StratoZone release notes

This page documents production updates to StratoZone. Check this page for announcements about new or updated features, bug fixes, known issues, and deprecated functionality.

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September 30, 2024

StratoZone was shut down on September 30, 2024, and is no longer available.

To continue your migration journey to Google Cloud, start using Migration Center today.

July 30, 2024

StratoZone is scheduled for end of sale on July 30, 2024, and will reach end of life (complete shutdown) on October 1, 2024.

January 17, 2024

Updated the Assessment Summary and Proposal, and the Detailed Pricing report generation to redirect to Migration Center when an account is integrated with Migration Center.

Updated Google Cloud pricing.

Updated some CloudFit scores for operating systems that have reached End of Life (EOL).

Fixed an issue where drive type manual override was not being applied in certain situations.

Fixed an issue with the Microsoft License Assessment report that occasionally would cause a blank Detail report when requesting both Summary and Detail reports at the same time.

September 21, 2023

Added virtual machine assessment data export feature.

Added support for mcdc CLI data synchronization with Migration Center.

Updated Google Cloud pricing.

Updated the cloud service mappings from Azure to Google Cloud.

Removed legacy secondary MFA requirement for user accounts.

Added self-service option to add Migration Center users to StratoZone.

StratoProbe - updated .NET Desktop Runtime to 6.0.22.

StratoProbe - updated PostgreSQL to version 12.16.

StratoProbe - fixed an issue related to integer overflow in SQL Server data collection.

Fixed a minor UI issue on Assessment Summary and Proposal report pop-up.

Fixed a UI issue related to out-of-scope assets export pop-up.

Fixed an issue with incorrect Extreme/Hyperdisk drive type recommendation for certain packages.

Fixed a display issue on Assessment Summary and Proposal report where some excluded machine families were duplicated on the Assumptions slide.

August 21, 2023

Added Migration Center informational banner.

Added support for Google Cloud Hyperdisk.

Updated Google Cloud pricing.

Updated demo account assessment capabilities to prevent misuse.

June 26, 2023

StratoProbe - Added the ability to scan MongoDB clusters.

Added Cloud fit and pricing details for MongoDB.

Added database Cloud fit report.

Updated Microsoft License Report with improved layout and additional cost saving opportunities for SQL Server.

Updated default package selection to exclude A2 and M3 preemptible families.

Updated Content Security Policy to enable Trusted Types.

Updated the default visibility of AWS and Azure pricing catalogs.

Updated SQL Server Cloud fit rules to accommodate for new CloudSQL for SQL Server features.

Fixed an issue where the sole-tenant overcommit surcharge was not being added when setting the overcommit options in pricing preferences.

Fixed an issue where bin packing results were not refreshed after changes to some user rightsizing preferences.

Fixed an issue where invalid custom shapes were selected in some cases for sole-tenant nodes.

June 01, 2023

Updated Google Cloud pricing to include new memory optimized machines.

Updated default sole-tenant overcommit value to 1.0x for moderate right-sizing mode.

StratoProbe - updated .NET Framework to .NET Core 6.0.

StratoProbe - updated how Fit Assessment scripts and data are transferred (using Windows registry) between target Windows assets.

StratoProbe - updated Windows NCrypt algorithm to AES.

Fixed an issue related to date selection on assessment schedule page.

May 10, 2023

Fixed an issue where a blank slide would appear in the Assessment & Summary report if no Solution Groups were present in the customer account.

Fixed an issue with the expected asset count for some manual import types.

Fixed an issue where a value of 0 was allowed for CPU cores in the manual import.

Fixed an issue where overcommit on Sole Tenant was allowed to be set to 4 when the maximum is 2.

April 03, 2023

Added Microsoft License Assessment Report that provides total cost of ownership (TCO) estimates for Microsoft workloads, highlighting potential opportunities to optimize cost.

Updated AWS collection script to support Amazon RDS for SQL Server.

Updated Oracle assessment to support AlloyDB for PostgreSQL as a target.

StratoProbe - added support for additional SSH MAC algorithms.

StratoProbe - changed the default de-duplication logic to use fingerprints instead of FQDN.

Fixed a display issue with number of cores/threads on the Database Results page.

Fixed an issue with filtering cloud services using assessment names.

Fixed a display issue with pricing details on Sole Tenant pricing page.

Fixed in issue where in some cases the minimum GCVE cluster size was getting set to four nodes instead of three.

StratoProbe - fixed an issue with Google Cloud fit recommendation collection to handle various credential formats.

February 16, 2023

StratoProbe - updated Google Cloud fit recommendations scripts to version 1.14.0.

StratoProbe - changed VM age to use CreateDate for vSphere collection.

StratoProbe - moved local log files to %PROGRAMDATA%\Google\DiscoveryClient folder.

January 26, 2023

Added AWS/RDS database import and fit scoring

Added PrimaryMACAddress(optional) column to the vmInfo.csv file import template that is populated from Azure/AWS scripts and used in deduplication

Added an optional MemoryUtilizationPercentage column to the perfInfo.csv file import template that can be used as an alternative to report memory utilization. By default, memory utilization is calculated based on AvailableMemoryBytes column in the perfInfo.csv file less the MemoryGiB column in the vmInfo.csv file.

Updated Google Cloud Platform pricing which includes adding newly available regions

Added additional solution signatures for JBoss and Tomcat to better support identification of these workloads on Linux distributions

Updated Content Security Policy for Trusted Type reporting

Fixed an issue where the reporting group selection limit was not applied consistently to all reports

Fixed an issue with the Compliance certification link

Fixed an issue where the dependency report was not showing all ports in some cases

Fixed an issue with the amount of memory being reported as available for the m2-ultramem-208 machine shape

December 15, 2022

Added ability to view collected GPUs in the StratoZone portal and run a report with collected GPU footprint

Added heterogeneous database fit recommendations and pricing for Oracle to PostgreSQL

StratoProbe - Updated PostgreSQL DB collection queries to detect AWS SCT extensions

StratoProbe - Updated Oracle DB collection queries to support Oracle heterogenous fit recommendations

StratoProbe - Updated Fit Assessment Scripts to version 1.13.1

StratoProbe - Fixed an issue where core count collection could be off in Guest OS collection in some older Windows instances and in some older Linux distros

StratoProbe - Fixed an issue with collector creating unwanted files on target Windows assets during Fit Assessment

Fixed an issue in the StratoZone portal assessment list where the last uploaded date could be off by a few hours depending on timezone

November 03, 2022

Added ability to export digital sustainability report

Added host maintenance policy options for Google sole-tenant pricing

StratoProbe - Added the ability to configure the collector to use IP addresses instead of FQDN to identify and deduplicate assets

Updated StratoZone Portal EULA

StratoProbe - Updated StratoProbe EULA

StratoProbe - Updated the data collection method for mFit assessments on Windows

Updated moderate and aggressive right-sizing defaults for Google sole-tenant nodes

Added CloudSQL and sole-tenant pricing for Milan

Removed preferences tab under Access Management page and Additional Software option under sizing options

Updated error message for authentication failures on login page with detailed instructions to fix common issues

Fixed an issue with editing an application in the StratoZone portal

Fixed an issue with the ability to add partner users

Fixed an issue with search on database inventory page

StratoProbe - Fixed an issue with IP address list import

September 22, 2022

Added ability to generate a Container Fit Assessment report

Added VMware Horizon workload detection

Increased timeout of HSTS HTTP response header policy

StratoProbe - Added alternative method for collection of netstat data as netstat is being deprecated on Debian distros

Enhanced detection of Citrix workloads

Fixed an issue where the manual import fails if a VM has >50 IP addresses assigned

Fixed an issue where the Windows OS cost was not being calculated correctly for E2-micro/small/medium instances

Fixed an issue where RAM right-sizing values could be negative in some cases

Fixed an issue where out-of-scope Database instances were not being excluded in reports

Fixed an issue where a user could select an invalid filter combination impacting Sole Tenant pricing

StratoProbe - Fixed an issue where Download Results was not producing a CSV in the IP Range Scan

StratoProbe - Fixed an issue with memory utilization collection on older CentOs distributions

August 11, 2022

New regions for pricing and recommendations are now available: Paris (europe-west9), Milan (europe-west8), Madrid (europe-southwest1), Dallas (us-south1), and Columbus (us-east5)

New T2A ARM-based machine shapes for pricing and recommendations are now available. These shapes are excluded by default, but can be added to recommendations by including the family for the pricing catalog.

Fixed an issue with memory utilization for manually imported AWS assets

Fixed an issue with manual Azure file imports to properly identify the OS type

Upgraded deprecated Google sign-in JavaScript library with Google Identity Services

Upgraded jQuery UI JavaScript library to version 1.13.2

Updated hint on manual imports page for RVTools to show the minimum supported version number

Added collector version number to the Assessments page

July 22, 2022

Fixed an issue where the new account Vector Number / Opportunity ID uniqueness check was not taking into account logically deleted accounts

Fixed an issue where the Installed Software report could fail in some cases with a large dataset

Fixed typos on Dashboard and Cloud Services pages

Removed older E2 machine types from default matching consideration (they can be added back in by changing sizing preferences)

Added additional Operating Systems to the supported list in the Manual Import assessment

July 07, 2022

Added feature to provide Google Cloud Fit recommendations for AWS & Azure services using AWS & Azure scripts

Fixed an issue with Cloud SQL CPU/Memory ratios impacting shape recommendation

Fixed an issue where a database sizing unit was incorrect for SQL Server

Fixed an issue where AWS scripts were pulling cores instead of vCPUs

Fixed an issue where Create New Customer would default to a demo account in some cases

Fixed an issue where right-sizing by group would not take effect in some instances

Added multiple operating system entries to help support RVTools and vSphere scan data

Made a number of minor UI changes in StratoProbe based on user feedback to improve usability

June 10, 2022

Fixed an issue where the Private Data Center was not show in the Migration Proposal report in some cases

Fixed an issue with running a large Dependency report in Excel format

Updated solution target for Microsoft IIS from Google App Engine to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Updated file upload limit for RVTools import from 10MB to 50MB

May 19, 2022

Added new customizable Migration Proposal report (aka Day 2 report) enabling consumption planning proposals and plan tracking

Fixed an issue where remote filesystem beegfs was being picked up as a local disk

Fixed an issue where the help icon was returning a blank modal

May 05, 2022

Added support for importing asset information from RVTools Excel exports

Added ability to automatically create groups based on imported tags

Added mFit collection capabilities to StratoProbe

Added scanning support for Nvidia GPUs on Linux machines to StratoProbe

Added identification of Citrix workloads

Fixed a bug where collection counts in StratoProbe could be overcounted in some cases

Fixed a bug where network collection can fail in some cases for Linux in StratoProbe

Fixed a bug where collection schedule was not being updated in StratoProbe when changed in the StratoZone web portal

April 07, 2022

Updated MongoDB recommendation mapping from Firestore to MongoDB Atlas

Updated demo customer data set to include database inventory

Improved loading performance for Build Group query builder for large datasets

Fixed a bug where certain preemptible packages were not being excluded by default in some cases

Fixed a bug where some packages with free linux OS were being excluded from recommendation

March 17, 2022

Changes to StratoProbe UI database collection for improved usability

Improvements in pricing recommendations for custom packages

StratoProbe collection throughput optimization and increased performance resolution

Fixed an issue for some database instances not matching an asset in inventory

Fixed a minor display issue in Database dashboard

Fixed an issue in the Summary report for database slides where only on-demand catalog would appear regardless of selection

Fixed an issue in the manual import preventing duplicate IP address import from AWS/Azure scale sets

February 24, 2022

Updated help information for GCVE in the sizing preferences panel

Updated Assessment Summary & Proposal report to include database dashboard

Add (optional) suffix to some column headers in the manual import to clarify which columns are not required for import

Added missing "average," "median," and "95th %ile" to Grouping and Sizing report for IOPS

Added additional debug/info logs during authentication in StratoProbe

Updated CSV import in StratoProbe to allow customers to automatically link a database to its underlying resource

Fixed an issue where the CloudFit report would not run in some cases

Fixed an issue with the database total cost

Fixed an issue where new preemptible packages were being included by default

Fixed an issue with clone function not working for CloudSQL and Oracle BMS Details report

Fixed "Product Type" selections not carrying over to pricing calculations from UI preferences

Fixed an issue where the running process name was being truncated during collection in some cases

Fixed an issue where StratoProbe was unable to collect database data from PostgreSQL 13.5 and 14.0

February 01, 2022

Added database information page provides details for each listed database (applicable only when using a database scan via StratoProbe)

Added pricing for Chile region: southamerica-west-1

Added ability to export errors in manual import

Added new compliance certification logos to main portal page

Added additional columns to database details report

Fixed an issue where out of scope assets were included in Database dashboard metrics

Fixed an issue where the StratoProbe installer would not upgrade to the correct .NET version when upgrading StratoProbe

Fixed an issue where in some cases the upload icon was not locked after uploading manual import files.

Fixed an issue where alert messages were not displaying when pricing updates were completed or reports were complete.

Fixed an issue where Oracle database were duplicating rows in database pricing report

December 15, 2021

Added ability to create Dependency Groups from Build Groups

Added database fit scoring that provides a fit score to Google database services such as CloudSQL (for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server) and BareMetal in the case of Oracle databases.

Added new dashboards in the portal UI to view discovered databases and corresponding results.

Added additional database reporting capabilities in the Summary Report

Added ability to import additional data such as utilization data to aid in rightsizing for the manual import

Added Azure and AWS scripts that can be run in customer environments to collect data to feed importing data into StratoZone

Improved upgradability of StratoProbe allowing for easier and more robust upgrades

October 28, 2021

Revamp of StratoProbe UI using native-Google Pantheon UI components providing better usability and more first-party experience

Added new Database collection capabilities to StratoProbe for collecting database-level (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server) information to provide Google Cloud solution matching and pricing to CloudSQL and BMS offerings

Fixed an issue in the Inventory report where the Last Collected Date was earlier than the actual date in some cases

Fixed an issue where default sizing settings for GCVE were not getting initialized properly in some cases

June 24, 2021

Added support for additional database fingerprinting for Hbase, Cassandra, Mongo, Redis, and Memcached based on existing logic and existing data collected

Support for new GA sole tenant host nodes in Sole Tenant catalog pricing

Add a configuration to allow users to remove the built-in Sustained Use Discounts (SUD) to better support enterprise-level custom discounting

Updated portal navigation and nomenclature improvements based on customer and UX feedback

Added CPU minimums for certain OS types when right-sizing

Fixed an issue where Google Docs reports failed when they could not be shared due to restrictions by client domain policy

Fixed an issue where storage pricing on the baseline Customized Data Center was not matching the Private Data Center

Fixed an issue where filters were being unselected on the Inventory details screen

Fixed an issue where the Installed Software report was not producing any results when selecting a Solution Group filter

April 29, 2021

Identify detected enterprise workloads such as SAP, databases, and other solutions using collected data to fingerprint solutions

Added privacy and documentation links to the portal login page

Fixed an issue where user selections of a specific machine shape were not being retained

Fixed an issue where the memory amount was not displayed correctly for custom machine shapes in pricing screens and reports in some cases

March 30, 2021

Google Sign-In is now the sole authentication mechanism to the StratoZone web portal

Added a Rightsize my VMs for GCVE sizing option for GCVE pricing

Improved crypto posture of StratoProbe using Tink encryption library

Fixed an issue where an asset was removed from a group and group-based pricing (sole tenant and GCVE) was not being recalculated

Fixed an issue in StratoProbe where Oracle Linux variants were being reported as RHEL on Linux5

February 25, 2021

Added Balanced PD support for price matching

Private Data Center pricing has been updated and now includes per machine power costing and customization

Updated Assessment & Summary report Slides template

Restyled header buttons to be more in line with Google UI standards and stand out from surrounding background

Moved table-based searched to the top of the table to be more in line with Google UI standards and be more visible to the user

Fixed an issue where the assessment status for StratoProbe was not switching to "Installed" after activation

Fixed an issue where an expired collector could be extended in some instances