliance issues, see Troubleshooting.
- For information about interacting with Network Connectivity Center by using the API or the gcloud CLI, see APIs and reference.