Class FoldersGrpc.FoldersFutureStub (1.53.0)

public static final class FoldersGrpc.FoldersFutureStub extends AbstractFutureStub<FoldersGrpc.FoldersFutureStub>

A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service Folders.

Manages Cloud Platform folder resources. Folders can be used to organize the resources under an organization and to control the policies applied to groups of resources.


java.lang.Object > io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub > io.grpc.stub.AbstractFutureStub > FoldersGrpc.FoldersFutureStub


build(Channel channel, CallOptions callOptions)

protected FoldersGrpc.FoldersFutureStub build(Channel channel, CallOptions callOptions)
Name Description
channel io.grpc.Channel
callOptions io.grpc.CallOptions
Type Description

createFolder(CreateFolderRequest request)

public ListenableFuture<Operation> createFolder(CreateFolderRequest request)

Creates a folder in the resource hierarchy. Returns an Operation which can be used to track the progress of the folder creation workflow. Upon success, the Operation.response field will be populated with the created Folder. In order to succeed, the addition of this new folder must not violate the folder naming, height, or fanout constraints.

  • The folder's display_name must be distinct from all other folders that share its parent.
  • The addition of the folder must not cause the active folder hierarchy to exceed a height of 10. Note, the full active + deleted folder hierarchy is allowed to reach a height of 20; this provides additional headroom when moving folders that contain deleted folders.
  • The addition of the folder must not cause the total number of folders under its parent to exceed 300. If the operation fails due to a folder constraint violation, some errors may be returned by the CreateFolder request, with status code FAILED_PRECONDITION and an error description. Other folder constraint violations will be communicated in the Operation, with the specific PreconditionFailure returned in the details list in the Operation.error field. The caller must have resourcemanager.folders.create permission on the identified parent.
Name Description
request CreateFolderRequest
Type Description<Operation>

deleteFolder(DeleteFolderRequest request)

public ListenableFuture<Operation> deleteFolder(DeleteFolderRequest request)

Requests deletion of a folder. The folder is moved into the DELETE_REQUESTED state immediately, and is deleted approximately 30 days later. This method may only be called on an empty folder, where a folder is empty if it doesn't contain any folders or projects in the ACTIVE state. If called on a folder in DELETE_REQUESTED state the operation will result in a no-op success. The caller must have resourcemanager.folders.delete permission on the identified folder.

Name Description
request DeleteFolderRequest
Type Description<Operation>

getFolder(GetFolderRequest request)

public ListenableFuture<Folder> getFolder(GetFolderRequest request)

Retrieves a folder identified by the supplied resource name. Valid folder resource names have the format folders/{folder_id} (for example, folders/1234). The caller must have resourcemanager.folders.get permission on the identified folder.

Name Description
request GetFolderRequest
Type Description<Folder>

getIamPolicy(GetIamPolicyRequest request)

public ListenableFuture<Policy> getIamPolicy(GetIamPolicyRequest request)

Gets the access control policy for a folder. The returned policy may be empty if no such policy or resource exists. The resource field should be the folder's resource name, for example: "folders/1234". The caller must have resourcemanager.folders.getIamPolicy permission on the identified folder.

Name Description
Type Description<>

listFolders(ListFoldersRequest request)

public ListenableFuture<ListFoldersResponse> listFolders(ListFoldersRequest request)

Lists the folders that are direct descendants of supplied parent resource. list() provides a strongly consistent view of the folders underneath the specified parent resource. list() returns folders sorted based upon the (ascending) lexical ordering of their display_name. The caller must have resourcemanager.folders.list permission on the identified parent.

Name Description
request ListFoldersRequest
Type Description<ListFoldersResponse>

moveFolder(MoveFolderRequest request)

public ListenableFuture<Operation> moveFolder(MoveFolderRequest request)

Moves a folder under a new resource parent. Returns an Operation which can be used to track the progress of the folder move workflow. Upon success, the Operation.response field will be populated with the moved folder. Upon failure, a FolderOperationError categorizing the failure cause will be returned - if the failure occurs synchronously then the FolderOperationError will be returned in the Status.details field. If it occurs asynchronously, then the FolderOperation will be returned in the Operation.error field. In addition, the Operation.metadata field will be populated with a FolderOperation message as an aid to stateless clients. Folder moves will be rejected if they violate either the naming, height, or fanout constraints described in the CreateFolder documentation. The caller must have resourcemanager.folders.move permission on the folder's current and proposed new parent.

Name Description
request MoveFolderRequest
Type Description<Operation>

searchFolders(SearchFoldersRequest request)

public ListenableFuture<SearchFoldersResponse> searchFolders(SearchFoldersRequest request)

Search for folders that match specific filter criteria. search() provides an eventually consistent view of the folders a user has access to which meet the specified filter criteria. This will only return folders on which the caller has the permission resourcemanager.folders.get.

Name Description
request SearchFoldersRequest
Type Description<SearchFoldersResponse>

setIamPolicy(SetIamPolicyRequest request)

public ListenableFuture<Policy> setIamPolicy(SetIamPolicyRequest request)

Sets the access control policy on a folder, replacing any existing policy. The resource field should be the folder's resource name, for example: "folders/1234". The caller must have resourcemanager.folders.setIamPolicy permission on the identified folder.

Name Description
Type Description<>

testIamPermissions(TestIamPermissionsRequest request)

public ListenableFuture<TestIamPermissionsResponse> testIamPermissions(TestIamPermissionsRequest request)

Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified folder. The resource field should be the folder's resource name, for example: "folders/1234". There are no permissions required for making this API call.

Name Description
Type Description<>

undeleteFolder(UndeleteFolderRequest request)

public ListenableFuture<Operation> undeleteFolder(UndeleteFolderRequest request)

Cancels the deletion request for a folder. This method may be called on a folder in any state. If the folder is in the ACTIVE state the result will be a no-op success. In order to succeed, the folder's parent must be in the ACTIVE state. In addition, reintroducing the folder into the tree must not violate folder naming, height, and fanout constraints described in the CreateFolder documentation. The caller must have resourcemanager.folders.undelete permission on the identified folder.

Name Description
request UndeleteFolderRequest
Type Description<Operation>

updateFolder(UpdateFolderRequest request)

public ListenableFuture<Operation> updateFolder(UpdateFolderRequest request)

Updates a folder, changing its display_name. Changes to the folder display_name will be rejected if they violate either the display_name formatting rules or the naming constraints described in the CreateFolder documentation. The folder's display_name must start and end with a letter or digit, may contain letters, digits, spaces, hyphens and underscores and can be between 3 and 30 characters. This is captured by the regular expression: \p{L}\p{N}{1,28}[\p{L}\p{N}]. The caller must have resourcemanager.folders.update permission on the identified folder. If the update fails due to the unique name constraint then a PreconditionFailure explaining this violation will be returned in the Status.details field.

Name Description
request UpdateFolderRequest
Type Description<Operation>