Class DatabaseAdminClient (6.77.0)

GitHub RepositoryProduct Reference

Service Description: Cloud Spanner Database Admin API

The Cloud Spanner Database Admin API can be used to: * create, drop, and list databases * update the schema of pre-existing databases * create, delete, copy and list backups for a database * restore a database from an existing backup

This class provides the ability to make remote calls to the backing service through method calls that map to API methods. Sample code to get started:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   DatabaseName name = DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]");
   Database response = databaseAdminClient.getDatabase(name);

Note: close() needs to be called on the DatabaseAdminClient object to clean up resources such as threads. In the example above, try-with-resources is used, which automatically calls close().

Method Description Method Variants


Lists Cloud Spanner databases.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • listDatabases(ListDatabasesRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • listDatabases(InstanceName parent)

  • listDatabases(String parent)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • listDatabasesPagedCallable()

  • listDatabasesCallable()


Creates a new Cloud Spanner database and starts to prepare it for serving. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format <database_name>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track preparation of the database. The metadata field type is CreateDatabaseMetadata. The response field type is Database, if successful.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • createDatabaseAsync(CreateDatabaseRequest request)

Methods that return long-running operations have "Async" method variants that return OperationFuture, which is used to track polling of the service.

  • createDatabaseAsync(InstanceName parent, String createStatement)

  • createDatabaseAsync(String parent, String createStatement)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • createDatabaseOperationCallable()

  • createDatabaseCallable()


Gets the state of a Cloud Spanner database.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • getDatabase(GetDatabaseRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • getDatabase(DatabaseName name)

  • getDatabase(String name)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • getDatabaseCallable()


Updates a Cloud Spanner database. The returned long-running operation can be used to track the progress of updating the database. If the named database does not exist, returns NOT_FOUND.

While the operation is pending:

* The database's reconciling field is set to true. * Cancelling the operation is best-effort. If the cancellation succeeds, the operation metadata's cancel_time is set, the updates are reverted, and the operation terminates with a CANCELLED status. * New UpdateDatabase requests will return a FAILED_PRECONDITION error until the pending operation is done (returns successfully or with error). * Reading the database via the API continues to give the pre-request values.

Upon completion of the returned operation:

* The new values are in effect and readable via the API. * The database's reconciling field becomes false.

The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track the database modification. The metadata field type is UpdateDatabaseMetadata. The response field type is Database, if successful.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • updateDatabaseAsync(UpdateDatabaseRequest request)

Methods that return long-running operations have "Async" method variants that return OperationFuture, which is used to track polling of the service.

  • updateDatabaseAsync(Database database, FieldMask updateMask)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • updateDatabaseOperationCallable()

  • updateDatabaseCallable()


Updates the schema of a Cloud Spanner database by creating/altering/dropping tables, columns, indexes, etc. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format <database_name>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track execution of the schema change(s). The metadata field type is UpdateDatabaseDdlMetadata. The operation has no response.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • updateDatabaseDdlAsync(UpdateDatabaseDdlRequest request)

Methods that return long-running operations have "Async" method variants that return OperationFuture, which is used to track polling of the service.

  • updateDatabaseDdlAsync(DatabaseName database, List<String> statements)

  • updateDatabaseDdlAsync(String database, List<String> statements)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • updateDatabaseDdlOperationCallable()

  • updateDatabaseDdlCallable()


Drops (aka deletes) a Cloud Spanner database. Completed backups for the database will be retained according to their expire_time. Note: Cloud Spanner might continue to accept requests for a few seconds after the database has been deleted.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • dropDatabase(DropDatabaseRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • dropDatabase(DatabaseName database)

  • dropDatabase(String database)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • dropDatabaseCallable()


Returns the schema of a Cloud Spanner database as a list of formatted DDL statements. This method does not show pending schema updates, those may be queried using the Operations API.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • getDatabaseDdl(GetDatabaseDdlRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • getDatabaseDdl(DatabaseName database)

  • getDatabaseDdl(String database)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • getDatabaseDdlCallable()


Sets the access control policy on a database or backup resource. Replaces any existing policy.

Authorization requires spanner.databases.setIamPolicy permission on resource. For backups, authorization requires spanner.backups.setIamPolicy permission on resource.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • setIamPolicy(SetIamPolicyRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • setIamPolicy(ResourceName resource, Policy policy)

  • setIamPolicy(String resource, Policy policy)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • setIamPolicyCallable()


Gets the access control policy for a database or backup resource. Returns an empty policy if a database or backup exists but does not have a policy set.

Authorization requires spanner.databases.getIamPolicy permission on resource. For backups, authorization requires spanner.backups.getIamPolicy permission on resource.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • getIamPolicy(GetIamPolicyRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • getIamPolicy(ResourceName resource)

  • getIamPolicy(String resource)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • getIamPolicyCallable()


Returns permissions that the caller has on the specified database or backup resource.

Attempting this RPC on a non-existent Cloud Spanner database will result in a NOT_FOUND error if the user has spanner.databases.list permission on the containing Cloud Spanner instance. Otherwise returns an empty set of permissions. Calling this method on a backup that does not exist will result in a NOT_FOUND error if the user has spanner.backups.list permission on the containing instance.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • testIamPermissions(TestIamPermissionsRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • testIamPermissions(ResourceName resource, List<String> permissions)

  • testIamPermissions(String resource, List<String> permissions)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • testIamPermissionsCallable()


Starts creating a new Cloud Spanner Backup. The returned backup long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track creation of the backup. The metadata field type is CreateBackupMetadata. The response field type is Backup, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the creation and delete the backup. There can be only one pending backup creation per database. Backup creation of different databases can run concurrently.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • createBackupAsync(CreateBackupRequest request)

Methods that return long-running operations have "Async" method variants that return OperationFuture, which is used to track polling of the service.

  • createBackupAsync(InstanceName parent, Backup backup, String backupId)

  • createBackupAsync(String parent, Backup backup, String backupId)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • createBackupOperationCallable()

  • createBackupCallable()


Starts copying a Cloud Spanner Backup. The returned backup long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track copying of the backup. The operation is associated with the destination backup. The metadata field type is CopyBackupMetadata. The response field type is Backup, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the copying and delete the destination backup. Concurrent CopyBackup requests can run on the same source backup.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • copyBackupAsync(CopyBackupRequest request)

Methods that return long-running operations have "Async" method variants that return OperationFuture, which is used to track polling of the service.

  • copyBackupAsync(InstanceName parent, String backupId, BackupName sourceBackup, Timestamp expireTime)

  • copyBackupAsync(InstanceName parent, String backupId, String sourceBackup, Timestamp expireTime)

  • copyBackupAsync(String parent, String backupId, BackupName sourceBackup, Timestamp expireTime)

  • copyBackupAsync(String parent, String backupId, String sourceBackup, Timestamp expireTime)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • copyBackupOperationCallable()

  • copyBackupCallable()


Gets metadata on a pending or completed Backup.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • getBackup(GetBackupRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • getBackup(BackupName name)

  • getBackup(String name)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • getBackupCallable()


Updates a pending or completed Backup.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • updateBackup(UpdateBackupRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • updateBackup(Backup backup, FieldMask updateMask)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • updateBackupCallable()


Deletes a pending or completed Backup.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • deleteBackup(DeleteBackupRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • deleteBackup(BackupName name)

  • deleteBackup(String name)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • deleteBackupCallable()


Lists completed and pending backups. Backups returned are ordered by create_time in descending order, starting from the most recent create_time.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • listBackups(ListBackupsRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • listBackups(InstanceName parent)

  • listBackups(String parent)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • listBackupsPagedCallable()

  • listBackupsCallable()


Create a new database by restoring from a completed backup. The new database must be in the same project and in an instance with the same instance configuration as the instance containing the backup. The returned database long-running operation has a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation_id>, and can be used to track the progress of the operation, and to cancel it. The metadata field type is RestoreDatabaseMetadata. The response type is Database, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the restore and delete the database. There can be only one database being restored into an instance at a time. Once the restore operation completes, a new restore operation can be initiated, without waiting for the optimize operation associated with the first restore to complete.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • restoreDatabaseAsync(RestoreDatabaseRequest request)

Methods that return long-running operations have "Async" method variants that return OperationFuture, which is used to track polling of the service.

  • restoreDatabaseAsync(InstanceName parent, String databaseId, BackupName backup)

  • restoreDatabaseAsync(InstanceName parent, String databaseId, String backup)

  • restoreDatabaseAsync(String parent, String databaseId, BackupName backup)

  • restoreDatabaseAsync(String parent, String databaseId, String backup)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • restoreDatabaseOperationCallable()

  • restoreDatabaseCallable()


Lists database longrunning-operations. A database operation has a name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation>. The long-running operation metadata field type metadata.type_url describes the type of the metadata. Operations returned include those that have completed/failed/canceled within the last 7 days, and pending operations.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • listDatabaseOperations(ListDatabaseOperationsRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • listDatabaseOperations(InstanceName parent)

  • listDatabaseOperations(String parent)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • listDatabaseOperationsPagedCallable()

  • listDatabaseOperationsCallable()


Lists the backup long-running operations in the given instance. A backup operation has a name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation>. The long-running operation metadata field type metadata.type_url describes the type of the metadata. Operations returned include those that have completed/failed/canceled within the last 7 days, and pending operations. Operations returned are ordered by operation.metadata.value.progress.start_time in descending order starting from the most recently started operation.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • listBackupOperations(ListBackupOperationsRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • listBackupOperations(InstanceName parent)

  • listBackupOperations(String parent)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • listBackupOperationsPagedCallable()

  • listBackupOperationsCallable()


Lists Cloud Spanner database roles.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • listDatabaseRoles(ListDatabaseRolesRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • listDatabaseRoles(DatabaseName parent)

  • listDatabaseRoles(String parent)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • listDatabaseRolesPagedCallable()

  • listDatabaseRolesCallable()


Creates a new backup schedule.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • createBackupSchedule(CreateBackupScheduleRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • createBackupSchedule(DatabaseName parent, BackupSchedule backupSchedule, String backupScheduleId)

  • createBackupSchedule(String parent, BackupSchedule backupSchedule, String backupScheduleId)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • createBackupScheduleCallable()


Gets backup schedule for the input schedule name.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • getBackupSchedule(GetBackupScheduleRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • getBackupSchedule(BackupScheduleName name)

  • getBackupSchedule(String name)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • getBackupScheduleCallable()


Updates a backup schedule.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • updateBackupSchedule(UpdateBackupScheduleRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • updateBackupSchedule(BackupSchedule backupSchedule, FieldMask updateMask)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • updateBackupScheduleCallable()


Deletes a backup schedule.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • deleteBackupSchedule(DeleteBackupScheduleRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • deleteBackupSchedule(BackupScheduleName name)

  • deleteBackupSchedule(String name)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • deleteBackupScheduleCallable()


Lists all the backup schedules for the database.

Request object method variants only take one parameter, a request object, which must be constructed before the call.

  • listBackupSchedules(ListBackupSchedulesRequest request)

"Flattened" method variants have converted the fields of the request object into function parameters to enable multiple ways to call the same method.

  • listBackupSchedules(DatabaseName parent)

  • listBackupSchedules(String parent)

Callable method variants take no parameters and return an immutable API callable object, which can be used to initiate calls to the service.

  • listBackupSchedulesPagedCallable()

  • listBackupSchedulesCallable()

See the individual methods for example code.

Many parameters require resource names to be formatted in a particular way. To assist with these names, this class includes a format method for each type of name, and additionally a parse method to extract the individual identifiers contained within names that are returned.

This class can be customized by passing in a custom instance of DatabaseAdminSettings to create(). For example:

To customize credentials:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 DatabaseAdminSettings databaseAdminSettings =
 DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create(databaseAdminSettings);

To customize the endpoint:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 DatabaseAdminSettings databaseAdminSettings =
 DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create(databaseAdminSettings);

To use REST (HTTP1.1/JSON) transport (instead of gRPC) for sending and receiving requests over the wire:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 DatabaseAdminSettings databaseAdminSettings =
 DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create(databaseAdminSettings);

Please refer to the GitHub repository's samples for more quickstart code snippets.


java.lang.Object > DatabaseAdminClient

Static Methods


public static final DatabaseAdminClient create()

Constructs an instance of DatabaseAdminClient with default settings.

Type Description
Type Description

create(DatabaseAdminSettings settings)

public static final DatabaseAdminClient create(DatabaseAdminSettings settings)

Constructs an instance of DatabaseAdminClient, using the given settings. The channels are created based on the settings passed in, or defaults for any settings that are not set.

Name Description
settings DatabaseAdminSettings
Type Description
Type Description

create(DatabaseAdminStub stub)

public static final DatabaseAdminClient create(DatabaseAdminStub stub)

Constructs an instance of DatabaseAdminClient, using the given stub for making calls. This is for advanced usage - prefer using create(DatabaseAdminSettings).

Name Description
stub DatabaseAdminStub
Type Description


DatabaseAdminClient(DatabaseAdminSettings settings)

protected DatabaseAdminClient(DatabaseAdminSettings settings)

Constructs an instance of DatabaseAdminClient, using the given settings. This is protected so that it is easy to make a subclass, but otherwise, the static factory methods should be preferred.

Name Description
settings DatabaseAdminSettings

DatabaseAdminClient(DatabaseAdminStub stub)

protected DatabaseAdminClient(DatabaseAdminStub stub)
Name Description
stub DatabaseAdminStub


awaitTermination(long duration, TimeUnit unit)

public boolean awaitTermination(long duration, TimeUnit unit)
Name Description
duration long
unit TimeUnit
Type Description
Type Description


public final void close()

copyBackupAsync(CopyBackupRequest request)

public final OperationFuture<Backup,CopyBackupMetadata> copyBackupAsync(CopyBackupRequest request)

Starts copying a Cloud Spanner Backup. The returned backup long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track copying of the backup. The operation is associated with the destination backup. The metadata field type is CopyBackupMetadata. The response field type is Backup, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the copying and delete the destination backup. Concurrent CopyBackup requests can run on the same source backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   CopyBackupRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
           .setSourceBackup(BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString())
   Backup response = databaseAdminClient.copyBackupAsync(request).get();
Name Description
request CopyBackupRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

copyBackupAsync(InstanceName parent, String backupId, BackupName sourceBackup, Timestamp expireTime)

public final OperationFuture<Backup,CopyBackupMetadata> copyBackupAsync(InstanceName parent, String backupId, BackupName sourceBackup, Timestamp expireTime)

Starts copying a Cloud Spanner Backup. The returned backup long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track copying of the backup. The operation is associated with the destination backup. The metadata field type is CopyBackupMetadata. The response field type is Backup, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the copying and delete the destination backup. Concurrent CopyBackup requests can run on the same source backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   InstanceName parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]");
   String backupId = "backupId2121930365";
   BackupName sourceBackup = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]");
   Timestamp expireTime = Timestamp.newBuilder().build();
   Backup response =
       databaseAdminClient.copyBackupAsync(parent, backupId, sourceBackup, expireTime).get();
Name Description
parent InstanceName

Required. The name of the destination instance that will contain the backup copy. Values are of the form: projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

backupId String

Required. The id of the backup copy. The backup_id appended to parent forms the full backup_uri of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.

sourceBackup BackupName

Required. The source backup to be copied. The source backup needs to be in READY state for it to be copied. Once CopyBackup is in progress, the source backup cannot be deleted or cleaned up on expiration until CopyBackup is finished. Values are of the form: projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.

expireTime Timestamp

Required. The expiration time of the backup in microsecond granularity. The expiration time must be at least 6 hours and at most 366 days from the create_time of the source backup. Once the expire_time has passed, the backup is eligible to be automatically deleted by Cloud Spanner to free the resources used by the backup.

Type Description

copyBackupAsync(InstanceName parent, String backupId, String sourceBackup, Timestamp expireTime)

public final OperationFuture<Backup,CopyBackupMetadata> copyBackupAsync(InstanceName parent, String backupId, String sourceBackup, Timestamp expireTime)

Starts copying a Cloud Spanner Backup. The returned backup long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track copying of the backup. The operation is associated with the destination backup. The metadata field type is CopyBackupMetadata. The response field type is Backup, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the copying and delete the destination backup. Concurrent CopyBackup requests can run on the same source backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   InstanceName parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]");
   String backupId = "backupId2121930365";
   String sourceBackup = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString();
   Timestamp expireTime = Timestamp.newBuilder().build();
   Backup response =
       databaseAdminClient.copyBackupAsync(parent, backupId, sourceBackup, expireTime).get();
Name Description
parent InstanceName

Required. The name of the destination instance that will contain the backup copy. Values are of the form: projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

backupId String

Required. The id of the backup copy. The backup_id appended to parent forms the full backup_uri of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.

sourceBackup String

Required. The source backup to be copied. The source backup needs to be in READY state for it to be copied. Once CopyBackup is in progress, the source backup cannot be deleted or cleaned up on expiration until CopyBackup is finished. Values are of the form: projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.

expireTime Timestamp

Required. The expiration time of the backup in microsecond granularity. The expiration time must be at least 6 hours and at most 366 days from the create_time of the source backup. Once the expire_time has passed, the backup is eligible to be automatically deleted by Cloud Spanner to free the resources used by the backup.

Type Description

copyBackupAsync(String parent, String backupId, BackupName sourceBackup, Timestamp expireTime)

public final OperationFuture<Backup,CopyBackupMetadata> copyBackupAsync(String parent, String backupId, BackupName sourceBackup, Timestamp expireTime)

Starts copying a Cloud Spanner Backup. The returned backup long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track copying of the backup. The operation is associated with the destination backup. The metadata field type is CopyBackupMetadata. The response field type is Backup, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the copying and delete the destination backup. Concurrent CopyBackup requests can run on the same source backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString();
   String backupId = "backupId2121930365";
   BackupName sourceBackup = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]");
   Timestamp expireTime = Timestamp.newBuilder().build();
   Backup response =
       databaseAdminClient.copyBackupAsync(parent, backupId, sourceBackup, expireTime).get();
Name Description
parent String

Required. The name of the destination instance that will contain the backup copy. Values are of the form: projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

backupId String

Required. The id of the backup copy. The backup_id appended to parent forms the full backup_uri of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.

sourceBackup BackupName

Required. The source backup to be copied. The source backup needs to be in READY state for it to be copied. Once CopyBackup is in progress, the source backup cannot be deleted or cleaned up on expiration until CopyBackup is finished. Values are of the form: projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.

expireTime Timestamp

Required. The expiration time of the backup in microsecond granularity. The expiration time must be at least 6 hours and at most 366 days from the create_time of the source backup. Once the expire_time has passed, the backup is eligible to be automatically deleted by Cloud Spanner to free the resources used by the backup.

Type Description

copyBackupAsync(String parent, String backupId, String sourceBackup, Timestamp expireTime)

public final OperationFuture<Backup,CopyBackupMetadata> copyBackupAsync(String parent, String backupId, String sourceBackup, Timestamp expireTime)

Starts copying a Cloud Spanner Backup. The returned backup long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track copying of the backup. The operation is associated with the destination backup. The metadata field type is CopyBackupMetadata. The response field type is Backup, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the copying and delete the destination backup. Concurrent CopyBackup requests can run on the same source backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString();
   String backupId = "backupId2121930365";
   String sourceBackup = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString();
   Timestamp expireTime = Timestamp.newBuilder().build();
   Backup response =
       databaseAdminClient.copyBackupAsync(parent, backupId, sourceBackup, expireTime).get();
Name Description
parent String

Required. The name of the destination instance that will contain the backup copy. Values are of the form: projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

backupId String

Required. The id of the backup copy. The backup_id appended to parent forms the full backup_uri of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.

sourceBackup String

Required. The source backup to be copied. The source backup needs to be in READY state for it to be copied. Once CopyBackup is in progress, the source backup cannot be deleted or cleaned up on expiration until CopyBackup is finished. Values are of the form: projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.

expireTime Timestamp

Required. The expiration time of the backup in microsecond granularity. The expiration time must be at least 6 hours and at most 366 days from the create_time of the source backup. Once the expire_time has passed, the backup is eligible to be automatically deleted by Cloud Spanner to free the resources used by the backup.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<CopyBackupRequest,Operation> copyBackupCallable()

Starts copying a Cloud Spanner Backup. The returned backup long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track copying of the backup. The operation is associated with the destination backup. The metadata field type is CopyBackupMetadata. The response field type is Backup, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the copying and delete the destination backup. Concurrent CopyBackup requests can run on the same source backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   CopyBackupRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
           .setSourceBackup(BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString())
   ApiFuture<Operation> future = databaseAdminClient.copyBackupCallable().futureCall(request);
   // Do something.
   Operation response = future.get();
Type Description


public final OperationCallable<CopyBackupRequest,Backup,CopyBackupMetadata> copyBackupOperationCallable()

Starts copying a Cloud Spanner Backup. The returned backup long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track copying of the backup. The operation is associated with the destination backup. The metadata field type is CopyBackupMetadata. The response field type is Backup, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the copying and delete the destination backup. Concurrent CopyBackup requests can run on the same source backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   CopyBackupRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
           .setSourceBackup(BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString())
   OperationFuture<Backup, CopyBackupMetadata> future =
   // Do something.
   Backup response = future.get();
Type Description

createBackupAsync(CreateBackupRequest request)

public final OperationFuture<Backup,CreateBackupMetadata> createBackupAsync(CreateBackupRequest request)

Starts creating a new Cloud Spanner Backup. The returned backup long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track creation of the backup. The metadata field type is CreateBackupMetadata. The response field type is Backup, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the creation and delete the backup. There can be only one pending backup creation per database. Backup creation of different databases can run concurrently.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   CreateBackupRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   Backup response = databaseAdminClient.createBackupAsync(request).get();
Name Description
request CreateBackupRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

createBackupAsync(InstanceName parent, Backup backup, String backupId)

public final OperationFuture<Backup,CreateBackupMetadata> createBackupAsync(InstanceName parent, Backup backup, String backupId)

Starts creating a new Cloud Spanner Backup. The returned backup long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track creation of the backup. The metadata field type is CreateBackupMetadata. The response field type is Backup, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the creation and delete the backup. There can be only one pending backup creation per database. Backup creation of different databases can run concurrently.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   InstanceName parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]");
   Backup backup = Backup.newBuilder().build();
   String backupId = "backupId2121930365";
   Backup response = databaseAdminClient.createBackupAsync(parent, backup, backupId).get();
Name Description
parent InstanceName

Required. The name of the instance in which the backup will be created. This must be the same instance that contains the database the backup will be created from. The backup will be stored in the location(s) specified in the instance configuration of this instance. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

backup Backup

Required. The backup to create.

backupId String

Required. The id of the backup to be created. The backup_id appended to parent forms the full backup name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup_id>.

Type Description

createBackupAsync(String parent, Backup backup, String backupId)

public final OperationFuture<Backup,CreateBackupMetadata> createBackupAsync(String parent, Backup backup, String backupId)

Starts creating a new Cloud Spanner Backup. The returned backup long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track creation of the backup. The metadata field type is CreateBackupMetadata. The response field type is Backup, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the creation and delete the backup. There can be only one pending backup creation per database. Backup creation of different databases can run concurrently.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString();
   Backup backup = Backup.newBuilder().build();
   String backupId = "backupId2121930365";
   Backup response = databaseAdminClient.createBackupAsync(parent, backup, backupId).get();
Name Description
parent String

Required. The name of the instance in which the backup will be created. This must be the same instance that contains the database the backup will be created from. The backup will be stored in the location(s) specified in the instance configuration of this instance. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

backup Backup

Required. The backup to create.

backupId String

Required. The id of the backup to be created. The backup_id appended to parent forms the full backup name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup_id>.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<CreateBackupRequest,Operation> createBackupCallable()

Starts creating a new Cloud Spanner Backup. The returned backup long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track creation of the backup. The metadata field type is CreateBackupMetadata. The response field type is Backup, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the creation and delete the backup. There can be only one pending backup creation per database. Backup creation of different databases can run concurrently.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   CreateBackupRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   ApiFuture<Operation> future = databaseAdminClient.createBackupCallable().futureCall(request);
   // Do something.
   Operation response = future.get();
Type Description


public final OperationCallable<CreateBackupRequest,Backup,CreateBackupMetadata> createBackupOperationCallable()

Starts creating a new Cloud Spanner Backup. The returned backup long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track creation of the backup. The metadata field type is CreateBackupMetadata. The response field type is Backup, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the creation and delete the backup. There can be only one pending backup creation per database. Backup creation of different databases can run concurrently.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   CreateBackupRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   OperationFuture<Backup, CreateBackupMetadata> future =
   // Do something.
   Backup response = future.get();
Type Description

createBackupSchedule(CreateBackupScheduleRequest request)

public final BackupSchedule createBackupSchedule(CreateBackupScheduleRequest request)

Creates a new backup schedule.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   CreateBackupScheduleRequest request =
           .setParent(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
   BackupSchedule response = databaseAdminClient.createBackupSchedule(request);
Name Description
request CreateBackupScheduleRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

createBackupSchedule(DatabaseName parent, BackupSchedule backupSchedule, String backupScheduleId)

public final BackupSchedule createBackupSchedule(DatabaseName parent, BackupSchedule backupSchedule, String backupScheduleId)

Creates a new backup schedule.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   DatabaseName parent = DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]");
   BackupSchedule backupSchedule = BackupSchedule.newBuilder().build();
   String backupScheduleId = "backupScheduleId1704974708";
   BackupSchedule response =
       databaseAdminClient.createBackupSchedule(parent, backupSchedule, backupScheduleId);
Name Description
parent DatabaseName

Required. The name of the database that this backup schedule applies to.

backupSchedule BackupSchedule

Required. The backup schedule to create.

backupScheduleId String

Required. The Id to use for the backup schedule. The backup_schedule_id appended to parent forms the full backup schedule name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/backupSchedules/<backup_schedule_id>.

Type Description

createBackupSchedule(String parent, BackupSchedule backupSchedule, String backupScheduleId)

public final BackupSchedule createBackupSchedule(String parent, BackupSchedule backupSchedule, String backupScheduleId)

Creates a new backup schedule.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String parent = DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString();
   BackupSchedule backupSchedule = BackupSchedule.newBuilder().build();
   String backupScheduleId = "backupScheduleId1704974708";
   BackupSchedule response =
       databaseAdminClient.createBackupSchedule(parent, backupSchedule, backupScheduleId);
Name Description
parent String

Required. The name of the database that this backup schedule applies to.

backupSchedule BackupSchedule

Required. The backup schedule to create.

backupScheduleId String

Required. The Id to use for the backup schedule. The backup_schedule_id appended to parent forms the full backup schedule name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/backupSchedules/<backup_schedule_id>.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<CreateBackupScheduleRequest,BackupSchedule> createBackupScheduleCallable()

Creates a new backup schedule.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   CreateBackupScheduleRequest request =
           .setParent(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
   ApiFuture<BackupSchedule> future =
   // Do something.
   BackupSchedule response = future.get();
Type Description

createDatabaseAsync(CreateDatabaseRequest request)

public final OperationFuture<Database,CreateDatabaseMetadata> createDatabaseAsync(CreateDatabaseRequest request)

Creates a new Cloud Spanner database and starts to prepare it for serving. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format <database_name>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track preparation of the database. The metadata field type is CreateDatabaseMetadata. The response field type is Database, if successful.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   CreateDatabaseRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
           .addAllExtraStatements(new ArrayList<String>())
   Database response = databaseAdminClient.createDatabaseAsync(request).get();
Name Description
request CreateDatabaseRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

createDatabaseAsync(InstanceName parent, String createStatement)

public final OperationFuture<Database,CreateDatabaseMetadata> createDatabaseAsync(InstanceName parent, String createStatement)

Creates a new Cloud Spanner database and starts to prepare it for serving. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format <database_name>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track preparation of the database. The metadata field type is CreateDatabaseMetadata. The response field type is Database, if successful.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   InstanceName parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]");
   String createStatement = "createStatement744686547";
   Database response = databaseAdminClient.createDatabaseAsync(parent, createStatement).get();
Name Description
parent InstanceName

Required. The name of the instance that will serve the new database. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

createStatement String

Required. A CREATE DATABASE statement, which specifies the ID of the new database. The database ID must conform to the regular expression a-z*[a-z0-9] and be between 2 and 30 characters in length. If the database ID is a reserved word or if it contains a hyphen, the database ID must be enclosed in backticks (` ``).

Type Description

createDatabaseAsync(String parent, String createStatement)

public final OperationFuture<Database,CreateDatabaseMetadata> createDatabaseAsync(String parent, String createStatement)

Creates a new Cloud Spanner database and starts to prepare it for serving. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format <database_name>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track preparation of the database. The metadata field type is CreateDatabaseMetadata. The response field type is Database, if successful.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString();
   String createStatement = "createStatement744686547";
   Database response = databaseAdminClient.createDatabaseAsync(parent, createStatement).get();
Name Description
parent String

Required. The name of the instance that will serve the new database. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

createStatement String

Required. A CREATE DATABASE statement, which specifies the ID of the new database. The database ID must conform to the regular expression a-z*[a-z0-9] and be between 2 and 30 characters in length. If the database ID is a reserved word or if it contains a hyphen, the database ID must be enclosed in backticks (` ``).

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<CreateDatabaseRequest,Operation> createDatabaseCallable()

Creates a new Cloud Spanner database and starts to prepare it for serving. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format <database_name>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track preparation of the database. The metadata field type is CreateDatabaseMetadata. The response field type is Database, if successful.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   CreateDatabaseRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
           .addAllExtraStatements(new ArrayList<String>())
   ApiFuture<Operation> future =
   // Do something.
   Operation response = future.get();
Type Description


public final OperationCallable<CreateDatabaseRequest,Database,CreateDatabaseMetadata> createDatabaseOperationCallable()

Creates a new Cloud Spanner database and starts to prepare it for serving. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format <database_name>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track preparation of the database. The metadata field type is CreateDatabaseMetadata. The response field type is Database, if successful.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   CreateDatabaseRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
           .addAllExtraStatements(new ArrayList<String>())
   OperationFuture<Database, CreateDatabaseMetadata> future =
   // Do something.
   Database response = future.get();
Type Description

deleteBackup(BackupName name)

public final void deleteBackup(BackupName name)

Deletes a pending or completed Backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   BackupName name = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]");
Name Description
name BackupName

Required. Name of the backup to delete. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.

deleteBackup(DeleteBackupRequest request)

public final void deleteBackup(DeleteBackupRequest request)

Deletes a pending or completed Backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   DeleteBackupRequest request =
           .setName(BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString())
Name Description
request DeleteBackupRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

deleteBackup(String name)

public final void deleteBackup(String name)

Deletes a pending or completed Backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String name = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString();
Name Description
name String

Required. Name of the backup to delete. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.


public final UnaryCallable<DeleteBackupRequest,Empty> deleteBackupCallable()

Deletes a pending or completed Backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   DeleteBackupRequest request =
           .setName(BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString())
   ApiFuture<Empty> future = databaseAdminClient.deleteBackupCallable().futureCall(request);
   // Do something.
Type Description

deleteBackupSchedule(BackupScheduleName name)

public final void deleteBackupSchedule(BackupScheduleName name)

Deletes a backup schedule.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   BackupScheduleName name =
       BackupScheduleName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SCHEDULE]");
Name Description
name BackupScheduleName

Required. The name of the schedule to delete. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/backupSchedules/<backup_schedule_id>.

deleteBackupSchedule(DeleteBackupScheduleRequest request)

public final void deleteBackupSchedule(DeleteBackupScheduleRequest request)

Deletes a backup schedule.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   DeleteBackupScheduleRequest request =
               BackupScheduleName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SCHEDULE]")
Name Description
request DeleteBackupScheduleRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

deleteBackupSchedule(String name)

public final void deleteBackupSchedule(String name)

Deletes a backup schedule.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String name =
       BackupScheduleName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SCHEDULE]").toString();
Name Description
name String

Required. The name of the schedule to delete. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/backupSchedules/<backup_schedule_id>.


public final UnaryCallable<DeleteBackupScheduleRequest,Empty> deleteBackupScheduleCallable()

Deletes a backup schedule.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   DeleteBackupScheduleRequest request =
               BackupScheduleName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SCHEDULE]")
   ApiFuture<Empty> future =
   // Do something.
Type Description

dropDatabase(DatabaseName database)

public final void dropDatabase(DatabaseName database)

Drops (aka deletes) a Cloud Spanner database. Completed backups for the database will be retained according to their expire_time. Note: Cloud Spanner might continue to accept requests for a few seconds after the database has been deleted.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   DatabaseName database = DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]");
Name Description
database DatabaseName

Required. The database to be dropped.

dropDatabase(DropDatabaseRequest request)

public final void dropDatabase(DropDatabaseRequest request)

Drops (aka deletes) a Cloud Spanner database. Completed backups for the database will be retained according to their expire_time. Note: Cloud Spanner might continue to accept requests for a few seconds after the database has been deleted.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   DropDatabaseRequest request =
           .setDatabase(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
Name Description
request DropDatabaseRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

dropDatabase(String database)

public final void dropDatabase(String database)

Drops (aka deletes) a Cloud Spanner database. Completed backups for the database will be retained according to their expire_time. Note: Cloud Spanner might continue to accept requests for a few seconds after the database has been deleted.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String database = DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString();
Name Description
database String

Required. The database to be dropped.


public final UnaryCallable<DropDatabaseRequest,Empty> dropDatabaseCallable()

Drops (aka deletes) a Cloud Spanner database. Completed backups for the database will be retained according to their expire_time. Note: Cloud Spanner might continue to accept requests for a few seconds after the database has been deleted.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   DropDatabaseRequest request =
           .setDatabase(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
   ApiFuture<Empty> future = databaseAdminClient.dropDatabaseCallable().futureCall(request);
   // Do something.
Type Description

getBackup(BackupName name)

public final Backup getBackup(BackupName name)

Gets metadata on a pending or completed Backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   BackupName name = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]");
   Backup response = databaseAdminClient.getBackup(name);
Name Description
name BackupName

Required. Name of the backup. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.

Type Description

getBackup(GetBackupRequest request)

public final Backup getBackup(GetBackupRequest request)

Gets metadata on a pending or completed Backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   GetBackupRequest request =
           .setName(BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString())
   Backup response = databaseAdminClient.getBackup(request);
Name Description
request GetBackupRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

getBackup(String name)

public final Backup getBackup(String name)

Gets metadata on a pending or completed Backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String name = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString();
   Backup response = databaseAdminClient.getBackup(name);
Name Description
name String

Required. Name of the backup. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<GetBackupRequest,Backup> getBackupCallable()

Gets metadata on a pending or completed Backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   GetBackupRequest request =
           .setName(BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString())
   ApiFuture<Backup> future = databaseAdminClient.getBackupCallable().futureCall(request);
   // Do something.
   Backup response = future.get();
Type Description

getBackupSchedule(BackupScheduleName name)

public final BackupSchedule getBackupSchedule(BackupScheduleName name)

Gets backup schedule for the input schedule name.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   BackupScheduleName name =
       BackupScheduleName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SCHEDULE]");
   BackupSchedule response = databaseAdminClient.getBackupSchedule(name);
Name Description
name BackupScheduleName

Required. The name of the schedule to retrieve. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/backupSchedules/<backup_schedule_id>.

Type Description

getBackupSchedule(GetBackupScheduleRequest request)

public final BackupSchedule getBackupSchedule(GetBackupScheduleRequest request)

Gets backup schedule for the input schedule name.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   GetBackupScheduleRequest request =
               BackupScheduleName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SCHEDULE]")
   BackupSchedule response = databaseAdminClient.getBackupSchedule(request);
Name Description
request GetBackupScheduleRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

getBackupSchedule(String name)

public final BackupSchedule getBackupSchedule(String name)

Gets backup schedule for the input schedule name.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String name =
       BackupScheduleName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SCHEDULE]").toString();
   BackupSchedule response = databaseAdminClient.getBackupSchedule(name);
Name Description
name String

Required. The name of the schedule to retrieve. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/backupSchedules/<backup_schedule_id>.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<GetBackupScheduleRequest,BackupSchedule> getBackupScheduleCallable()

Gets backup schedule for the input schedule name.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   GetBackupScheduleRequest request =
               BackupScheduleName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SCHEDULE]")
   ApiFuture<BackupSchedule> future =
   // Do something.
   BackupSchedule response = future.get();
Type Description

getDatabase(DatabaseName name)

public final Database getDatabase(DatabaseName name)

Gets the state of a Cloud Spanner database.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   DatabaseName name = DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]");
   Database response = databaseAdminClient.getDatabase(name);
Name Description
name DatabaseName

Required. The name of the requested database. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>.

Type Description

getDatabase(GetDatabaseRequest request)

public final Database getDatabase(GetDatabaseRequest request)

Gets the state of a Cloud Spanner database.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   GetDatabaseRequest request =
           .setName(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
   Database response = databaseAdminClient.getDatabase(request);
Name Description
request GetDatabaseRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

getDatabase(String name)

public final Database getDatabase(String name)

Gets the state of a Cloud Spanner database.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String name = DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString();
   Database response = databaseAdminClient.getDatabase(name);
Name Description
name String

Required. The name of the requested database. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<GetDatabaseRequest,Database> getDatabaseCallable()

Gets the state of a Cloud Spanner database.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   GetDatabaseRequest request =
           .setName(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
   ApiFuture<Database> future = databaseAdminClient.getDatabaseCallable().futureCall(request);
   // Do something.
   Database response = future.get();
Type Description

getDatabaseDdl(DatabaseName database)

public final GetDatabaseDdlResponse getDatabaseDdl(DatabaseName database)

Returns the schema of a Cloud Spanner database as a list of formatted DDL statements. This method does not show pending schema updates, those may be queried using the Operations API.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   DatabaseName database = DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]");
   GetDatabaseDdlResponse response = databaseAdminClient.getDatabaseDdl(database);
Name Description
database DatabaseName

Required. The database whose schema we wish to get. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>

Type Description

getDatabaseDdl(GetDatabaseDdlRequest request)

public final GetDatabaseDdlResponse getDatabaseDdl(GetDatabaseDdlRequest request)

Returns the schema of a Cloud Spanner database as a list of formatted DDL statements. This method does not show pending schema updates, those may be queried using the Operations API.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   GetDatabaseDdlRequest request =
           .setDatabase(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
   GetDatabaseDdlResponse response = databaseAdminClient.getDatabaseDdl(request);
Name Description
request GetDatabaseDdlRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

getDatabaseDdl(String database)

public final GetDatabaseDdlResponse getDatabaseDdl(String database)

Returns the schema of a Cloud Spanner database as a list of formatted DDL statements. This method does not show pending schema updates, those may be queried using the Operations API.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String database = DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString();
   GetDatabaseDdlResponse response = databaseAdminClient.getDatabaseDdl(database);
Name Description
database String

Required. The database whose schema we wish to get. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<GetDatabaseDdlRequest,GetDatabaseDdlResponse> getDatabaseDdlCallable()

Returns the schema of a Cloud Spanner database as a list of formatted DDL statements. This method does not show pending schema updates, those may be queried using the Operations API.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   GetDatabaseDdlRequest request =
           .setDatabase(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
   ApiFuture<GetDatabaseDdlResponse> future =
   // Do something.
   GetDatabaseDdlResponse response = future.get();
Type Description


public final OperationsClient getHttpJsonOperationsClient()

Returns the OperationsClient that can be used to query the status of a long-running operation returned by another API method call.

Type Description

getIamPolicy(ResourceName resource)

public final Policy getIamPolicy(ResourceName resource)

Gets the access control policy for a database or backup resource. Returns an empty policy if a database or backup exists but does not have a policy set.

Authorization requires spanner.databases.getIamPolicy permission on resource. For backups, authorization requires spanner.backups.getIamPolicy permission on resource.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ResourceName resource = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]");
   Policy response = databaseAdminClient.getIamPolicy(resource);
Name Description

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

Type Description

getIamPolicy(GetIamPolicyRequest request)

public final Policy getIamPolicy(GetIamPolicyRequest request)

Gets the access control policy for a database or backup resource. Returns an empty policy if a database or backup exists but does not have a policy set.

Authorization requires spanner.databases.getIamPolicy permission on resource. For backups, authorization requires spanner.backups.getIamPolicy permission on resource.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   GetIamPolicyRequest request =
           .setResource(BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString())
   Policy response = databaseAdminClient.getIamPolicy(request);
Name Description

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

getIamPolicy(String resource)

public final Policy getIamPolicy(String resource)

Gets the access control policy for a database or backup resource. Returns an empty policy if a database or backup exists but does not have a policy set.

Authorization requires spanner.databases.getIamPolicy permission on resource. For backups, authorization requires spanner.backups.getIamPolicy permission on resource.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String resource = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString();
   Policy response = databaseAdminClient.getIamPolicy(resource);
Name Description
resource String

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<GetIamPolicyRequest,Policy> getIamPolicyCallable()

Gets the access control policy for a database or backup resource. Returns an empty policy if a database or backup exists but does not have a policy set.

Authorization requires spanner.databases.getIamPolicy permission on resource. For backups, authorization requires spanner.backups.getIamPolicy permission on resource.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   GetIamPolicyRequest request =
           .setResource(BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString())
   ApiFuture<Policy> future = databaseAdminClient.getIamPolicyCallable().futureCall(request);
   // Do something.
   Policy response = future.get();
Type Description


public final OperationsClient getOperationsClient()

Returns the OperationsClient that can be used to query the status of a long-running operation returned by another API method call.

Type Description


public final DatabaseAdminSettings getSettings()
Type Description


public DatabaseAdminStub getStub()
Type Description


public boolean isShutdown()
Type Description


public boolean isTerminated()
Type Description

listBackupOperations(InstanceName parent)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListBackupOperationsPagedResponse listBackupOperations(InstanceName parent)

Lists the backup long-running operations in the given instance. A backup operation has a name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation>. The long-running operation metadata field type metadata.type_url describes the type of the metadata. Operations returned include those that have completed/failed/canceled within the last 7 days, and pending operations. Operations returned are ordered by operation.metadata.value.progress.start_time in descending order starting from the most recently started operation.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   InstanceName parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]");
   for (Operation element : databaseAdminClient.listBackupOperations(parent).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
parent InstanceName

Required. The instance of the backup operations. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

Type Description

listBackupOperations(ListBackupOperationsRequest request)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListBackupOperationsPagedResponse listBackupOperations(ListBackupOperationsRequest request)

Lists the backup long-running operations in the given instance. A backup operation has a name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation>. The long-running operation metadata field type metadata.type_url describes the type of the metadata. Operations returned include those that have completed/failed/canceled within the last 7 days, and pending operations. Operations returned are ordered by operation.metadata.value.progress.start_time in descending order starting from the most recently started operation.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListBackupOperationsRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   for (Operation element : databaseAdminClient.listBackupOperations(request).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
request ListBackupOperationsRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

listBackupOperations(String parent)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListBackupOperationsPagedResponse listBackupOperations(String parent)

Lists the backup long-running operations in the given instance. A backup operation has a name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation>. The long-running operation metadata field type metadata.type_url describes the type of the metadata. Operations returned include those that have completed/failed/canceled within the last 7 days, and pending operations. Operations returned are ordered by operation.metadata.value.progress.start_time in descending order starting from the most recently started operation.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString();
   for (Operation element : databaseAdminClient.listBackupOperations(parent).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
parent String

Required. The instance of the backup operations. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<ListBackupOperationsRequest,ListBackupOperationsResponse> listBackupOperationsCallable()

Lists the backup long-running operations in the given instance. A backup operation has a name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation>. The long-running operation metadata field type metadata.type_url describes the type of the metadata. Operations returned include those that have completed/failed/canceled within the last 7 days, and pending operations. Operations returned are ordered by operation.metadata.value.progress.start_time in descending order starting from the most recently started operation.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListBackupOperationsRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   while (true) {
     ListBackupOperationsResponse response =
     for (Operation element : response.getOperationsList()) {
       // doThingsWith(element);
     String nextPageToken = response.getNextPageToken();
     if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(nextPageToken)) {
       request = request.toBuilder().setPageToken(nextPageToken).build();
     } else {
Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<ListBackupOperationsRequest,DatabaseAdminClient.ListBackupOperationsPagedResponse> listBackupOperationsPagedCallable()

Lists the backup long-running operations in the given instance. A backup operation has a name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>/operations/<operation>. The long-running operation metadata field type metadata.type_url describes the type of the metadata. Operations returned include those that have completed/failed/canceled within the last 7 days, and pending operations. Operations returned are ordered by operation.metadata.value.progress.start_time in descending order starting from the most recently started operation.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListBackupOperationsRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   ApiFuture<Operation> future =
   // Do something.
   for (Operation element : future.get().iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Type Description

listBackupSchedules(DatabaseName parent)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListBackupSchedulesPagedResponse listBackupSchedules(DatabaseName parent)

Lists all the backup schedules for the database.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   DatabaseName parent = DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]");
   for (BackupSchedule element : databaseAdminClient.listBackupSchedules(parent).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
parent DatabaseName

Required. Database is the parent resource whose backup schedules should be listed. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>

Type Description

listBackupSchedules(ListBackupSchedulesRequest request)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListBackupSchedulesPagedResponse listBackupSchedules(ListBackupSchedulesRequest request)

Lists all the backup schedules for the database.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListBackupSchedulesRequest request =
           .setParent(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
   for (BackupSchedule element : databaseAdminClient.listBackupSchedules(request).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
request ListBackupSchedulesRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

listBackupSchedules(String parent)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListBackupSchedulesPagedResponse listBackupSchedules(String parent)

Lists all the backup schedules for the database.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String parent = DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString();
   for (BackupSchedule element : databaseAdminClient.listBackupSchedules(parent).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
parent String

Required. Database is the parent resource whose backup schedules should be listed. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<ListBackupSchedulesRequest,ListBackupSchedulesResponse> listBackupSchedulesCallable()

Lists all the backup schedules for the database.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListBackupSchedulesRequest request =
           .setParent(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
   while (true) {
     ListBackupSchedulesResponse response =
     for (BackupSchedule element : response.getBackupSchedulesList()) {
       // doThingsWith(element);
     String nextPageToken = response.getNextPageToken();
     if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(nextPageToken)) {
       request = request.toBuilder().setPageToken(nextPageToken).build();
     } else {
Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<ListBackupSchedulesRequest,DatabaseAdminClient.ListBackupSchedulesPagedResponse> listBackupSchedulesPagedCallable()

Lists all the backup schedules for the database.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListBackupSchedulesRequest request =
           .setParent(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
   ApiFuture<BackupSchedule> future =
   // Do something.
   for (BackupSchedule element : future.get().iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Type Description

listBackups(InstanceName parent)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListBackupsPagedResponse listBackups(InstanceName parent)

Lists completed and pending backups. Backups returned are ordered by create_time in descending order, starting from the most recent create_time.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   InstanceName parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]");
   for (Backup element : databaseAdminClient.listBackups(parent).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
parent InstanceName

Required. The instance to list backups from. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

Type Description

listBackups(ListBackupsRequest request)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListBackupsPagedResponse listBackups(ListBackupsRequest request)

Lists completed and pending backups. Backups returned are ordered by create_time in descending order, starting from the most recent create_time.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListBackupsRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   for (Backup element : databaseAdminClient.listBackups(request).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
request ListBackupsRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

listBackups(String parent)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListBackupsPagedResponse listBackups(String parent)

Lists completed and pending backups. Backups returned are ordered by create_time in descending order, starting from the most recent create_time.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString();
   for (Backup element : databaseAdminClient.listBackups(parent).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
parent String

Required. The instance to list backups from. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<ListBackupsRequest,ListBackupsResponse> listBackupsCallable()

Lists completed and pending backups. Backups returned are ordered by create_time in descending order, starting from the most recent create_time.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListBackupsRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   while (true) {
     ListBackupsResponse response = databaseAdminClient.listBackupsCallable().call(request);
     for (Backup element : response.getBackupsList()) {
       // doThingsWith(element);
     String nextPageToken = response.getNextPageToken();
     if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(nextPageToken)) {
       request = request.toBuilder().setPageToken(nextPageToken).build();
     } else {
Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<ListBackupsRequest,DatabaseAdminClient.ListBackupsPagedResponse> listBackupsPagedCallable()

Lists completed and pending backups. Backups returned are ordered by create_time in descending order, starting from the most recent create_time.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListBackupsRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   ApiFuture<Backup> future = databaseAdminClient.listBackupsPagedCallable().futureCall(request);
   // Do something.
   for (Backup element : future.get().iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Type Description

listDatabaseOperations(InstanceName parent)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListDatabaseOperationsPagedResponse listDatabaseOperations(InstanceName parent)

Lists database longrunning-operations. A database operation has a name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation>. The long-running operation metadata field type metadata.type_url describes the type of the metadata. Operations returned include those that have completed/failed/canceled within the last 7 days, and pending operations.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   InstanceName parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]");
   for (Operation element : databaseAdminClient.listDatabaseOperations(parent).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
parent InstanceName

Required. The instance of the database operations. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

Type Description

listDatabaseOperations(ListDatabaseOperationsRequest request)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListDatabaseOperationsPagedResponse listDatabaseOperations(ListDatabaseOperationsRequest request)

Lists database longrunning-operations. A database operation has a name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation>. The long-running operation metadata field type metadata.type_url describes the type of the metadata. Operations returned include those that have completed/failed/canceled within the last 7 days, and pending operations.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListDatabaseOperationsRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   for (Operation element : databaseAdminClient.listDatabaseOperations(request).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
request ListDatabaseOperationsRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

listDatabaseOperations(String parent)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListDatabaseOperationsPagedResponse listDatabaseOperations(String parent)

Lists database longrunning-operations. A database operation has a name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation>. The long-running operation metadata field type metadata.type_url describes the type of the metadata. Operations returned include those that have completed/failed/canceled within the last 7 days, and pending operations.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString();
   for (Operation element : databaseAdminClient.listDatabaseOperations(parent).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
parent String

Required. The instance of the database operations. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<ListDatabaseOperationsRequest,ListDatabaseOperationsResponse> listDatabaseOperationsCallable()

Lists database longrunning-operations. A database operation has a name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation>. The long-running operation metadata field type metadata.type_url describes the type of the metadata. Operations returned include those that have completed/failed/canceled within the last 7 days, and pending operations.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListDatabaseOperationsRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   while (true) {
     ListDatabaseOperationsResponse response =
     for (Operation element : response.getOperationsList()) {
       // doThingsWith(element);
     String nextPageToken = response.getNextPageToken();
     if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(nextPageToken)) {
       request = request.toBuilder().setPageToken(nextPageToken).build();
     } else {
Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<ListDatabaseOperationsRequest,DatabaseAdminClient.ListDatabaseOperationsPagedResponse> listDatabaseOperationsPagedCallable()

Lists database longrunning-operations. A database operation has a name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation>. The long-running operation metadata field type metadata.type_url describes the type of the metadata. Operations returned include those that have completed/failed/canceled within the last 7 days, and pending operations.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListDatabaseOperationsRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   ApiFuture<Operation> future =
   // Do something.
   for (Operation element : future.get().iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Type Description

listDatabaseRoles(DatabaseName parent)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListDatabaseRolesPagedResponse listDatabaseRoles(DatabaseName parent)

Lists Cloud Spanner database roles.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   DatabaseName parent = DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]");
   for (DatabaseRole element : databaseAdminClient.listDatabaseRoles(parent).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
parent DatabaseName

Required. The database whose roles should be listed. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>.

Type Description

listDatabaseRoles(ListDatabaseRolesRequest request)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListDatabaseRolesPagedResponse listDatabaseRoles(ListDatabaseRolesRequest request)

Lists Cloud Spanner database roles.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListDatabaseRolesRequest request =
           .setParent(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
   for (DatabaseRole element : databaseAdminClient.listDatabaseRoles(request).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
request ListDatabaseRolesRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

listDatabaseRoles(String parent)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListDatabaseRolesPagedResponse listDatabaseRoles(String parent)

Lists Cloud Spanner database roles.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String parent = DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString();
   for (DatabaseRole element : databaseAdminClient.listDatabaseRoles(parent).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
parent String

Required. The database whose roles should be listed. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<ListDatabaseRolesRequest,ListDatabaseRolesResponse> listDatabaseRolesCallable()

Lists Cloud Spanner database roles.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListDatabaseRolesRequest request =
           .setParent(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
   while (true) {
     ListDatabaseRolesResponse response =
     for (DatabaseRole element : response.getDatabaseRolesList()) {
       // doThingsWith(element);
     String nextPageToken = response.getNextPageToken();
     if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(nextPageToken)) {
       request = request.toBuilder().setPageToken(nextPageToken).build();
     } else {
Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<ListDatabaseRolesRequest,DatabaseAdminClient.ListDatabaseRolesPagedResponse> listDatabaseRolesPagedCallable()

Lists Cloud Spanner database roles.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListDatabaseRolesRequest request =
           .setParent(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
   ApiFuture<DatabaseRole> future =
   // Do something.
   for (DatabaseRole element : future.get().iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Type Description

listDatabases(InstanceName parent)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListDatabasesPagedResponse listDatabases(InstanceName parent)

Lists Cloud Spanner databases.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   InstanceName parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]");
   for (Database element : databaseAdminClient.listDatabases(parent).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
parent InstanceName

Required. The instance whose databases should be listed. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

Type Description

listDatabases(ListDatabasesRequest request)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListDatabasesPagedResponse listDatabases(ListDatabasesRequest request)

Lists Cloud Spanner databases.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListDatabasesRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   for (Database element : databaseAdminClient.listDatabases(request).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
request ListDatabasesRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

listDatabases(String parent)

public final DatabaseAdminClient.ListDatabasesPagedResponse listDatabases(String parent)

Lists Cloud Spanner databases.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString();
   for (Database element : databaseAdminClient.listDatabases(parent).iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Name Description
parent String

Required. The instance whose databases should be listed. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<ListDatabasesRequest,ListDatabasesResponse> listDatabasesCallable()

Lists Cloud Spanner databases.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListDatabasesRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   while (true) {
     ListDatabasesResponse response = databaseAdminClient.listDatabasesCallable().call(request);
     for (Database element : response.getDatabasesList()) {
       // doThingsWith(element);
     String nextPageToken = response.getNextPageToken();
     if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(nextPageToken)) {
       request = request.toBuilder().setPageToken(nextPageToken).build();
     } else {
Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<ListDatabasesRequest,DatabaseAdminClient.ListDatabasesPagedResponse> listDatabasesPagedCallable()

Lists Cloud Spanner databases.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ListDatabasesRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   ApiFuture<Database> future =
   // Do something.
   for (Database element : future.get().iterateAll()) {
     // doThingsWith(element);
Type Description

restoreDatabaseAsync(InstanceName parent, String databaseId, BackupName backup)

public final OperationFuture<Database,RestoreDatabaseMetadata> restoreDatabaseAsync(InstanceName parent, String databaseId, BackupName backup)

Create a new database by restoring from a completed backup. The new database must be in the same project and in an instance with the same instance configuration as the instance containing the backup. The returned database long-running operation has a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation_id>, and can be used to track the progress of the operation, and to cancel it. The metadata field type is RestoreDatabaseMetadata. The response type is Database, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the restore and delete the database. There can be only one database being restored into an instance at a time. Once the restore operation completes, a new restore operation can be initiated, without waiting for the optimize operation associated with the first restore to complete.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   InstanceName parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]");
   String databaseId = "databaseId1688905718";
   BackupName backup = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]");
   Database response =
       databaseAdminClient.restoreDatabaseAsync(parent, databaseId, backup).get();
Name Description
parent InstanceName

Required. The name of the instance in which to create the restored database. This instance must be in the same project and have the same instance configuration as the instance containing the source backup. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

databaseId String

Required. The id of the database to create and restore to. This database must not already exist. The database_id appended to parent forms the full database name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database_id>.

backup BackupName

Name of the backup from which to restore. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.

Type Description

restoreDatabaseAsync(InstanceName parent, String databaseId, String backup)

public final OperationFuture<Database,RestoreDatabaseMetadata> restoreDatabaseAsync(InstanceName parent, String databaseId, String backup)

Create a new database by restoring from a completed backup. The new database must be in the same project and in an instance with the same instance configuration as the instance containing the backup. The returned database long-running operation has a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation_id>, and can be used to track the progress of the operation, and to cancel it. The metadata field type is RestoreDatabaseMetadata. The response type is Database, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the restore and delete the database. There can be only one database being restored into an instance at a time. Once the restore operation completes, a new restore operation can be initiated, without waiting for the optimize operation associated with the first restore to complete.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   InstanceName parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]");
   String databaseId = "databaseId1688905718";
   String backup = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString();
   Database response =
       databaseAdminClient.restoreDatabaseAsync(parent, databaseId, backup).get();
Name Description
parent InstanceName

Required. The name of the instance in which to create the restored database. This instance must be in the same project and have the same instance configuration as the instance containing the source backup. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

databaseId String

Required. The id of the database to create and restore to. This database must not already exist. The database_id appended to parent forms the full database name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database_id>.

backup String

Name of the backup from which to restore. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.

Type Description

restoreDatabaseAsync(RestoreDatabaseRequest request)

public final OperationFuture<Database,RestoreDatabaseMetadata> restoreDatabaseAsync(RestoreDatabaseRequest request)

Create a new database by restoring from a completed backup. The new database must be in the same project and in an instance with the same instance configuration as the instance containing the backup. The returned database long-running operation has a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation_id>, and can be used to track the progress of the operation, and to cancel it. The metadata field type is RestoreDatabaseMetadata. The response type is Database, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the restore and delete the database. There can be only one database being restored into an instance at a time. Once the restore operation completes, a new restore operation can be initiated, without waiting for the optimize operation associated with the first restore to complete.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   RestoreDatabaseRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   Database response = databaseAdminClient.restoreDatabaseAsync(request).get();
Name Description
request RestoreDatabaseRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

restoreDatabaseAsync(String parent, String databaseId, BackupName backup)

public final OperationFuture<Database,RestoreDatabaseMetadata> restoreDatabaseAsync(String parent, String databaseId, BackupName backup)

Create a new database by restoring from a completed backup. The new database must be in the same project and in an instance with the same instance configuration as the instance containing the backup. The returned database long-running operation has a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation_id>, and can be used to track the progress of the operation, and to cancel it. The metadata field type is RestoreDatabaseMetadata. The response type is Database, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the restore and delete the database. There can be only one database being restored into an instance at a time. Once the restore operation completes, a new restore operation can be initiated, without waiting for the optimize operation associated with the first restore to complete.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString();
   String databaseId = "databaseId1688905718";
   BackupName backup = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]");
   Database response =
       databaseAdminClient.restoreDatabaseAsync(parent, databaseId, backup).get();
Name Description
parent String

Required. The name of the instance in which to create the restored database. This instance must be in the same project and have the same instance configuration as the instance containing the source backup. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

databaseId String

Required. The id of the database to create and restore to. This database must not already exist. The database_id appended to parent forms the full database name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database_id>.

backup BackupName

Name of the backup from which to restore. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.

Type Description

restoreDatabaseAsync(String parent, String databaseId, String backup)

public final OperationFuture<Database,RestoreDatabaseMetadata> restoreDatabaseAsync(String parent, String databaseId, String backup)

Create a new database by restoring from a completed backup. The new database must be in the same project and in an instance with the same instance configuration as the instance containing the backup. The returned database long-running operation has a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation_id>, and can be used to track the progress of the operation, and to cancel it. The metadata field type is RestoreDatabaseMetadata. The response type is Database, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the restore and delete the database. There can be only one database being restored into an instance at a time. Once the restore operation completes, a new restore operation can be initiated, without waiting for the optimize operation associated with the first restore to complete.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String parent = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString();
   String databaseId = "databaseId1688905718";
   String backup = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString();
   Database response =
       databaseAdminClient.restoreDatabaseAsync(parent, databaseId, backup).get();
Name Description
parent String

Required. The name of the instance in which to create the restored database. This instance must be in the same project and have the same instance configuration as the instance containing the source backup. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>.

databaseId String

Required. The id of the database to create and restore to. This database must not already exist. The database_id appended to parent forms the full database name of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database_id>.

backup String

Name of the backup from which to restore. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/backups/<backup>.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<RestoreDatabaseRequest,Operation> restoreDatabaseCallable()

Create a new database by restoring from a completed backup. The new database must be in the same project and in an instance with the same instance configuration as the instance containing the backup. The returned database long-running operation has a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation_id>, and can be used to track the progress of the operation, and to cancel it. The metadata field type is RestoreDatabaseMetadata. The response type is Database, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the restore and delete the database. There can be only one database being restored into an instance at a time. Once the restore operation completes, a new restore operation can be initiated, without waiting for the optimize operation associated with the first restore to complete.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   RestoreDatabaseRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   ApiFuture<Operation> future =
   // Do something.
   Operation response = future.get();
Type Description


public final OperationCallable<RestoreDatabaseRequest,Database,RestoreDatabaseMetadata> restoreDatabaseOperationCallable()

Create a new database by restoring from a completed backup. The new database must be in the same project and in an instance with the same instance configuration as the instance containing the backup. The returned database long-running operation has a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation_id>, and can be used to track the progress of the operation, and to cancel it. The metadata field type is RestoreDatabaseMetadata. The response type is Database, if successful. Cancelling the returned operation will stop the restore and delete the database. There can be only one database being restored into an instance at a time. Once the restore operation completes, a new restore operation can be initiated, without waiting for the optimize operation associated with the first restore to complete.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   RestoreDatabaseRequest request =
           .setParent(InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]").toString())
   OperationFuture<Database, RestoreDatabaseMetadata> future =
   // Do something.
   Database response = future.get();
Type Description

setIamPolicy(ResourceName resource, Policy policy)

public final Policy setIamPolicy(ResourceName resource, Policy policy)

Sets the access control policy on a database or backup resource. Replaces any existing policy.

Authorization requires spanner.databases.setIamPolicy permission on resource. For backups, authorization requires spanner.backups.setIamPolicy permission on resource.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ResourceName resource = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]");
   Policy policy = Policy.newBuilder().build();
   Policy response = databaseAdminClient.setIamPolicy(resource, policy);
Name Description

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being specified. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.


REQUIRED: The complete policy to be applied to the resource. The size of the policy is limited to a few 10s of KB. An empty policy is a valid policy but certain Cloud Platform services (such as Projects) might reject them.

Type Description

setIamPolicy(SetIamPolicyRequest request)

public final Policy setIamPolicy(SetIamPolicyRequest request)

Sets the access control policy on a database or backup resource. Replaces any existing policy.

Authorization requires spanner.databases.setIamPolicy permission on resource. For backups, authorization requires spanner.backups.setIamPolicy permission on resource.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   SetIamPolicyRequest request =
           .setResource(BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString())
   Policy response = databaseAdminClient.setIamPolicy(request);
Name Description

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

setIamPolicy(String resource, Policy policy)

public final Policy setIamPolicy(String resource, Policy policy)

Sets the access control policy on a database or backup resource. Replaces any existing policy.

Authorization requires spanner.databases.setIamPolicy permission on resource. For backups, authorization requires spanner.backups.setIamPolicy permission on resource.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String resource = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString();
   Policy policy = Policy.newBuilder().build();
   Policy response = databaseAdminClient.setIamPolicy(resource, policy);
Name Description
resource String

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being specified. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.


REQUIRED: The complete policy to be applied to the resource. The size of the policy is limited to a few 10s of KB. An empty policy is a valid policy but certain Cloud Platform services (such as Projects) might reject them.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<SetIamPolicyRequest,Policy> setIamPolicyCallable()

Sets the access control policy on a database or backup resource. Replaces any existing policy.

Authorization requires spanner.databases.setIamPolicy permission on resource. For backups, authorization requires spanner.backups.setIamPolicy permission on resource.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   SetIamPolicyRequest request =
           .setResource(BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString())
   ApiFuture<Policy> future = databaseAdminClient.setIamPolicyCallable().futureCall(request);
   // Do something.
   Policy response = future.get();
Type Description


public void shutdown()


public void shutdownNow()

testIamPermissions(ResourceName resource, List<String> permissions)

public final TestIamPermissionsResponse testIamPermissions(ResourceName resource, List<String> permissions)

Returns permissions that the caller has on the specified database or backup resource.

Attempting this RPC on a non-existent Cloud Spanner database will result in a NOT_FOUND error if the user has spanner.databases.list permission on the containing Cloud Spanner instance. Otherwise returns an empty set of permissions. Calling this method on a backup that does not exist will result in a NOT_FOUND error if the user has spanner.backups.list permission on the containing instance.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   ResourceName resource = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]");
   List<String> permissions = new ArrayList<>();
   TestIamPermissionsResponse response =
       databaseAdminClient.testIamPermissions(resource, permissions);
Name Description

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

permissions List<String>

The set of permissions to check for the resource. Permissions with wildcards (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed. For more information see IAM Overview.

Type Description

testIamPermissions(TestIamPermissionsRequest request)

public final TestIamPermissionsResponse testIamPermissions(TestIamPermissionsRequest request)

Returns permissions that the caller has on the specified database or backup resource.

Attempting this RPC on a non-existent Cloud Spanner database will result in a NOT_FOUND error if the user has spanner.databases.list permission on the containing Cloud Spanner instance. Otherwise returns an empty set of permissions. Calling this method on a backup that does not exist will result in a NOT_FOUND error if the user has spanner.backups.list permission on the containing instance.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   TestIamPermissionsRequest request =
           .setResource(BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString())
           .addAllPermissions(new ArrayList<String>())
   TestIamPermissionsResponse response = databaseAdminClient.testIamPermissions(request);
Name Description

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

testIamPermissions(String resource, List<String> permissions)

public final TestIamPermissionsResponse testIamPermissions(String resource, List<String> permissions)

Returns permissions that the caller has on the specified database or backup resource.

Attempting this RPC on a non-existent Cloud Spanner database will result in a NOT_FOUND error if the user has spanner.databases.list permission on the containing Cloud Spanner instance. Otherwise returns an empty set of permissions. Calling this method on a backup that does not exist will result in a NOT_FOUND error if the user has spanner.backups.list permission on the containing instance.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String resource = BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString();
   List<String> permissions = new ArrayList<>();
   TestIamPermissionsResponse response =
       databaseAdminClient.testIamPermissions(resource, permissions);
Name Description
resource String

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

permissions List<String>

The set of permissions to check for the resource. Permissions with wildcards (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed. For more information see IAM Overview.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<TestIamPermissionsRequest,TestIamPermissionsResponse> testIamPermissionsCallable()

Returns permissions that the caller has on the specified database or backup resource.

Attempting this RPC on a non-existent Cloud Spanner database will result in a NOT_FOUND error if the user has spanner.databases.list permission on the containing Cloud Spanner instance. Otherwise returns an empty set of permissions. Calling this method on a backup that does not exist will result in a NOT_FOUND error if the user has spanner.backups.list permission on the containing instance.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   TestIamPermissionsRequest request =
           .setResource(BackupName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[BACKUP]").toString())
           .addAllPermissions(new ArrayList<String>())
   ApiFuture<TestIamPermissionsResponse> future =
   // Do something.
   TestIamPermissionsResponse response = future.get();
Type Description

updateBackup(Backup backup, FieldMask updateMask)

public final Backup updateBackup(Backup backup, FieldMask updateMask)

Updates a pending or completed Backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   Backup backup = Backup.newBuilder().build();
   FieldMask updateMask = FieldMask.newBuilder().build();
   Backup response = databaseAdminClient.updateBackup(backup, updateMask);
Name Description
backup Backup

Required. The backup to update., and the fields to be updated as specified by update_mask are required. Other fields are ignored. Update is only supported for the following fields: * backup.expire_time.

updateMask FieldMask

Required. A mask specifying which fields (e.g. expire_time) in the Backup resource should be updated. This mask is relative to the Backup resource, not to the request message. The field mask must always be specified; this prevents any future fields from being erased accidentally by clients that do not know about them.

Type Description

updateBackup(UpdateBackupRequest request)

public final Backup updateBackup(UpdateBackupRequest request)

Updates a pending or completed Backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   UpdateBackupRequest request =
   Backup response = databaseAdminClient.updateBackup(request);
Name Description
request UpdateBackupRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<UpdateBackupRequest,Backup> updateBackupCallable()

Updates a pending or completed Backup.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   UpdateBackupRequest request =
   ApiFuture<Backup> future = databaseAdminClient.updateBackupCallable().futureCall(request);
   // Do something.
   Backup response = future.get();
Type Description

updateBackupSchedule(BackupSchedule backupSchedule, FieldMask updateMask)

public final BackupSchedule updateBackupSchedule(BackupSchedule backupSchedule, FieldMask updateMask)

Updates a backup schedule.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   BackupSchedule backupSchedule = BackupSchedule.newBuilder().build();
   FieldMask updateMask = FieldMask.newBuilder().build();
   BackupSchedule response =
       databaseAdminClient.updateBackupSchedule(backupSchedule, updateMask);
Name Description
backupSchedule BackupSchedule

Required. The backup schedule to update., and the fields to be updated as specified by update_mask are required. Other fields are ignored.

updateMask FieldMask

Required. A mask specifying which fields in the BackupSchedule resource should be updated. This mask is relative to the BackupSchedule resource, not to the request message. The field mask must always be specified; this prevents any future fields from being erased accidentally.

Type Description

updateBackupSchedule(UpdateBackupScheduleRequest request)

public final BackupSchedule updateBackupSchedule(UpdateBackupScheduleRequest request)

Updates a backup schedule.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   UpdateBackupScheduleRequest request =
   BackupSchedule response = databaseAdminClient.updateBackupSchedule(request);
Name Description
request UpdateBackupScheduleRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<UpdateBackupScheduleRequest,BackupSchedule> updateBackupScheduleCallable()

Updates a backup schedule.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   UpdateBackupScheduleRequest request =
   ApiFuture<BackupSchedule> future =
   // Do something.
   BackupSchedule response = future.get();
Type Description

updateDatabaseAsync(Database database, FieldMask updateMask)

public final OperationFuture<Database,UpdateDatabaseMetadata> updateDatabaseAsync(Database database, FieldMask updateMask)

Updates a Cloud Spanner database. The returned long-running operation can be used to track the progress of updating the database. If the named database does not exist, returns NOT_FOUND.

While the operation is pending:

* The database's reconciling field is set to true. * Cancelling the operation is best-effort. If the cancellation succeeds, the operation metadata's cancel_time is set, the updates are reverted, and the operation terminates with a CANCELLED status. * New UpdateDatabase requests will return a FAILED_PRECONDITION error until the pending operation is done (returns successfully or with error). * Reading the database via the API continues to give the pre-request values.

Upon completion of the returned operation:

* The new values are in effect and readable via the API. * The database's reconciling field becomes false.

The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track the database modification. The metadata field type is UpdateDatabaseMetadata. The response field type is Database, if successful.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   Database database = Database.newBuilder().build();
   FieldMask updateMask = FieldMask.newBuilder().build();
   Database response = databaseAdminClient.updateDatabaseAsync(database, updateMask).get();
Name Description
database Database

Required. The database to update. The name field of the database is of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>.

updateMask FieldMask

Required. The list of fields to update. Currently, only enable_drop_protection field can be updated.

Type Description

updateDatabaseAsync(UpdateDatabaseRequest request)

public final OperationFuture<Database,UpdateDatabaseMetadata> updateDatabaseAsync(UpdateDatabaseRequest request)

Updates a Cloud Spanner database. The returned long-running operation can be used to track the progress of updating the database. If the named database does not exist, returns NOT_FOUND.

While the operation is pending:

* The database's reconciling field is set to true. * Cancelling the operation is best-effort. If the cancellation succeeds, the operation metadata's cancel_time is set, the updates are reverted, and the operation terminates with a CANCELLED status. * New UpdateDatabase requests will return a FAILED_PRECONDITION error until the pending operation is done (returns successfully or with error). * Reading the database via the API continues to give the pre-request values.

Upon completion of the returned operation:

* The new values are in effect and readable via the API. * The database's reconciling field becomes false.

The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track the database modification. The metadata field type is UpdateDatabaseMetadata. The response field type is Database, if successful.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   UpdateDatabaseRequest request =
   Database response = databaseAdminClient.updateDatabaseAsync(request).get();
Name Description
request UpdateDatabaseRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<UpdateDatabaseRequest,Operation> updateDatabaseCallable()

Updates a Cloud Spanner database. The returned long-running operation can be used to track the progress of updating the database. If the named database does not exist, returns NOT_FOUND.

While the operation is pending:

* The database's reconciling field is set to true. * Cancelling the operation is best-effort. If the cancellation succeeds, the operation metadata's cancel_time is set, the updates are reverted, and the operation terminates with a CANCELLED status. * New UpdateDatabase requests will return a FAILED_PRECONDITION error until the pending operation is done (returns successfully or with error). * Reading the database via the API continues to give the pre-request values.

Upon completion of the returned operation:

* The new values are in effect and readable via the API. * The database's reconciling field becomes false.

The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track the database modification. The metadata field type is UpdateDatabaseMetadata. The response field type is Database, if successful.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   UpdateDatabaseRequest request =
   ApiFuture<Operation> future =
   // Do something.
   Operation response = future.get();
Type Description

updateDatabaseDdlAsync(DatabaseName database, List<String> statements)

public final OperationFuture<Empty,UpdateDatabaseDdlMetadata> updateDatabaseDdlAsync(DatabaseName database, List<String> statements)

Updates the schema of a Cloud Spanner database by creating/altering/dropping tables, columns, indexes, etc. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format <database_name>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track execution of the schema change(s). The metadata field type is UpdateDatabaseDdlMetadata. The operation has no response.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   DatabaseName database = DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]");
   List<String> statements = new ArrayList<>();
   databaseAdminClient.updateDatabaseDdlAsync(database, statements).get();
Name Description
database DatabaseName

Required. The database to update.

statements List<String>

Required. DDL statements to be applied to the database.

Type Description

updateDatabaseDdlAsync(UpdateDatabaseDdlRequest request)

public final OperationFuture<Empty,UpdateDatabaseDdlMetadata> updateDatabaseDdlAsync(UpdateDatabaseDdlRequest request)

Updates the schema of a Cloud Spanner database by creating/altering/dropping tables, columns, indexes, etc. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format <database_name>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track execution of the schema change(s). The metadata field type is UpdateDatabaseDdlMetadata. The operation has no response.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   UpdateDatabaseDdlRequest request =
           .setDatabase(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
           .addAllStatements(new ArrayList<String>())
Name Description
request UpdateDatabaseDdlRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

Type Description

updateDatabaseDdlAsync(String database, List<String> statements)

public final OperationFuture<Empty,UpdateDatabaseDdlMetadata> updateDatabaseDdlAsync(String database, List<String> statements)

Updates the schema of a Cloud Spanner database by creating/altering/dropping tables, columns, indexes, etc. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format <database_name>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track execution of the schema change(s). The metadata field type is UpdateDatabaseDdlMetadata. The operation has no response.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   String database = DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString();
   List<String> statements = new ArrayList<>();
   databaseAdminClient.updateDatabaseDdlAsync(database, statements).get();
Name Description
database String

Required. The database to update.

statements List<String>

Required. DDL statements to be applied to the database.

Type Description


public final UnaryCallable<UpdateDatabaseDdlRequest,Operation> updateDatabaseDdlCallable()

Updates the schema of a Cloud Spanner database by creating/altering/dropping tables, columns, indexes, etc. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format <database_name>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track execution of the schema change(s). The metadata field type is UpdateDatabaseDdlMetadata. The operation has no response.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   UpdateDatabaseDdlRequest request =
           .setDatabase(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
           .addAllStatements(new ArrayList<String>())
   ApiFuture<Operation> future =
   // Do something.
Type Description


public final OperationCallable<UpdateDatabaseDdlRequest,Empty,UpdateDatabaseDdlMetadata> updateDatabaseDdlOperationCallable()

Updates the schema of a Cloud Spanner database by creating/altering/dropping tables, columns, indexes, etc. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format <database_name>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track execution of the schema change(s). The metadata field type is UpdateDatabaseDdlMetadata. The operation has no response.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   UpdateDatabaseDdlRequest request =
           .setDatabase(DatabaseName.of("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]").toString())
           .addAllStatements(new ArrayList<String>())
   OperationFuture<Empty, UpdateDatabaseDdlMetadata> future =
   // Do something.
Type Description


public final OperationCallable<UpdateDatabaseRequest,Database,UpdateDatabaseMetadata> updateDatabaseOperationCallable()

Updates a Cloud Spanner database. The returned long-running operation can be used to track the progress of updating the database. If the named database does not exist, returns NOT_FOUND.

While the operation is pending:

* The database's reconciling field is set to true. * Cancelling the operation is best-effort. If the cancellation succeeds, the operation metadata's cancel_time is set, the updates are reverted, and the operation terminates with a CANCELLED status. * New UpdateDatabase requests will return a FAILED_PRECONDITION error until the pending operation is done (returns successfully or with error). * Reading the database via the API continues to give the pre-request values.

Upon completion of the returned operation:

* The new values are in effect and readable via the API. * The database's reconciling field becomes false.

The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/operations/<operation_id> and can be used to track the database modification. The metadata field type is UpdateDatabaseMetadata. The response field type is Database, if successful.

Sample code:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
 // It will require modifications to work:
 // - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
 // - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in
 try (DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = DatabaseAdminClient.create()) {
   UpdateDatabaseRequest request =
   OperationFuture<Database, UpdateDatabaseMetadata> future =
   // Do something.
   Database response = future.get();
Type Description