

explore: explore_name {
  conditionally_filter: {
    filters: [field_name: "filter expression", field_name: "filter expression", ...]
    unless: [field_name, field_name, ...]
Default Value

One or more filter specifications of a field name and a Looker filter expression, plus a list of one or more field names in the unless section


The conditionally_filter parameter lets you define a set of default filters that users can override if they apply at least one filter from a second list that you define.

This parameter is typically used to prevent users from accidentally creating very large queries that may be too expensive to run on your database. For example, you might force a user to limit their query to the previous week, unless they've explicitly asked for a larger date range.

Filters applied in conditionally_filter appear to the user after they have run their query. While users can change the default value that you set, they cannot completely remove the filter unless they apply at least one of the filters you specify in the unless subparameter.

The field names you use can be the name of a dimension or measure.

To reference a dimension or measure that is part of a joined view rather than part of this Explore, use view_name.field_name.


Consider the following example:

explore: order {
  conditionally_filter: {
    filters: [id: "123", "678,789"]
    unless: [date]

  join: customer {
    sql_on: ${order.customer_id} = ${} ;;

In this case the id filter refers to the id field from the Explore called order. The filter refers to the id field from the view called customer. Both filters will be applied unless the user sets an order date in the Explore UI. This example also demonstrates that you can require multiple filters.

The default value that you specify can accept these types of expressions.

You can also force the user to use an Order ID filter (with a default value of "123" that they can change) unless they apply an Order Date filter:

explore: order {
  conditionally_filter: {
    filters: [id: "123"]
    unless: [date]

Alternatively, force the user to use an Order ID filter (with a default value of "123" or "234" that they can change) unless they apply an Order Date or Order Time filter:

explore: order {
  conditionally_filter: {
    filters: [id: "123,234"]
    unless: [date, time]

Or, force the user to use an Order ID filter (default value of "123") and a Customer City filter (with default of "Chicago"), unless they apply an Order Date or Customer Date filter:

explore: order {
  conditionally_filter: {
    filters: [id: "123", "Chicago"]
    unless: [date,]

  join: customer {
    sql_on: ${order.customer_id} = ${} ;;

Common challenges

A user cannot remove every filter when conditionally_filter is used

There is no way to run a query without any filters when conditionally_filter is used. A user must use the conditional filters you specify, or their own filters from the unless list.

conditionally_filter with a dimension of type: time in a group puts the group's other dimensions in the unless subparameter

If the field you specify within conditionally_filter is a time-based dimension that is part of a dimension group, then Looker will treat all of that group's other dimensions as if they were subject to an unless subparameter for that conditional filter — even if you don't include an unless subparameter.

The following two blocks of LookML are interpreted identically. Here, conditionally_filter is applied to a time-based dimension event_date that is part of the event dimension group. No unless conditions are specified, but Looker will treat the other dimensions in the event group as though they had been specified with the unless subparameter.

LookML block 1:

explore: logs {
  # Make sure there is always a filter on event_date, event_week, event_month or event_year
  # Default to the last complete day of data
  conditionally_filter: {
    filters: [logs.event_date: "1 days ago for 1 day"]

view: logs {
  # Combine the partition date filters and the time filters into a single field group.
  dimension_group: event {
    type: time
    timeframes: [date,week,month,year]
    sql: _PARTITIONTIME ;;

LookML block 2:

explore: logs {
  # Make sure there is always a filter on event_date, event_week, event_month or event_year
  # Default to the last complete day of data
  conditionally_filter: {
    filters: [logs.event_date: "1 days ago for 1 day"]
    unless: [event_week, event_month, event_year]

view: logs {
  # Combine the partition date filters and the time filters into a single field group.
  dimension_group: event {
    type: time
    timeframes: [date,week,month,year]
    sql: _PARTITIONTIME ;;

Looker interprets the two LookML blocks the same way, even though only the second LookML block explicitly applies the unless subparameter to the event group's other dimensions.

Things to know

There is a method to apply conditionally_filter to a subset of users

To apply a conditional filter for some users but not others, you can use model permissions. You need to create two models: one in which conditionally_filter is used, and one in which it is not. You can then grant access to the proper models on a user-specific basis.

If you want to use conditionally_filter without unless, just use always_filter instead

To force users to use a specific set of filters no matter what, but let them change the default value, use always_filter instead.

If you want filters that cannot be changed at all, consider sql_always_where

If you want an Explore to have filters that are the same for everyone, and not let the users change the filter value, use sql_always_where.

If you want user-specific filters that cannot be changed, consider access_filter

If you want an Explore to have filters that are specific to each user, but cannot be removed or changed, use access_filter.