The SAP ERP connector lets you perform insert, delete, update, and read operations on SAP ERP data.

Supported editions

The SAP ERP connector can communicate with SAP R/3 systems using the following methods:

  • Business Application Programming Interface (BAPIs)
  • Remote Function Calls (RFCs)
  • SAP Tables
  • SAP Queries
  • IDoc Messages
Connections to the following are supported:
  • SAP R/3
  • SAP S/4 Hana on-premise
  • SAP JCo version.

    This connector requires two JCo files to be provided during connection creation: sapjco3.jar and (for Unix). You can download the JCo 3.1.5 version from the SAP Connectors site.

  • If the SAP system supports a RFC connection and the required RFCs are available, then the connection to the SAP system works. Other editions that support RFC connections might also be supported.

The following SAP content is accessible from the SAP ERP connector:

SAP Tables: SAP Tables are exposed as views automatically via the TableMode connection property. Specify the SAP Tables that you want to work with using the Views connection property, which overrides TableMode. SAP discourages directly modifying the tables. Instead, it is recommended to use BAPIs to modify any tabular data. Direct modification of SAP Tables isn't supported.

BAPIs and RFCs: BAPIs and RFCs are exposed directly as stored procedures. By default, all RFCs starting with the keyword BAPI are displayed as an available stored procedure.

IDoc: Intermediate Document (IDoc) files are SAP objects that carry business transaction data from one system to another in the form of an electronic message. IDocs transfer data from SAP to non-SAP systems via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) systems.

For more information about these terms, see SAP glossary.

Before you begin

Before using the SAP ERP connector, do the following tasks:

  • In your Google Cloud project:
    • Grant the roles/connectors.admin IAM role to the user configuring the connector.
    • Grant the following IAM roles to the service account that you want to use for the connector:
      • roles/secretmanager.viewer
      • roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor
      • roles/storage.objectViewer

      A service account is a special type of Google account intended to represent a non-human user that needs to authenticate and be authorized to access data in Google APIs. If you don't have a service account, you must create a service account. For more information, see Creating a service account.

    • Enable the following services:
      • (Secret Manager API)
      • (Connectors API)

      To understand how to enable services, see Enabling services.

    If these services or permissions have not been enabled for your project previously, you are prompted to enable them when configuring the connector.

Configure the connector

Configuring the connector requires you to create a connection to your data source (backend system). A connection is specific to a data source. It means that if you have many data sources, you must create a separate connection for each data source. To create a connection, do the following steps:

  1. In the Cloud console, go to the Integration Connectors > Connections page and then select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to the Connections page

  2. Click + Create new to open the Create Connection page.
  3. In the Location section, choose the location for the connection.
    1. Region: Select a location from the drop-down list.

      For the list of all the supported regions, see Locations.

    2. Click Next.
  4. In the Connection Details section, complete the following:
    1. Connector: Select SAP ERP from the drop down list of available Connectors.
    2. Connector version: Select the Connector version from the drop down list of available versions.
    3. In the Connection Name field, enter a name for the Connection instance.

      Connection names must meet the following criteria:

      • Connection names can use letters, numbers, or hyphens.
      • Letters must be lower-case.
      • Connection names must begin with a letter and end with a letter or number.
      • Connection names cannot exceed 49 characters.
      • For connectors that support event subscription, the connection names cannot begin with the "goog" prefix.
    4. Optionally, enter a Description for the connection.
    5. Optionally, enable Cloud logging, and then select a log level. By default, the log level is set to Error.
    6. Service Account: Select a service account that has the required roles.
    7. To use the connection for event subscriptions, select Enable event subscription. Selecting this, displays the following options:
      • Enable event subscription with entity and actions: Select this option to use the connection for both event subscription and connector operations (entities and actions).
      • Enable only event subscription: Select this option to use the connection only for event subscription. If you select this option, click Next, and then configure event subscription.
    8. Client: The client authenticating to the SAP system.
    9. System Id: The System Id or R3Name of the SAP System is a string with a maximum of three characters. It is often used in load balancing connections.
    10. System Number: The number by which the target system is defined. Used when setting the Host connection property.
    11. Project ID: The ID of the Google Cloud project where the GCS bucket containing the SAP JCo jar resides.
    12. Bucket: The name of the bucket containing sapjco3.jar and files.
    13. Jaco jar object ID: Object ID of the JCo jar.
    14. libsapjco3 object ID: Object ID of the libsapjco3 jar.
    15. Table mode: Select the SAP table to be displayed as a view.
    16. SNC_LIB object ID: Object ID of the SNC library.
    17. PSE name: Name of the Personal Security Environment (PSE) file that is applicable for the bucket. A PSE file stores the public and private key pair as well as X.509 certificates in a ASN.1 structure.
    18. Group: The group name for logon. This is normally specified when your SAP system uses load balancers.
    19. Message server: Name of the message server to be used when connecting to the SAP system that uses load balancers.
    20. Read table function: Name of the function to be used for reading tables. For more information, see Use a custom read table function.
    21. Connection scheme: Select a connection scheme to be used for connecting to your SAP system.
    22. System ID: The system ID or the R3Name of the SAP system. You can enter a maximum of 3 characters.
    23. SNC passcode: Select the Secret Manager secret of the SNC library passcode.
    24. Secret version: Select the secret version.
    25. SNC mode: Select this option to enable SNC for authentication between Integration Connectors and your SAP system.
    26. SNC name: Enter a name for SNC connection.
    27. SNC qop: Select a protection level. The following are the supported levels:
      • 1 - Apply authentication only.
      • 2 - Apply integrity protection. This also includes authentication protection.
      • 3 - Apply privacy protection. This also includes integrity and authentication protection.
      • 8 - Apply the default protection.
      • 9 - Apply the maximum protection.
    28. SNC partner name: Enter the application server's SNC name.
    29. Query mode: Select which SAP tables must be displayed as views.
    30. Browsable views: Enter a comma separated list of views to be displayed. For example, ViewA,ViewB,ViewC.
    31. Verbosity level: Enter the verbosity level for logging. The supported values are from 1 to 5. A higher value means that more details will be available in the logs.
    32. Optionally, configure the Connection node settings:

      • Minimum number of nodes: Enter the minimum number of connection nodes.
      • Maximum number of nodes: Enter the maximum number of connection nodes.

      A node is a unit (or replica) of a connection that processes transactions. More nodes are required to process more transactions for a connection and conversely, fewer nodes are required to process fewer transactions. To understand how the nodes affect your connector pricing, see Pricing for connection nodes. If you don't enter any values, by default the minimum nodes are set to 2 (for better availability) and the maximum nodes are set to 50.

    33. Optionally, click + ADD LABEL to add a label to the Connection in the form of a key/value pair.
    34. Click Next.
  5. In the Destinations section, enter details of the remote host (backend system) you want to connect to.
    1. Destination Type: Select a Destination Type.
      • Select Host address from the list to specify the hostname or IP address of the destination.
      • If you want to establish a private connection to your backend systems, select Endpoint attachment from the list, and then select the required endpoint attachment from the Endpoint Attachment list.

      If you want to establish a public connection to your backend systems with additional security, you can consider configuring static outbound IP addresses for your connections, and then configure your firewall rules to allowlist only the specific static IP addresses.

      To enter additional destinations, click +Add destination.

    2. Click Next.
  6. In the Authentication section, enter the authentication details.
    1. Select an Authentication type and enter the relevant details.

      The following authentication types are supported by the SAP ERP connection:

      • Username and password
    2. To understand how to configure these authentication types, see Configure authentication.

    3. Click Next.
  7. If you have enabled the event subscription, the Event Subscription Details section appears on the connection creation page. To understand how to configure event subscription details, see Configure event subscription.
  8. Review: Review your connection and authentication details.
  9. Click Create.

Configure authentication

Enter the details based on the authentication you want to use.

  • Username and password
    • Username: Username for connector
    • Password: Secret Manager Secret containing the password associated with the connector.

Configure for event subscription

If you have enabled the event subscription, enter the following values in the Event Subscription Details section:

  1. Select any one of the following authentication types for the event listener.
  2. Enter the event type field name. This field identifies the type of event associated with the incoming event request.
    "event_type": "user.created",
    // other request fields
  3. Select Enable private connectivity for secured connectivity between your backend application and your connection. If you select this option, you must perform additional configuration steps after creating the connection. For more information, see Private connectivity for event subscription.
  4. Enter the dead-letter configuration. If you configure dead-letter, the connection writes the unprocessed events to the specified Pub/Sub topic. Enter the following details:
    1. Dead-letter project ID: The Google Cloud project ID where you have configured the dead-letter Pub/Sub topic.
    2. Dead-letter topic: The Pub/Sub topic where you want to write the details of the unprocessed event.

Connection configuration samples

The following sections lists the sample values for the various fields when you create the SAP ERP connection and the parameters required for the different connection types.

Connecting to a distributed SAP System

If you connect to a distributed SAP system, such as a system using load balancing, you must specify the following additional connection properties. An administrator can obtain these connection properties on the Connection tab of the System Entry Properties dialog in the SAP system.

  • System Id: Specify the value that you obtained from the SystemId property. The System Id is the System Id/R3Name of the SAP system. The system Id is a string with a maximum of three characters.
  • Message Server: Set this property to the value that you obtained from the MessageServer property. If a value is specified in the SAProuter box, prepend the value in the SAProuter box to the value of the MessageServer connection string property. The MessageServer property must be specified when connecting to an SAP system using load balancing.
  • Group: Set this property to the value that you obtained from the Group/Server property. The Group property specifies the logon group being used. The default value is PUBLIC.

Connecting to a Custom Application Server

If you connect to an SAP system with a dedicated application server or a custom application server, you must specify the following additional connection properties. An administrator can obtain these connection properties from the SAP system.

  • System Id: Specify the value that you obtained from the SystemId property. This is the System Id or R3Name of the SAP system. The system Id is a string with a maximum of three characters.
  • Host: Specify the value that you obtained from the Application Server.

    This specifies the host name of the target system. This value can be a regular host name, IP address, or SAP router address.

  • System Number: Specify the value that you obtained from the SystemNumber property.

    The SystemNumber property defines the target system.

Configuring Secure Network Connections

If the administrator has configured Secure Network Communication (SNC), you must set the following additional properties. From the SAP system, you can obtain the following SNC connection string properties on the Network tab of the System Entry Properties dialog.

  • SNC Mode: If the "Activate Secure Network Connections" checkbox is enabled in SAP, set the SNC Mode connection property to True. Else, set the SNC Mode connection property to False.

    The SNCMode connection property is a boolean value that determines if you are using SNC. The default value is False.

  • SNC PartnerName: The SNC PartnerName specifies the application server's SNC name. For example: p:CN=IDS, OU=IT, O=CSW, C=DE
  • SNC Name: Optional. The SNCName property specifies the name of the SNC connection. Set this property to make sure that the correct SNC name is used for the connection.
  • SNC Qop: Set this property to the selected option in the Secure Network Settings section. For example, if the Integrity option is selected, set the SNCQop property to 3.

    The SNCQop property specifies the level (or quality) of data protection. If this property is not specified, the integer -1 is set for this property. Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 8, or 9, which correspond to the protection levels.

  • SNC_Lib object ID: Set this property to the path and filename of your SNC library. Specify the full path to the security library you are using, such as C:\Secude\secude.xll.

ApplicationServer connection type

For application server connectivity, the Private Service Connect and load balancer must be configured with the SAP system IP and port 33XX in the network endpoint group (NEG) and health check. Where XX is the system or instance number of the SAP system used. The following table lists the sample configuration values for the ApplicationServer connection type. Refer to the connection creation interface in the console to know the mandatory and optional fields.

Field name Sample value
Region us-central1
Connector SAP ERP
Connector Version 1
Connector Name saperp-applicationserver-conn
Description NA
Service Account
Client 800
System Number 00
Project ID xxxx-gcp-project
Bucket sap-erp-bucket
Jco Jar object ID sapjco3.jar
libsapjco3 object ID
Table Mode TransparentApplication/TransparentCustomer/TransparentSystem/Pooled/Cluster/None
Read Table Function Z_CUSTOM_READ_TABLE
Connection Scheme ApplicationServer
System Id SA1
Query Mode NA
Browsable Views NA
Verbosity Level 5
Minimum number of nodes 2
Maximum number of nodes 50
Host Address 10.30.X.XX or Router string of an external SAP system.
Authentication User Password
Username 12345
Password xyz@12345
versions 1

GroupServer connection type

For loadbalancing/Group server connectivity, the Private Service Connect and load balancer must be configured with the SAP system IP and port 33XX in the network endpoint group (NEG) and health check. Where XX is the system or instance number of the SAP system used. The following table lists the sample configuration values for the GroupServer connection type. Refer to the connection creation interface in the console to know the mandatory and optional fields.

Field name Sample value
Region us-central1
Connector SAP ERP
Connector Version 1
Connector Name saperp-GroupServer-conn
Description NA
Service Account
Client 800
System Number 00
Project ID xxxx-gcp-project
Bucket sap-erp-bucket
Jco Jar object ID sapjco3.jar
libsapjco3 object ID
Table Mode TransparentApplication/TransparentCustomer/TransparentSystem/Pooled/Cluster/None
Message Server 10.30.X.XX
Read Table Function Z_CUSTOM_READ_TABLE
Connection Scheme GroupServer
System Id SA1
Query Mode NA
Browsable Views NA
Verbosity Level 5
Minimum number of nodes 2
Maximum number of nodes 50
Host Address 10.30.X.XX or Router String of External SAP System.
Authentication User Password
Username 12345
Password xyz@12345
versions 1

X509 certificate connection type

For Secure Network Communications (SNC) with X509 connectivity, the Private Service Connect and load balancer must be configured with the SAP system IP and port 48XX in the network endpoint group (NEG) and health check. Where XX is the system or instance number of the SAP system used. The following table lists the sample configuration values for the X509 certificate connection type. Refer to the connection creation interface in the console to know the mandatory and optional fields.

Field name Sample value
Region us-central1
Connector SAP ERP
Connector Version 1
Connector Name saperp-X509Certificate-conn
Description NA
Service Account
Client 800
System Number 00
Project ID xxxx-gcp-project
Bucket sap-erp-bucket
Jco Jar object ID sapjco3.jar
libsapjco3 object ID
Table Mode TransparentApplication/TransparentCustomer/TransparentSystem/Pooled/Cluster/None
SNC_LIB object ID
PSE Name to create cred_v2 file EHP8_GCP_SA1.pse
Read Table Function Z_CUSTOM_READ_TABLE
Connection Scheme ApplicationServer
System Id SA1
SNC passcode xyz@gcp
SNC Mode A boolean determining if you are using SNC. Set this to true to use SNC.
SNC Qop 3
SNC PartnerName p:CN=SA1, OU=I0020070395, OU=SAP Web AS, O=SAP Trust Community, C=DE
Query Mode NA
Browsable Views NA
Verbosity Level 5
Minimum number of nodes 2
Maximum number of nodes 50
Host Address 10.30.X.XX or Router String of External SAP System.
Authentication X509Certificate Based Authentication
X509Certificate The X509 certificate may be specified using a file path pointing to a file containing an X509 certificate in PEM format, a PEM blob beginning with the "-----BEGIN ..." header, or a PEM blob without the "-----BEGIN ..." header.
versions 1

System limitations

The SAP ERP connector can process 7 transactions per second, per node, and throttles any transactions beyond this limit. By default, Integration Connectors allocates 2 nodes (for better availability) for a connection.

For information on the limits applicable to Integration Connectors, see Limits.

Use the SAP ERP connection in an integration

After you create the connection, it becomes available in both Apigee Integration and Application Integration. You can use the connection in an integration through the Connectors task.

  • To understand how to create and use the Connectors task in Apigee Integration, see Connectors task.
  • To understand how to create and use the Connectors task in Application Integration, see Connectors task.

Entities, operations, and actions

All the Integration Connectors provide a layer of abstraction for the objects of the connected application. You can access an application's objects only through this abstraction. The abstraction is exposed to you as entities, operations, and actions.

  • Entity: An entity can be thought of as an object, or a collection of properties, in the connected application or service. The definition of an entity differs from a connector to a connector. For example, in a database connector, tables are the entities, in a file server connector, folders are the entities, and in a messaging system connector, queues are the entities.

    However, it is possible that a connector doesn't support or have any entities, in which case the Entities list will be empty.

  • Operation: An operation is the activity that you can perform on an entity. You can perform any of the following operations on an entity:

    Selecting an entity from the available list, generates a list of operations available for the entity. For a detailed description of the operations, see the Connectors task's entity operations. However, if a connector doesn't support any of the entity operations, such unsupported operations aren't listed in the Operations list.

  • Action: An action is a first class function that is made available to the integration through the connector interface. An action lets you make changes to an entity or entities, and vary from connector to connector. Normally, an action will have some input parameters, and an output parameter. However, it is possible that a connector doesn't support any action, in which case the Actions list will be empty.


This section provides information about the RFCs and lists the actions supported by the connector. To understand how to configure the actions, see Action examples.

Using RFCs

This section provides information about the required RFCs and using the RFCs.

Required RFCs

If any of the required RFCS are not available, then some or all functionality might not work. T-Code SE37 can be used to view available function modules in SAP.

The following RFCs are used by the SAP ERP connector.


Read large data

This section describes the approach that you need to follow to read large data from your SAP backend.

The SAP ERP connector uses the SAP RFC_READ_TABLE function to get data from SAP tables, and this function has a fixed size of 512 bytes. It can buffer for each row of data, and thus you cannot select more columns than the amount that would fit in this buffer. If you select more than 512 bytes, the DATA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED exception will occur when running your integration; indicating that you have exceeded the maximum buffer size allowed per row, and need to select fewer columns.

To overcome this issue, you can include the code for a Custom RFC_READ_TABLE, which is similar to the SAP RFC_READ_TABLE, but with a larger buffer to address the DATA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED issue.

Using a custom read-table function

The connector supports a Custom RFC_READ_TABLE that is similar to the SAP RFC_READ_TABLE but has a larger buffer so that it can address the DATA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED issue.

Create a custom RFC_READ_TABLE in your SAP backend

Follow the steps below to use the sample custom RFC_READ_TABLE.

  1. Use the RFC_READ_TABLE function as a template for the new function: Select transaction code SE37 and the SDTX Function Group and copy RFC_READ_TABLE to a new function group or your working function group. In this example, RFC_READ_TABLE is copied to the Z_CUSTOM_RFC_TABLE.
  2. In the Attributes tab of the SAP page, select Remote Enabled Module.
  3. In the Tables tab, set the DATA parameter to CHAR8000 (you may need to right-click, and then click Display -> Change).
  4. In the Source Code tab, enter the custom read-table RFC code. For reference, see sample Z_CUSTOM_RFC_TABLE_function.txt.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Define the imports, tables, and exceptions as documented in the provided custom read table.
  7. Activate the function module.

Custom read-table for ABAP 7.52

If you are using ABAP 7.52 or above, refer to the sample Z_CUSTOM_RFC_TABLE_function_ABAP752.txt. The sample function is designed for ABAP version 7.52 and above. It is similar to the Z_CUSTOM_RFC_TABLE function, but it takes advantage of newly available keywords in ABAP 7.52 to perform pagination within the database instead of in the ABAP script itself. This makes pagination far more efficient, and improves the performance when working with large tables. It is recommended to use the Z_CUSTOM_RFC_TABLE_752 RFC when possible.

Access to RFC_READ_TABLE function

This section provides information about the role to be assigned to a SAP user to access RFC_READ_TABLE function. This function is a remote-enabled function module that allows generic read access to arbitrary tables.

For the tables to be listed under Entities while configuring the SAP ERP Connectors task, you must use the RFC_READ_TABLE function in SAP ERP Connection level and authorized to access the R/3 function RFC_READ_TABLE

Add authorization S_TABU_DIS for activity 03 (display) and auth. group 'SC' for the function RFC_READ_TABLE.

The following are some of the technical limitations of RFC_READ_TABLE:

  • Only tables with simple data types can be read. There is no support forSTRING or XSTRING fields.
  • The maximum line width is 512 characters.
  • Number of returned records is limited by memory thresholds.


This action let you perform specific tasks. For example, you can use it to create or change material master data in SAP ERP.

Input parameters of the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA action

Parameter Name Data Type Required Description
HEADDATA String Yes The input parameter HEADDATA.
CLIENTDATA String Yes The input parameter CLIENTDATA.
CLIENTDATAX String Yes The input parameter CLIENTDATAX.

Output parameters of the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA action

This action returns the status 200 (OK) if the action is successful.

For example on how to configure the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA action, see Action examples.


This action let users perform specific tasks. For example, you can create multi datatype data in SAP ERP.

Input parameters of the ZFM_GCP_MULTIDATA_TAB action

Parameter Name Data Type Required Description
ReturnTables String Yes A comma separated list that specifies which tables in the function module should be output. If not specified, all returned tables will be output.
T_TABLE String Yes The table T_TABLE.
IM_INPUT_1 String Yes The input parameter IM_INPUT_1.
IM_INPUT_2 String Yes The input parameter IM_INPUT_2.

Output parameters of the ZFM_GCP_MULTIDATA_TAB action

This action returns the status 200 (OK) if the action is successful.

For example on how to configure the ZFM_GCP_MULTIDATA_TAB action, see Action examples.

PushIDoc Action

This action let you perform specific tasks. For example, you can transfer data from SAP to an external system.

Input parameters of the PushIDoc action

Parameter Name Data Type Required Description
FileType String Yes The file type.The allowed values are XML, IDoc.
Mode String Yes The transfer mode.The allowed values are Sync, ASync.
Content String Yes Content of the file.

Output parameters of the PushIDoc action

This action returns the status 200 (OK) if the action is successful.

For example on how to configure the PushIDoc action, see Action examples.

ExecuteCustomQuery action

This action lets you execute a custom query.

To create a custom query, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the detailed instructions to add a connectors task.
  2. When you configure the connector task, in the type of action you want to perform, select Actions.
  3. In the Action list, select Execute custom query, and then click Done.

    image showing execute-custom-query-action image showing execute-custom-query-action

  4. Expand the Task input section, and then do the following:
    1. In the Timeout after field, enter the number of seconds to wait till the query executes.

      Default value: 180 seconds.

    2. In the Maximum number of rows field, enter the maximum number of rows to be returned from the database.

      Default value: 25.

    3. To update the custom query, click Edit Custom Script. The Script editor dialog opens.

      image showing custom-sql-query image showing custom-sql-query

    4. In the Script editor dialog, enter the SQL query and click Save.

      You can use a question mark (?) in a SQL statement to represent a single parameter that must be specified in the query parameters list. For example, the following SQL query selects all rows from the Employees table that matches the values specified for the LastName column:

      SELECT * FROM Employees where LastName=?

    5. If you've used question marks in your SQL query, you must add the parameter by clicking + Add Parameter Name for each question mark. While executing the integration, these parameters replace the question marks (?) in the SQL query sequentially. For example, if you have added three question marks (?), then you must add three parameters in order of sequence.

      image showing add-query-param image showing add-query-param

      To add query parameters, do the following:

      1. From the Type list, select the data type of the parameter.
      2. In the Value field, enter the value of the parameter.
      3. To add multiple parameters, click + Add Query Parameter.

On successful execution, this action returns the status 200 (OK) with a response body that has the query results.

Action examples

Example - Create a record

This example creates a material record by using the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA action.

  1. In the Configure connector task dialog, click Actions.
  2. Select the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA action, and then click Done.
  3. In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click connectorInputPayload and then enter a value similar to the following in the Default Value field:
    "HEADDATA": "{\"MATERIAL\":\"000000000000009001\",\"IND_SECTOR\":\"M\",\"MATL_TYPE\":\"HALB\",\"BASIC_VIEW\":\"X\"}",
    "CLIENTDATA" : "{\"MATL_GROUP\":\"00107\",\"BASE_UOM\":\"KG\"}",
    "CLIENTDATAX" : "{\"MATL_GROUP\":\"X\",\"BASE_UOM\":\"X\"}",
    "MATERIALDESCRIPTION" : "{\"LANGU\":\"E\",\"MATL_DESC\":\"Classification Google\"}"
  4. If the action is successful, the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA task's connectorOutputPayload response parameter will have a value similar to the following:

    "RETURN_TYPE": "S",
    "RETURN_ID": "MM",
    "RETURN_NUMBER": 356,
    "RETURN_MESSAGE": "The material 9001 has been created or extended",
    "RETURN_LOG_NO": "",
    "RETURN_MESSAGE_V1": "9001",
    "RETURN_FIELD": "",
    "RETURN_SYSTEM": "T90CLNT090",
    "RESULT_TABLE": null

Example - Update a record

This example updates a material record by using the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA action.

  1. In the Configure connector task dialog, click Actions.
  2. Select the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA action, and then click Done.
  3. In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click connectorInputPayload and then enter a value similar to the following in the Default Value field:
    "HEADDATA": "{\"MATERIAL\":\"000000000000009000\",\"IND_SECTOR\":\"A\",\"MATL_TYPE\":\"FHMI\",\"BASIC_VIEW\":\"X\"}",
    "CLIENTDATA": "{\"MATL_GROUP\":\"013\",\"BASE_UOM\":\"ST\"}",
    "CLIENTDATAX": "{\"MATL_GROUP\":\"X\",\"BASE_UOM\":\"X\"}",
    "MATERIALDESCRIPTION": "{\"LANGU\":\"E\",\"MATL_DESC\":\"Classification Googlecloud\"}"
  4. If the action is successful, the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA task's connectorOutputPayload response parameter will have a value similar to the following:

    "RETURN_TYPE": "S",
    "RETURN_ID": "MM",
    "RETURN_NUMBER": 356,
    "RETURN_MESSAGE": "The material 9000 has been created or extended",
    "RETURN_LOG_NO": "",
    "RETURN_MESSAGE_V1": "9000",
    "RETURN_ROW": 0,
    "RETURN_FIELD": "",
    "RETURN_SYSTEM": "T90CLNT090",
    "RESULT_TABLE": null

Example - Delete a record

This example deletes a material record by using the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA action.

  1. In the Configure connector task dialog, click Actions.
  2. Select the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA action, and then click Done.
  3. In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click connectorInputPayload and then enter a value similar to the following in the Default Value field:
    "HEADDATA": "{\"MATERIAL\":\"000000000000009000\",\"BASIC_VIEW\":\"X\"}",
    "CLIENTDATA": "{\"DEL_FLAG\":\"X\"}",
    "CLIENTDATAX": "{\"DEL_FLAG\":\"X\"}"
  4. If the action is successful, the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA task's connectorOutputPayload response parameter will have a value similar to the following:

    "RETURN_TYPE": "S",
    "RETURN_ID": "MM",
    "RETURN_NUMBER": 356,
    "RETURN_LOG_NO": "",
    "RETURN_MESSAGE_V1": "9000",
    "RETURN_ROW": 0,
    "RETURN_FIELD": "",
    "RETURN_SYSTEM": "T90CLNT090",
    "RESULT_TABLE": null

Example - Create multidata type data

This example creates multidata type data by using the ZFM_GCP_MULTIDATA_TAB action.

  1. In the Configure connector task dialog, click Actions.
  2. Select the ZFM_GCP_MULTIDATA_TAB action, and then click Done.
  3. In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click connectorInputPayload and then enter a value similar to the following in the Default Value field:
    "T_TABLE": "{\"ZACCP\":\"111\",\"ZCHAR\":\"CHARACTER1\",\"ZCLNT\":\"100\",\"ZCUKY\":\"INR\",\"ZCURR\": 200,\"ZDATS\": \"20231213\",\"ZINT1\": 45,\"ZINT2\":54,\"ZDEC\": 0.12,\"ZFLTP\": 1234,\"ZLANG\":\"E\",\"ZNUMC\":\"110\",\"ZPREC\": 3,\"ZQUAN\": 188.0,\"ZRAW\":\"01010008010101050401\",\"ZTIMS\": \"103056\",\"ZUNIT\":\"11\",\"ZINT4P\": 45,\"ZINT4\": 54,\"ZLRAW\":\"0101000801010105040100030101010300040000\"}",
    "IM_INPUT_1": "{\"ZACCP\":\"222\",\"ZCHAR\":\"CHARACTER1\",\"ZCLNT\":\"100\",\"ZCUKY\":\"INR\",\"ZCURR\": 200,\"ZDATS\": \"20231213\",\"ZINT1\": 45,\"ZINT2\":54,\"ZDEC\": 0.12,\"ZFLTP\": 1234,\"ZLANG\":\"E\",\"ZNUMC\":\"110\",\"ZPREC\": 3,\"ZQUAN\": 188.0,\"ZRAW\":\"01010008010101050401\",\"ZTIMS\": \"103056\",\"ZUNIT\":\"11\",\"ZINT4P\": 45,\"ZINT4\": 54,\"ZLRAW\":\"0101000801010105040100030101010300040000\"}",
    "IM_INPUT_2": "{\"ZSTRING\": \"HI Google\",\"ZSSTRING\": \"HI Google How are you\"}"
  4. If the action is successful, the ZFM_GCP_MULTIDATA_TAB task's connectorOutputPayload response parameter will have a value similar to the following:

    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZACCP": 222,
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZCLNT": "100",
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZCURR": 200,
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZDATS": "2023-12-13",
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZRAW": "01010008010101050401",
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZTIMS": "10:30:56",
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZUNIT": "11",
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZINT4P": 45,
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZINT4": 54,
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZLRAW": "0101000801010105040100030101010300040000\u0000",
    "EX_OUTPUT_2_ZSTRING": null,
    "EX_OUTPUT_2_ZSSTRING": null,
    "RESULT_TABLE": null,
    "T_TABLE_ZACCP": null,
    "T_TABLE_ZCHAR": null,
    "T_TABLE_ZCLNT": null,
    "T_TABLE_ZQUAN": null,
    "T_TABLE_ZRAW": null,
    "T_TABLE_ZTIMS": null,
    "T_TABLE_ZUNIT": null
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZACCP": null,
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZCHAR": null,
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZCLNT": null,
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZCUKY": null,
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZRAW": null,
    "T_TABLE_ZLANG": null,
    "T_TABLE_ZNUMC": null,
    "T_TABLE_ZPREC": null,
    "T_TABLE_ZQUAN": null,
    "T_TABLE_ZRAW": null,
    "T_TABLE_ZTIMS": null,
    "T_TABLE_ZUNIT": null
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZACCP": null,
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZCHAR": null,
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZCLNT": null,
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZCUKY": null,
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZCURR": null,
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZDATS": null,
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZDEC": null,
    "EX_OUTPUT_1_ZQUAN": null,
    "T_TABLE_ZNUMC": 110,
    "T_TABLE_ZPREC": 3,
    "T_TABLE_ZQUAN": 188,
    "T_TABLE_ZRAW": "01010008010101050401",
    "T_TABLE_ZTIMS": "10:30:56",
    "T_TABLE_ZUNIT": "11"

Example - Push an IDoc

This example pushes an IDoc to the SAP ERP.

  1. In the Configure connector task dialog, click Actions.
  2. Select the PushIDoc action, and then click Done.
  3. In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click connectorInputPayload and then enter a value similar to the following in the Default Value field:
    "Content": "\n\n\n EDI_DC40\n 800\n 0000000008604824\n 740\n 53\n 2\n \n MATMAS05\n MATMAS\n ZLS_QA23\n LS\n ZLS_QA23\n SAPSA1\n LS\n SA1CLNT800\n 20230218\n 232556\n\n\n 005\n 000000000000000012\n 20170328\n 42039\n 20170727\n 42039\n KLVC\n FERT\n M\n 02\n BG\n 000\n 002\n 0.000\n 0.000\n KGM\n 0.000\n 0001\n 0.000\n 0.000\n 0.000\n 0.000\n 0.000\n",
    "FileType": "XML",
    "Mode": "ASync"
  4. . If the action is successful, the PushIDoc task's connectorOutputPayload response parameter will have a value similar to the following:

    "Result": "Success",
    "Message": "Push IDoc success"

Entity operation examples

This section shows how to perform some of the entity operations in this connector.

Example - List all the records

This example lists all the records in the T001 entity.

  1. In the Configure connector task dialog, click Entities.
  2. Select T001 from the Entity list.
  3. Select the List operation, and then click Done.
  4. Optionally, in Task Input section of the Connectors task, you can filter your result set by specifying a filter clause. Specify the filter clause value always within the single quotes (').

Example - Get a record from an entity

This example gets a record with the specified ID from the T001 entity.

  1. In the Configure connector task dialog, click Entities.
  2. Select T001 from the Entity list.
  3. Select the Get operation, and then click Done.
  4. In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click EntityId and then enter 0001 in the Default Value field.

    Here, 0001 is a unique record ID in the T001 entity.

Use terraform to create connections

You can use the Terraform resource to create a new connection.

To learn how to apply or remove a Terraform configuration, see Basic Terraform commands.

To view a sample terraform template for connection creation, see sample template.

When creating this connection by using Terraform, you must set the following variables in your Terraform configuration file:

Parameter name Data type Required Description
client STRING True The client authenticating to the SAP system.
group STRING False The Logon Group being used. This typically only needs to be specified when connecting to an SAP system that uses load balancing.
message_server STRING False The message server must be specified when connecting to an SAP system that uses load balancing.
read_table_function STRING False The function to use for reading table data.
connection_scheme ENUM False Specifies whether you are connecting to a SAP system with a message server (GroupServer) or without one (ApplicationServer). Supported values are: ApplicationServer, GroupServer
system_id STRING False The System Id or R3Name of the SAP System is a string with a maximum of three characters. It is often used in load balancing connections.
system_number STRING True The number by which the target system is defined. Used when setting the Host connection property.
project_id STRING True The ID of the Google Cloud project where the Cloud Storage bucket containing the SAP JCo jar resides.
bucket STRING True The name of the bucket containing sapjco3.jar and files
sapjco3_jar STRING True The object id for sapjco3.jar
libsapjco3_so STRING True The object id for
snc_lib STRING False The object id for SNC library
snc_mode BOOLEAN False A boolean determining if you are using SNC. Set this to true to use SNC.
snc_name STRING False An optional input with the name of your SNC connection.
snc_qop ENUM False The quality of protection for your SNC connection.Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 8, or 9, which correspond to the following protection levels: 1 Apply authentication only. 2 Apply integrity protection (authentication). 3 Apply privacy protection (integrity and authentication). 8 Apply the default protection. 9 Apply the maximum protection. Supported values are: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9
snc_partner_name STRING False The application server's SNC name. This is a required input when using SNC.
query_mode ENUM False Determines which SAP tables will be displayed as views if any. Supported values are: Global, Local, All, None
table_mode ENUM False Determines which SAP tables will be displayed as views if any. Supported values are: TransparentApplication, TransparentCustomer, TransparentSystem, Pooled, Cluster, All, None
verbosity STRING False Verbosity level for connection, varies from 1-5. Higher verbosity level will log all the communication details (request,response & ssl certificates).

Troubleshooting SAP on-premise configuration

If your SAP system is on-premise, you must create a proxy load balancer with hybrid NEG.

  1. Create an IpSec Tunnel between the on-premise system and Google Cloud with allowed subnets.
  2. Allow load balancing subnet and proxy subnet in on-premise firewalls.
  3. Add all required ports, such as 33XX for application server connection, 36XX for message server/LB server connection and 48XX SNC-X509 connection. Where XX is system or instance number of the SAP system. Add the required IP for the firewall in the Google Cloud project ingress allowed list, such as LB IP and port, SAP system IP and port.
  4. Configure Regional internal proxy Network Load Balancer using Hybrid NEG. For more information, see Regional internal proxy Network LB with Hybrid NEG connectivity.

If you encounter an error similar to the following after you set up the network connectivity,then use the below workaround to allowlist the endpoint attachment IP.

Initialization of destination SAP--1910584855 failed: Connect from SAP gateway to RFC server failed
connection parameters: TYPE=A DESTINATION=SAP--1910584855 ASHOST= SYSNR=00 PCS=1 
LOCATION    SAP-Gateway on host / sapgw00
ERROR       timeout during allocate
TIME        Wed Apr  3 17:24:40 2024
RELEASE     754
RC          242
MODULE      D:/depot/bas/754_REL/src/krn/si/gw/gwr3cpic.c
LINE        2208
DETAIL      no connect of TP sapdp00 from host after 20 sec

Workaround: Add the connector network endpoint attachment IP that you created in Google Cloud in gw/alternative_hostnames in the SAP profile level.

SAP glossary

SAP: The term SAP is an umbrella term for all supported SAP editions. This in general indicates SAP ECC version 6+. For SAP ERP connector to work, it requires a connection to an edition of SAP that supports the RFC SDK.

Function Module: A function module is a type of program or function in SAP that can be used to execute almost any operation. These modules can be tested and written in SAP via the SE37 TCode.

RFC: A Remote Function Call (RFC) is a call to a given RFM/FM that can be executed by external applications. This includes using libraries distributed by SAP that are installed on the SAP server, and may also be downloaded from Specific RFMs may or may not be maintained across SAP upgrades. There are standard RFMs supplied by SAP, and thus may have differences or may not exist in older editions. Custom RFMs can (and frequently are) built to support integrations, and must be maintained by the SAP customer. By convention, custom RFMs begin with the letter Z.

BAPI: A Business API (BAPI) is an API method of a business object which intern is a RFC enabled Function Module by SAP to give access to business locic operations. For example, there are about 60 BAPIs related solely to the Customer object. In practice, only a few are typically used.

SAP Table: An SAP table is a table that stores data in SAP. These are not the same as business objects. For instance, there is no Purchase Order table in SAP. Instead, there are many tables that include purchase order data in them, such as EBAN, EBKN, EINA, EKPO, etc. Custom tables by convention begin with the letter Z.

SAP Queries: An SAP Query is a saved object in SAP that details information to retrieve from one or more tables. These are typically used for reporting purposes.

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You can post your questions and discuss this connector in the Google Cloud community at Cloud Forums.

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