Kf downloads

This page lists available Kf stable releases and required dependencies. Kf follows Semantic Versioning for its releases.

Follow the upgrade guide if you want to upgrade an existing Kf cluster.


Name gcloud storage address Direct Link
Kf operator gs://kf-releases/v2.4.1/operator.yaml Download
Kf system gs://kf-releases/v2.4.1/kfsystem.yaml Download
Kf Cloud Service Broker gs://kf-releases/csb/v1.0.0/kf-csb.yaml Download
Linux Kf CLI gs://kf-releases/v2.4.1/kf-linux Download
MacOS Kf CLI gs://kf-releases/v2.4.1/kf-darwin Download
Windows Kf CLI gs://kf-releases/v2.4.1/kf-windows.exe Download
Third Party Sources gs://kf-releases/v2.4.1/third_party.tgz Download

Dependency matrix

Dependency Version Direct Link
Config Connector 1.46.0 Download
Tekton 0.23.0 Download
Cloud Service Mesh 1.9 Install Guide