public static class JobServiceStubSettings . Builder extends StubSettings . Builder<JobServiceStubSettings , JobServiceStubSettings . Builder >
Builder for JobServiceStubSettings.
Inherited Members
Builder(ClientContext clientContext)
protected Builder ( ClientContext clientContext )
protected Builder ( JobServiceStubSettings settings )
public JobServiceStubSettings . Builder applyToAllUnaryMethods ( ApiFunction<UnaryCallSettings . Builder <? , ? >, Void > settingsUpdater )
Applies the given settings updater function to all of the unary API methods in this service.
Note: This method does not support applying settings to streaming methods.
public JobServiceStubSettings build ()
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CancelBatchPredictionJobRequest , Empty > cancelBatchPredictionJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to cancelBatchPredictionJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CancelCustomJobRequest , Empty > cancelCustomJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to cancelCustomJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CancelDataLabelingJobRequest , Empty > cancelDataLabelingJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to cancelDataLabelingJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CancelHyperparameterTuningJobRequest , Empty > cancelHyperparameterTuningJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to cancelHyperparameterTuningJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CancelNasJobRequest , Empty > cancelNasJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to cancelNasJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CreateBatchPredictionJobRequest , BatchPredictionJob > createBatchPredictionJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createBatchPredictionJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CreateCustomJobRequest , CustomJob > createCustomJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createCustomJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CreateDataLabelingJobRequest , DataLabelingJob > createDataLabelingJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createDataLabelingJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CreateHyperparameterTuningJobRequest , HyperparameterTuningJob > createHyperparameterTuningJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createHyperparameterTuningJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CreateModelDeploymentMonitoringJobRequest , ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob > createModelDeploymentMonitoringJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CreateNasJobRequest , NasJob > createNasJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createNasJob.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<DeleteBatchPredictionJobRequest , Empty , DeleteOperationMetadata > deleteBatchPredictionJobOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteBatchPredictionJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DeleteBatchPredictionJobRequest , Operation > deleteBatchPredictionJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteBatchPredictionJob.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<DeleteCustomJobRequest , Empty , DeleteOperationMetadata > deleteCustomJobOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteCustomJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DeleteCustomJobRequest , Operation > deleteCustomJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteCustomJob.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<DeleteDataLabelingJobRequest , Empty , DeleteOperationMetadata > deleteDataLabelingJobOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteDataLabelingJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DeleteDataLabelingJobRequest , Operation > deleteDataLabelingJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteDataLabelingJob.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<DeleteHyperparameterTuningJobRequest , Empty , DeleteOperationMetadata > deleteHyperparameterTuningJobOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteHyperparameterTuningJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DeleteHyperparameterTuningJobRequest , Operation > deleteHyperparameterTuningJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteHyperparameterTuningJob.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<DeleteModelDeploymentMonitoringJobRequest , Empty , DeleteOperationMetadata > deleteModelDeploymentMonitoringJobOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DeleteModelDeploymentMonitoringJobRequest , Operation > deleteModelDeploymentMonitoringJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<DeleteNasJobRequest , Empty , DeleteOperationMetadata > deleteNasJobOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteNasJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DeleteNasJobRequest , Operation > deleteNasJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteNasJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetBatchPredictionJobRequest , BatchPredictionJob > getBatchPredictionJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getBatchPredictionJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetCustomJobRequest , CustomJob > getCustomJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getCustomJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetDataLabelingJobRequest , DataLabelingJob > getDataLabelingJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getDataLabelingJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetHyperparameterTuningJobRequest , HyperparameterTuningJob > getHyperparameterTuningJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getHyperparameterTuningJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetIamPolicyRequest , Policy > getIamPolicySettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getIamPolicy.
Returns Type Description Builder < , >
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetLocationRequest , Location > getLocationSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getLocation.
Returns Type Description Builder < , >
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetModelDeploymentMonitoringJobRequest , ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob > getModelDeploymentMonitoringJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetNasJobRequest , NasJob > getNasJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getNasJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetNasTrialDetailRequest , NasTrialDetail > getNasTrialDetailSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getNasTrialDetail.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListBatchPredictionJobsRequest , ListBatchPredictionJobsResponse , JobServiceClient . ListBatchPredictionJobsPagedResponse > listBatchPredictionJobsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listBatchPredictionJobs.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListCustomJobsRequest , ListCustomJobsResponse , JobServiceClient . ListCustomJobsPagedResponse > listCustomJobsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listCustomJobs.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListDataLabelingJobsRequest , ListDataLabelingJobsResponse , JobServiceClient . ListDataLabelingJobsPagedResponse > listDataLabelingJobsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listDataLabelingJobs.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListHyperparameterTuningJobsRequest , ListHyperparameterTuningJobsResponse , JobServiceClient . ListHyperparameterTuningJobsPagedResponse > listHyperparameterTuningJobsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listHyperparameterTuningJobs.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListLocationsRequest , ListLocationsResponse , JobServiceClient . ListLocationsPagedResponse > listLocationsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listLocations.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListModelDeploymentMonitoringJobsRequest , ListModelDeploymentMonitoringJobsResponse , JobServiceClient . ListModelDeploymentMonitoringJobsPagedResponse > listModelDeploymentMonitoringJobsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listModelDeploymentMonitoringJobs.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListNasJobsRequest , ListNasJobsResponse , JobServiceClient . ListNasJobsPagedResponse > listNasJobsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listNasJobs.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListNasTrialDetailsRequest , ListNasTrialDetailsResponse , JobServiceClient . ListNasTrialDetailsPagedResponse > listNasTrialDetailsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listNasTrialDetails.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<PauseModelDeploymentMonitoringJobRequest , Empty > pauseModelDeploymentMonitoringJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to pauseModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<ResumeModelDeploymentMonitoringJobRequest , Empty > resumeModelDeploymentMonitoringJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to resumeModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<SearchModelDeploymentMonitoringStatsAnomaliesRequest , SearchModelDeploymentMonitoringStatsAnomaliesResponse , JobServiceClient . SearchModelDeploymentMonitoringStatsAnomaliesPagedResponse > searchModelDeploymentMonitoringStatsAnomaliesSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<SetIamPolicyRequest , Policy > setIamPolicySettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to setIamPolicy.
Returns Type Description Builder < , >
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<TestIamPermissionsRequest , TestIamPermissionsResponse > testIamPermissionsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to testIamPermissions.
Returns Type Description Builder < , >
public ImmutableList<UnaryCallSettings . Builder <? , ? >> unaryMethodSettingsBuilders ()
Returns Type Description <Builder <? ,? >>
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<UpdateModelDeploymentMonitoringJobRequest , ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob , UpdateModelDeploymentMonitoringJobOperationMetadata > updateModelDeploymentMonitoringJobOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<UpdateModelDeploymentMonitoringJobRequest , Operation > updateModelDeploymentMonitoringJobSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.