- Resource: UtilizationReport
- State
- TimeFrame
- VmUtilizationInfo
- VmwareVmDetails
- PowerState
- BootOption
- VmUtilizationMetrics
- Methods
Resource: UtilizationReport
Utilization report details the utilization (CPU, memory, etc.) of selected source VMs.
JSON representation |
{ "name": string, "displayName": string, "state": enum ( |
Fields | |
name |
Output only. The report unique name. |
displayName |
The report display name, as assigned by the user. |
state |
Output only. Current state of the report. |
stateTime |
Output only. The time the state was last set. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: |
error |
Output only. Provides details on the state of the report in case of an error. |
createTime |
Output only. The time the report was created (this refers to the time of the request, not the time the report creation completed). A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: |
timeFrame |
Time frame of the report. |
frameEndTime |
Output only. The point in time when the time frame ends. Notice that the time frame is counted backwards. For instance if the "frameEndTime" value is 2021/01/20 and the time frame is WEEK then the report covers the week between 2021/01/20 and 2021/01/14. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: |
vmsCount |
Output only. Total number of VMs included in the report. |
vmCount |
Output only. Total number of VMs included in the report. |
vms[] |
List of utilization information per VM. When sent as part of the request, the "vmId" field is used in order to specify which VMs to include in the report. In that case all other fields are ignored. |
Utilization report state.
Enums | |
The state is unknown. This value is not in use. |
The report is in the making. |
Report creation completed successfully. |
Report creation failed. |
Report time frame options.
Enums | |
The time frame was not specified and will default to WEEK. |
One week. |
One month. |
One year. |
Utilization information of a single VM.
JSON representation |
{ "vmId": string, "utilization": { object ( |
Fields | |
vmId |
The VM's ID in the source. |
utilization |
Utilization metrics for this VM. |
Union field
vmwareVmDetails |
The description of the VM in a Source of type Vmware. |
VmwareVmDetails describes a VM in vCenter.
JSON representation |
{ "vmId": string, "datacenterId": string, "datacenterDescription": string, "uuid": string, "displayName": string, "powerState": enum ( |
Fields | |
vmId |
The VM's id in the source (note that this is not the MigratingVm's id). This is the moref id of the VM. |
datacenterId |
The id of the vCenter's datacenter this VM is contained in. |
datacenterDescription |
The descriptive name of the vCenter's datacenter this VM is contained in. |
uuid |
The unique identifier of the VM in vCenter. |
displayName |
The display name of the VM. Note that this is not necessarily unique. |
powerState |
The power state of the VM at the moment list was taken. |
cpuCount |
The number of cpus in the VM. |
memoryMb |
The size of the memory of the VM in MB. |
diskCount |
The number of disks the VM has. |
committedStorage |
The total size of the storage allocated to the VM in MB. |
committedStorageMb |
The total size of the storage allocated to the VM in MB. |
guestDescription |
The VM's OS. See for example https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/da47f910-60ac-438b-8b9b-6122f4d14524/16b7274a-bf8b-4b4c-a05e-746f2aa93c8c/doc/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html for types of strings this might hold. |
bootOption |
Output only. The VM Boot Option. |
Possible values for the power state of the VM.
Enums | |
Power state is not specified. |
ON |
The VM is turned ON. |
The VM is turned OFF. |
The VM is suspended. This is similar to hibernation or sleep mode. |
Possible values for vm boot option.
Enums | |
The boot option is unknown. |
The boot option is EFI. |
The boot option is BIOS. |
Utilization metrics values for a single VM.
JSON representation |
{ "cpuMax": integer, "cpuMaxPercent": integer, "cpuAverage": integer, "cpuAveragePercent": integer, "memoryMax": integer, "memoryMaxPercent": integer, "memoryAverage": integer, "memoryAveragePercent": integer, "diskIoRateMax": string, "diskIoRateMaxKbps": string, "diskIoRateAverage": string, "diskIoRateAverageKbps": string, "networkThroughputMax": string, "networkThroughputMaxKbps": string, "networkThroughputAverage": string, "networkThroughputAverageKbps": string } |
Fields | |
cpuMax |
Max CPU usage, percent. |
cpuMaxPercent |
Max CPU usage, percent. |
cpuAverage |
Average CPU usage, percent. |
cpuAveragePercent |
Average CPU usage, percent. |
memoryMax |
Max memory usage, percent. |
memoryMaxPercent |
Max memory usage, percent. |
memoryAverage |
Average memory usage, percent. |
memoryAveragePercent |
Average memory usage, percent. |
diskIoRateMax |
Max disk IO rate, in kilobytes per second. |
diskIoRateMaxKbps |
Max disk IO rate, in kilobytes per second. |
diskIoRateAverage |
Average disk IO rate, in kilobytes per second. |
diskIoRateAverageKbps |
Average disk IO rate, in kilobytes per second. |
networkThroughputMax |
Max network throughput (combined transmit-rates and receive-rates), in kilobytes per second. |
networkThroughputMaxKbps |
Max network throughput (combined transmit-rates and receive-rates), in kilobytes per second. |
networkThroughputAverage |
Average network throughput (combined transmit-rates and receive-rates), in kilobytes per second. |
networkThroughputAverageKbps |
Average network throughput (combined transmit-rates and receive-rates), in kilobytes per second. |