Use workload identity with Google Cloud
Workload identity enables you to assign distinct, fine-grained identities and authorization for each application in your cluster. Workload identity is the recommended way for applications running within GKE on Azure to access Google Cloud services. For more information, see Workload identity.
This topic describes how to use workload identity to connect to Google Cloud services from your workloads.
Configure a Google Cloud service account
In this section, you create a Google Cloud service account (GSA) with limited permissions to access Google Cloud services.
Get your workload identity pool and provider
To configure workload identity, you must have the values for your cluster's identity provider URI and workload identity pools.
Determine the workload identity pool for your cluster:
All GKE clusters have an identity provider created in the workload identity pool
. To get your cluster's identity pool name, use the Google Cloud CLI:gcloud container azure clusters describe
CLUSTER_NAME \ --location=GOOGLE_CLOUD_LOCATION \ --format='value(workloadIdentityConfig.workloadPool)'Replace the following:
with the name of your cluster.GOOGLE_CLOUD_LOCATION
with the name of the Google Cloud location that manages your cluster
The output includes the name of your cluster's identity pool. Save this value. You'll need it later.
Determine the identity provider for your cluster.
To find your cluster's identity provider name, use the Google Cloud CLI:
gcloud container azure clusters describe
CLUSTER_NAME \ --location=GOOGLE_CLOUD_LOCATION \ --format='value(workloadIdentityConfig.identityProvider)'Replace the following:
The output includes the name of your cluster's identity provider. Save this value. You'll need it later.
Create a Google Cloud service account
To create a Google Cloud service account (GSA), grant permissions to it, and add an IAM policy binding to the GSA, do these steps:
Create the GSA with the Google Cloud CLI:
gcloud iam service-accounts create
GSA_NAME --project=PROJECT_ID Replace the following:
: the name of the GSA for your application.PROJECT_ID
: the GSA's Google Cloud project.
Add an IAM binding to allow the GSA to access services.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding
PROJECT_ID \ --member serviceAccount:GSA_NAME @PROJECT_ID \ --roleIAM_ROLE Replace the following:
: the name of the GSA for your applicationPROJECT_ID
: the project ID for the GSAIAM_ROLE
: the IAM role to grant to the GSA
In this example, we will use the role
, which allows read-only access to compute services:gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding
PROJECT_ID \ --member serviceAccount:GSA_NAME @PROJECT_ID \ --role roles/compute.viewerGrant permissions for your Kubernetes service account (KSA) to impersonate the GSA. You do this by adding an IAM policy binding with the role
:gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding
GSA_NAME @PROJECT_ID \ --member serviceAccount:PROJECT_ID[NAMESPACE/ /KSA_NAME ] \ --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUserReplace the following:
: the Kubernetes Namespace for the applicationKSA_NAME
: the KSA to use for the application
Deploy a sample application
In this section, you deploy a sample application that accesses the
Compute Engine API. To Use this sample, your service account must have the
IAM role granted to it. To deploy the
sample application, follow these steps:
Copy the following manifest into a file named
:apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name:
NAMESPACE --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name:KSA_NAME namespace:NAMESPACE automountServiceAccountToken: false --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: cloud-sdk-config namespace:NAMESPACE data: config: | { "type": "external_account", "audience": "identitynamespace:PROJECT_ID ", "service_account_impersonation_url": " @PROJECT_ID", "subject_token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt", "token_url": "", "credential_source": { "file": "/var/run/secrets/tokens/gcp-ksa/token" } } --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: cloud-sdk-example namespace:NAMESPACE spec: serviceAccount:KSA_NAME containers: - name: cloud-sdk image: command: - /bin/bash - -c - 'set -eu -o pipefail; while true; do gcloud compute zones list --filter="name ~ us-central1-*"; sleep 5; done' env: - name: CLOUDSDK_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_FILE_OVERRIDE value: /var/run/secrets/tokens/gcp-ksa/google-application-credentials.json - name: CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT value:PROJECT_ID volumeMounts: - name: gcp-ksa mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens/gcp-ksa readOnly: true volumes: - name: gcp-ksa projected: defaultMode: 420 sources: - serviceAccountToken: audience:PROJECT_ID expirationSeconds: 86400 path: token - configMap: name: cloud-sdk-config optional: false items: - key: config path: google-application-credentials.jsonReplace the following:
with the name of the identity provider for your cluster.
Apply the manifest to your cluster
kubectl apply -f workload-identity-sample.yaml
Verify the sample application is working, check the Pod's logs:
kubectl logs -f cloud-sdk-example -n
NAMESPACE Replace the following:
If the Pod is successful in accessing the Google Cloud compute API, you will see output that looks similar to this:
NAME REGION STATUS NEXT_MAINTENANCE TURNDOWN_DATE us-central1-c us-central1 UP us-central1-a us-central1 UP us-central1-f us-central1 UP us-central1-b us-central1 UP
Cleaning up
Delete the sample application
kubectl delete -f manifest.yaml
Remove the IAM policy binding from the Google Cloud service account
gcloud iam service-accounts remove-iam-policy-binding \
GSA_NAME @PROJECT_ID \ --member serviceAccount:PROJECT_ID[NAMESPACE/ /KSA_NAME ] \ roles/iam.workloadIdentityUserReplace the following:
Remove the IAM policy binding from the project
gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding
PROJECT_ID \ --member serviceAccount:GSA_NAME @PROJECT_ID \ --role roles/compute.viewerReplace the following:
Delete the Google Cloud service account
gcloud iam service-accounts delete \
GSA_NAME @PROJECT_ID .iam.gserviceaccount.comReplace the following: