Mainframe Assessment Tool overview

This document provides an overview of Mainframe Assessment Tool and the mainframe migration journey.

Mainframe Assessment Tool is an application that lets you accelerate your journey end-to-end from your current mainframe setup to resources on Google Cloud. It lets you assess your codebase without making changes to your existing applications or workloads. With features like asset discovery of your current codebase and documentation generation using generative AI, Mainframe Assessment Tool provides you with everything you need for migrating your mainframe applications to Google Cloud.

Mainframe migration journey

The following diagram illustrates the overall migration journey of mainframe applications:

Phases of mainframe migration journey

The migration journey has the following phases:

  • Discover and assess the existing codebase: Mainframe Assessment Tool lets you perform the initial assessment of the mainframe application footprint, technology stack and dependencies. After uploading a zip file containing one or more applications, the contents are automatically scanned. By automating the assessment process with Mainframe Assessment Tool, it saves your organization time and energy that would otherwise be spent collecting and processing this data manually.
  • Plan the migration: you can use the detailed assessment that you performed using Mainframe Assessment Tool to further plan your migration more conveniently and quickly, while lowering the migration risks.
  • Migrate workloads: depending on the choice you made during the planning phase, you can use solutions that Google Cloud provides to start the actual migration.

Data collection security and privacy notice

Mainframe Assessment Tool only collects information extracted from the zip file that you provide. It doesn't collect personally identifiable information (PII) or data subject to PCI or HIPAA compliance requirements.

All the collected data is used only to assess and analyze your applications for the purposes of cloud migration assessment and planning. Your data is never exported outside the VM on which it gets deployed. The source code is uploaded to Vertex AI, but the model is not enriched by information extracted from this source code.

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