public static class EdgeNetworkStubSettings . Builder extends StubSettings . Builder<EdgeNetworkStubSettings , EdgeNetworkStubSettings . Builder >
Builder for EdgeNetworkStubSettings.
Inherited Members
Builder(ClientContext clientContext)
protected Builder ( ClientContext clientContext )
Builder(EdgeNetworkStubSettings settings)
protected Builder ( EdgeNetworkStubSettings settings )
applyToAllUnaryMethods(ApiFunction<UnaryCallSettings.Builder<?,?>,Void> settingsUpdater)
public EdgeNetworkStubSettings . Builder applyToAllUnaryMethods ( ApiFunction<UnaryCallSettings . Builder <? , ? >, Void > settingsUpdater )
Applies the given settings updater function to all of the unary API methods in this service.
Note: This method does not support applying settings to streaming methods.
public EdgeNetworkStubSettings build ()
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<CreateInterconnectAttachmentRequest , InterconnectAttachment , OperationMetadata > createInterconnectAttachmentOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createInterconnectAttachment.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CreateInterconnectAttachmentRequest , Operation > createInterconnectAttachmentSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createInterconnectAttachment.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<CreateNetworkRequest , Network , OperationMetadata > createNetworkOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createNetwork.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CreateNetworkRequest , Operation > createNetworkSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createNetwork.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<CreateRouterRequest , Router , OperationMetadata > createRouterOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createRouter.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CreateRouterRequest , Operation > createRouterSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createRouter.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<CreateSubnetRequest , Subnet , OperationMetadata > createSubnetOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createSubnet.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CreateSubnetRequest , Operation > createSubnetSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createSubnet.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<DeleteInterconnectAttachmentRequest , Empty , OperationMetadata > deleteInterconnectAttachmentOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteInterconnectAttachment.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DeleteInterconnectAttachmentRequest , Operation > deleteInterconnectAttachmentSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteInterconnectAttachment.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<DeleteNetworkRequest , Empty , OperationMetadata > deleteNetworkOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteNetwork.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DeleteNetworkRequest , Operation > deleteNetworkSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteNetwork.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<DeleteRouterRequest , Empty , OperationMetadata > deleteRouterOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteRouter.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DeleteRouterRequest , Operation > deleteRouterSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteRouter.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<DeleteSubnetRequest , Empty , OperationMetadata > deleteSubnetOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteSubnet.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DeleteSubnetRequest , Operation > deleteSubnetSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteSubnet.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DiagnoseInterconnectRequest , DiagnoseInterconnectResponse > diagnoseInterconnectSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to diagnoseInterconnect.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DiagnoseNetworkRequest , DiagnoseNetworkResponse > diagnoseNetworkSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to diagnoseNetwork.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DiagnoseRouterRequest , DiagnoseRouterResponse > diagnoseRouterSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to diagnoseRouter.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetInterconnectAttachmentRequest , InterconnectAttachment > getInterconnectAttachmentSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getInterconnectAttachment.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetInterconnectRequest , Interconnect > getInterconnectSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getInterconnect.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetLocationRequest , Location > getLocationSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getLocation.
Returns Type Description Builder < , >
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetNetworkRequest , Network > getNetworkSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getNetwork.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetRouterRequest , Router > getRouterSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getRouter.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetSubnetRequest , Subnet > getSubnetSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getSubnet.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetZoneRequest , Zone > getZoneSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getZone.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<InitializeZoneRequest , InitializeZoneResponse > initializeZoneSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to initializeZone.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListInterconnectAttachmentsRequest , ListInterconnectAttachmentsResponse , EdgeNetworkClient . ListInterconnectAttachmentsPagedResponse > listInterconnectAttachmentsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listInterconnectAttachments.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListInterconnectsRequest , ListInterconnectsResponse , EdgeNetworkClient . ListInterconnectsPagedResponse > listInterconnectsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listInterconnects.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListLocationsRequest , ListLocationsResponse , EdgeNetworkClient . ListLocationsPagedResponse > listLocationsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listLocations.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListNetworksRequest , ListNetworksResponse , EdgeNetworkClient . ListNetworksPagedResponse > listNetworksSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listNetworks.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListRoutersRequest , ListRoutersResponse , EdgeNetworkClient . ListRoutersPagedResponse > listRoutersSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listRouters.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListSubnetsRequest , ListSubnetsResponse , EdgeNetworkClient . ListSubnetsPagedResponse > listSubnetsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listSubnets.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListZonesRequest , ListZonesResponse , EdgeNetworkClient . ListZonesPagedResponse > listZonesSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listZones.
public ImmutableList<UnaryCallSettings . Builder <? , ? >> unaryMethodSettingsBuilders ()
Returns Type Description <Builder <? ,? >>
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<UpdateRouterRequest , Router , OperationMetadata > updateRouterOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateRouter.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<UpdateRouterRequest , Operation > updateRouterSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateRouter.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<UpdateSubnetRequest , Subnet , OperationMetadata > updateSubnetOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateSubnet.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<UpdateSubnetRequest , Operation > updateSubnetSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateSubnet.