Reduce deployment risk with blue-green deployments

This page shows you how to deploy a new version of your application and migrate traffic over from an old to a new version.

Push the initial App

Use the Kf CLI to push the initial version of your App with any routes:

$ kf push app-v1 --route

Push the updated App

Use the Kf CLI to push a new version of your App without any routes:

$ kf push app-v2 --no-route

Add routes to the updated App

Use the Kf CLI to bind all existing routes to the updated App with a weight of 0 to ensure that they don't get any requests:

$ kf map-route app-v2 --hostname my-app --weight 0

Shift traffic

Start shifting traffic from the old App to the updated App by updating the weights on the routes:

$ kf map-route app-v1 --hostname my-app --weight 80
$ kf map-route app-v2 --hostname my-app --weight 20

If the deployment is going well, you can shift more traffic by updating the weights again:

$ kf map-route app-v1 --hostname my-app --weight 50
$ kf map-route app-v2 --hostname my-app --weight 50

Complete traffic shifting

After you're satisfied that the new service hasn't introduced regressions, complete the rollout by shifting all traffic to the new instance:

$ kf map-route app-v1 --hostname my-app --weight 0
$ kf map-route app-v2 --hostname my-app --weight 100

Turn down the original App

After you're satisfied that quick rollbacks aren't needed, remove the original route and stop the App:

$ kf unmap-route app-v1 --hostname my-app
$ kf stop app-v1

Or delete the App and all associated route mappings:

$ kf delete app-v1