Upgrade container workloads for enhanced runtime

If you have existing container workloads created using Migrate to Containers versions 1.7.x and 1.8.x, you can convert them to use the simplified Linux service manager. This conversion lets you then run these containers on GKE Autopilot clusters.

To perform the conversion, edit the Dockerfile and the deployment_spec.yaml file created when you performed the original migration. Once edited, you can then deploy the container workload on Autopilot clusters.

About converting container workloads

The procedure for converting existing workloads depends on whether you are converting a stateless workload or stateful workload.

A stateful workload is one that maintains or stores state information. For stateful workloads, you often mount additional volumes by using the StatefulSet in spec.containers.volumeMounts. Make sure to retain the volumeMounts definitions while also removing them for /sys/fs/cgroup. See Mounting External Volumes for more information.

The general process of converting an existing workload requires you to edit the:

  • Dockerfile

    • Set the Migrate to Containers version to 1.15.0.
    • Insert two ADD commands to copy the logs.yaml file to the container image.
    • Insert a RUN command for the servicemanager_generate_config utility.
  • deployment_spec.yaml file to:

    • Delete the hostPath and volumeMounts definitions for /sys/fs/cgroup.
    • Delete the securityContext definition.
    • Delete the readinessProbe definition.
    • You can leave the mountPath and configMap definitions for logs-config, however logging does not currently work with the simplified Linux service manager.

For the specific conversion process, see the sections below:

Convert a stateless workload

The following example show how to convert a stateless container workload:

  1. Locate the directory containing your existing migration artifacts, including the deployment_spec.yaml file.

  2. Edit the Dockerfile to set the product version, to copy the logs.yaml file, and to run the servicemanager_generate_config utility:

    # Set the product version to 1.15.0:
    FROM anthos-migrate.gcr.io/v2k-run-embedded:v1.15.0 as migrate-for-anthos-runtime
    ADD blocklist.yaml /.m4a/blocklist.yaml
    # Insert the ADD commands to copy the `logs.yaml` file to the container image:
    ADD logs.yaml /code/config/logs/logsArtifact.yaml
    ADD logs.yaml /code/config/logs/logs.yaml
    # Insert the RUN command for servicemanager_generate_config:
    RUN /servicemanager_generate_config build-all -o /.m4a/
    # Migrate to Containers image includes entrypoint
    ENTRYPOINT [ "/.v2k.go" ]
  3. Open the deployment_spec.yaml file in an editor. For example:

    vi  deployment_spec.yaml
  4. Locate the following section in the file and delete the indicated lines:

    apiVersion: apps/v1 
    kind: Deployment
      creationTimestamp: null 
      name: IMAGE_NAME  
          - image: gcr.io/PROJECT_NAME/IMAGE_NAME:LABEL
            name: IMAGE_NAME
    # Delete the following lines:
                - /code/ready.sh
            resources: {}
              privileged: true
            - mountPath: /sys/fs/cgroup
              name: cgroups
            - mountPath: /code/config/logs
              name: logs-config
          - hostPath:
              path: /sys/fs/cgroup
              type: Directory
            name: cgroups
          - configMap:
              name: suitecrm-crddefault-logs
            name: logs-config
    # Stop the delete here.
  5. Add the lines below to set the HC_V2K_SERVICE_MANAGER environment variable.

      - image: gcr.io/PROJECT_NAME/IMAGE_NAME:LABEL
        name: IMAGE_NAME
    # Add the following lines:
          - name: HC_V2K_SERVICE_MANAGER
            value: "true"
  6. Save the file.

  7. Ensure that the target cluster has read access to the Docker image registry as described in Ensure the target cluster has read access to the Docker image registry.

  8. Build the updated image and push to Container Registry with an updated version tag, ensuring you allow enough time for the build to finish. In the following example, the image is in the current directory:

    gcloud builds submit --timeout 4h --tag gcr.io/PROJECT_NAME/IMAGE_NAME:LABEL .
  9. Deploy the container:

    kubectl apply -f deployment_spec.yaml

    If you apply the deployment spec to an Autopilot cluster without the necessary changes in deployment_spec.yaml, you see an error message in the form:

    "Trying to run without root privileges is not possible. Did you try to use the new runtime? In that case please pass the environment variable HC_V2K_SERVICE_MANAGER=true to the pod"

  10. View the pods that are being deployed to the cluster.

    kubectl get pods

Convert a stateful workload

The following example show how to convert a stateful container workload:

  1. Locate the directory containing your existing migration artifacts, including the deployment_spec.yaml file.

  2. Edit the Dockerfile to set the product version and run the servicemanager_generate_config utility:

    # Set the product version to 1.15.0:
    FROM anthos-migrate.gcr.io/v2k-run-embedded:v1.15.0 as migrate-for-anthos-runtime
    ADD blocklist.yaml /.m4a/blocklist.yaml
    # Insert the ADD commands to copy the `logs.yaml` file to the container image:
    ADD logs.yaml /code/config/logs/logsArtifact.yaml
    ADD logs.yaml /code/config/logs/logs.yaml
    # Insert the RUN command for servicemanager_generate_config:
    RUN /servicemanager_generate_config build-all -o /.m4a/
    # Migrate to Containers image includes entrypoint
    ENTRYPOINT [ "/.v2k.go" ]
  3. Open the deployment_spec.yaml file in an editor. For example:

    vi  deployment_spec.yaml
  4. Locate the following three sections in the file and delete the indicated lines:

    apiVersion: apps/v1 
    kind: StatefulSet  
      - image: gcr.io/PROJECT_NAME/IMAGE_NAME:LABEL 
        name: IMAGE_NAME 
    # Delete the following lines:
            - /code/ready.sh 
        resources: {} 
          privileged: true 
    # Stop the delete here.
    # Delete the following lines:
        - mountPath: /sys/fs/cgroup 
          name: cgroups 
    # Stop the delete here.
        - mountPath: /opt/suitecrm-7.10.5-0/mysql/data 
          name: data-pvc-0-1b12-d0af-48b3-9f5e-6c25fa5 
          subPath: opt/suitecrm-7.10.5-0/mysql/data 
    # Delete the following lines:
      - hostPath:
          path: /sys/fs/cgroup 
          type: Directory 
        name: cgroups 
    # Stop the delete here.
      - name: data-pvc-2-d0af-48b3-9f5e09c25fa5 
          claimName: data-pvc-0-1a2-d0af-48b3-9f5e-605fa5

    Notice that you only remove the volumeMounts and volumes definitions for cgroups and leave the remaining definitions.

  5. Add the following lines to set the HC_V2K_SERVICE_MANAGER environment variable:

      - image: gcr.io/PROJECT_NAME/IMAGE_NAME:LABEL
        name: IMAGE_NAME 
    # Add the following lines:
        - name: HC_V2K_SERVICE_MANAGER 
          value: "true" 
    # Stop the add here.
        - mountPath: /opt/suitecrm-7.10.5-0/mysql/data 
          name: data-pvc-0-1b12-d0af-48b3-9f5e-6c25fa5 
          subPath: opt/suitecrm-7.10.5-0/mysql/data 
      - name: data-pvc-2-d0af-48b3-9f5e09c25fa5 
          claimName: data-pvc-0-1a2-d0af-48b3-9f5e-605fa5
  6. Save the file.

  7. Ensure that the target cluster has read access to the Docker image registry as described in Ensure the target cluster has read access to the Docker image registry.

  8. Build the updated image and push to Container Registry with an updated version tag, ensuring you allow enough time for the build to finish. In the following example, the image is in the current directory:

    gcloud builds submit --timeout 4h --tag gcr.io/PROJECT_NAME/IMAGE_NAME:LABEL .
  9. Deploy the container:

    kubectl apply -f deployment_spec.yaml

    If you apply the deployment spec to an Autopilot cluster without the necessary changes in deployment_spec.yaml, you see an error message in the form:

    "Trying to run without root privileges is not possible. Did you try to use the new runtime? In that case please pass the environment variable HC_V2K_SERVICE_MANAGER=true to the pod"

  10. View the pods that are being deployed to the cluster.

    kubectl get pods

Post conversion tasks

After you convert an existing migration to use the simplified Linux service manager, you might want to modify it to:

  • Update the services used by the migrated workload.
  • Add new services.

For both scenarios, you must edit the Dockerfile, then rebuild the container image.

Update services

In this section, you edit the Dockerfile to update the services-config.yaml file in the container based on changes made in /etc/systemd on the migrated workload.

To update the container image for a change to an existing service:

  1. Add the servicemanager_generate_config command in the Dockerfile:

    FROM anthos-migrate.gcr.io/v2k-run-embedded:v1.15.0 as migrate-for-anthos-runtime
    ADD blocklist.yaml /.m4a/blocklist.yaml
    # Use the update command for servicemanager_generate_config to update the configuration:
    RUN /servicemanager_generate_config update -u /.m4a/
    # Migrate to Containers image includes entrypoint
    ENTRYPOINT [ "/.v2k.go" ]
  2. Build the updated image and push to Container Registry with an updated version tag, ensuring you allow enough time for the build to finish. In the following example, the image is in the current directory:

    gcloud builds submit --timeout 4h --tag gcr.io/PROJECT_NAME/IMAGE_NAME:LABEL .
  3. Deploy the newly built image:

    kubectl set image deployment/myWorkload my-app=gcr.io/PROJECT_NAME/IMAGE_NAME:LABEL --record

Add services

To add a service to the container image:

  1. Add the servicemanager_generate_config command in the Dockerfile:

    FROM anthos-migrate.gcr.io/v2k-run-embedded:v1.15.0 as migrate-for-anthos-runtime
    ADD blocklist.yaml /.m4a/blocklist.yaml
    # This example adds the redis-server service.
    # Add the following lines to install redis-server.
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install redis-server
    # Use the servicemanager_generate_config add command to add
    # redis-server to the configuration:
    RUN /servicemanager_generate_config add redis-server -u /.m4a/
    # Migrate to Containers image includes entrypoint
    ENTRYPOINT [ "/.v2k.go" ]
  2. Build the updated image and push to Container Registry with an updated version tag, ensuring you allow enough time for the build to finish. In the following example, the image is in the current directory:

    gcloud builds submit --timeout 4h --tag gcr.io/PROJECT_NAME/IMAGE_NAME:LABEL .
  3. Deploy the newly built image:

    kubectl set image deployment/myWorkload my-app=gcr.io/PROJECT_NAME/IMAGE_NAME:LABEL --record

servicemanager_generate_config syntax

The servicemanager_generate_config utility takes the following options:

  • build-all -o /.m4a/: Rebuilds the migration and writes the configuration to the m4a directory. Do not change the name of the directory.

    Use this form of the command when you first convert your migration to use the simplified Linux service manager.

  • update -u /.m4a/: Update the list of existing services in the m4a directory. Do not change the name of the directory.

  • add SERVICE_NAME -u /.m4a/: Add service name to the migration and writes the configuration to the m4a directory. Do not change the name of the directory.

    To add multiple services, add multiple RUN /servicemanager_generate_config commands, one per service.

What's next