- Resource: ConnectorVersion
- AuthConfigTemplate
- DestinationConfigTemplate
- FieldType
- SupportedRuntimeFeatures
- EgressControlConfig
- ExtractionRules
- ExtractionRule
- Source
- SourceType
- SslConfigTemplate
- EventingConfigTemplate
- EventListenerType
- ConnectorInfraConfig
- DeploymentModel
- ConnectionType
- Methods
Resource: ConnectorVersion
ConnectorVersion indicates a specific version of a connector.
JSON representation |
{ "name": string, "createTime": string, "updateTime": string, "labels": { string: string, ... }, "launchStage": enum ( |
Fields | |
name |
Output only. Resource name of the Version. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/providers/{provider}/connectors/{connector}/versions/{version} Only global location is supported for Connector resource. |
createTime |
Output only. Created time. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: |
updateTime |
Output only. Updated time. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: |
labels |
Output only. Resource labels to represent user-provided metadata. Refer to cloud documentation on labels for more details. https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/labeling-resources An object containing a list of |
launchStage |
Output only. Flag to mark the version indicating the launch stage. |
releaseVersion |
Output only. ReleaseVersion of the connector, for example: "1.0.1-alpha". |
authConfigTemplates[] |
Output only. List of auth configs supported by the Connector Version. |
configVariableTemplates[] |
Output only. List of config variables needed to create a connection. |
destinationConfigTemplates[] |
Output only. List of destination configs needed to create a connection. |
supportedRuntimeFeatures |
Output only. Information about the runtime features supported by the Connector. |
displayName |
Output only. Display name. |
egressControlConfig |
Output only. Configuration for Egress Control. |
roleGrants[] |
Output only. Role grant configurations for this connector version. |
roleGrant |
Output only. Role grant configuration for this config variable. It will be DEPRECATED soon. |
sslConfigTemplate |
Output only. Ssl configuration supported by the Connector. |
eventingConfigTemplate |
Output only. Eventing configuration supported by the Connector. |
connectorInfraConfig |
Output only. Infra configs supported by Connector. |
unsupportedConnectionTypes[] |
Output only. Unsupported connection types. |
AuthConfigTemplate defines required field over an authentication type.
JSON representation |
{ "authType": enum ( |
Fields | |
authType |
The type of authentication configured. |
configVariableTemplates[] |
Config variables to describe an |
displayName |
Display name for authentication template. |
description |
Connector specific description for an authentication template. |
authKey |
Identifier key for auth config |
DestinationConfigTemplate defines required destinations supported by the Connector.
JSON representation |
"key": string,
"displayName": string,
"description": string,
"min": integer,
"max": integer,
"portFieldType": enum ( |
Fields | |
key |
Key of the destination. |
displayName |
Display name of the parameter. |
description |
Description. |
min |
The minimum number of destinations supported for this key. |
max |
The maximum number of destinations supported for this key. |
portFieldType |
Whether port number should be provided by customers. |
defaultPort |
The default port. |
regexPattern |
Regex pattern for host. |
isAdvanced |
Whether the current destination tempalate is part of Advanced settings |
Enums | |
Supported runtime features of a connector version.
JSON representation |
{ "entityApis": boolean, "actionApis": boolean, "sqlQuery": boolean } |
Fields | |
entityApis |
Specifies if the connector supports entity apis like 'createEntity'. |
actionApis |
Specifies if the connector supports action apis like 'executeAction'. |
sqlQuery |
Specifies if the connector supports 'ExecuteSqlQuery' operation. |
Egress control config for connector runtime. These configurations define the rules to identify which outbound domains/hosts needs to be whitelisted. It may be a static information for a particular connector version or it is derived from the configurations provided by the customer in Connection resource.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field
backends |
Static Comma separated backends which are common for all Connection resources. Supported formats for each backend are host:port or just host (host can be ip address or domain name). |
extractionRules |
Extractions Rules to extract the backends from customer provided configuration. |
Extraction Rules to identity the backends from customer provided configuration in Connection resource.
JSON representation |
"extractionRule": [
object ( |
Fields | |
extractionRule[] |
Collection of Extraction Rule. |
Extraction Rule.
JSON representation |
"source": {
object ( |
Fields | |
source |
Source on which the rule is applied. |
extractionRegex |
Regex used to extract backend details from source. If empty, whole source value will be used. |
Source to extract the backend from.
JSON representation |
"sourceType": enum ( |
Fields | |
sourceType |
Type of the source. |
fieldId |
Field identifier. For example config vaiable name. |
Supported Source types for extraction.
Enums | |
Default SOURCE. |
Config Variable source type. |
Ssl config details of a connector version
JSON representation |
{ "sslType": enum ( |
Fields | |
sslType |
Controls the ssl type for the given connector version |
isTlsMandatory |
Boolean for determining if the connector version mandates TLS. |
serverCertType[] |
List of supported Server Cert Types |
clientCertType[] |
List of supported Client Cert Types |
additionalVariables[] |
Any additional fields that need to be rendered |
Eventing Config details of a connector version.
JSON representation |
{ "registrationDestinationConfig": { object ( |
Fields | |
registrationDestinationConfig |
Registration host destination config template. |
authConfigTemplates[] |
AuthConfigTemplates represents the auth values for the webhook adapter. |
listenerAuthConfigTemplates[] |
ListenerAuthConfigTemplates represents the auth values for the event listener. |
additionalVariables[] |
Additional fields that need to be rendered. |
autoRefresh |
Auto refresh to extend webhook life. |
enrichmentSupported |
Enrichment Supported. |
autoRegistrationSupported |
Auto Registration supported. |
encryptionKeyTemplate |
Encryption key (can be either Google managed or CMEK). |
isEventingSupported |
Is Eventing Supported. |
eventListenerType |
The type of the event listener for a specific connector. |
proxyDestinationConfig |
Proxy destination config template. |
The different types of the event listener for a connector.
Enums | |
Default value. |
Webhook listener. e.g. Jira, Zendesk, Servicenow etc., |
JMS Listener. e.g. IBM MQ, Rabbit MQ etc., |
This cofiguration provides infra configs like rate limit threshold which need to be configurable for every connector version
JSON representation |
{ "ratelimitThreshold": string, "internalclientRatelimitThreshold": string, "hpaConfig": { object ( |
Fields | |
ratelimitThreshold |
Max QPS supported by the connector version before throttling of requests. |
internalclientRatelimitThreshold |
Max QPS supported for internal requests originating from Connd. |
hpaConfig |
HPA autoscaling config. |
resourceRequests |
System resource requests. |
resourceLimits |
System resource limits. |
sharedDeployment |
The name of shared connector deployment. |
connectionRatelimitWindowSeconds |
The window used for ratelimiting runtime requests to connections. |
deploymentModel |
Indicate whether connector is deployed on GKE/CloudRun |
Enum for different deployment models
Enums | |
Deployment model is not specified. |
Default model gke mst. |
Cloud run mst. |
ConnectionType defines different types of possible connection.
Enums | |
Connection type is unspecified. |
Connection with eventing. |
Only connection. |
Only eventing. |